Reagan Stuart
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:33 am
Reagan Stuart
Nationality: American
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Age: 22
Height: 5'4
Weight: 118 lbs.
Alignment: Heel leaning tweener
Orientation: Lesbian
Social Media:
Personality: A quite yet aggressive person, very protective of her sister and anyone else she is close to.
Favored Matches: Anything
Attitude towards hentai: "Not really my thing but... if I feel like it, I'm going to fuck that bitch so hard she'll forget her own name!"
Likes: Face paint, Her Sister, Hanging out with her sister
Dislikes: Being in crowds, being disappointed, her sister's opponents
Born just a few minutes before her sister Reagan grew up in a good home with an unbreakable bond with her sister, though Reagan's more aggressive and mean attitude often caused people to dislike her and her sister to have to keep her out of trouble or get her into social groups or really do anything, Reagan wasn't a fan of cheerleading but did it because it made her sister happy. After high school it was Reagan's turn the pitch an idea to her sister, wrestling. The two had always watched it and Reagan loved it. With her sisters agreement and support the two began to learn and train under the same teacher before wrestling on the US indies for a bit before moving to Japan.
The pairs time in Japan was there most successful up to that point though Reagan's personality sometimes got her and Trish in trouble like costing her sister and herself matches. When it became obvious a larger premotion would eventually sign them LAW ended up being the one to do so, and with that the two sisters made it to the big leagues.
The pairs time in Japan was there most successful up to that point though Reagan's personality sometimes got her and Trish in trouble like costing her sister and herself matches. When it became obvious a larger premotion would eventually sign them LAW ended up being the one to do so, and with that the two sisters made it to the big leagues.
The Demon's Kick
Godless Knee!
Friends and Foes: