Sophie Król
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:53 pm
Name: Sophie Król
Nicknames : Spook Queen, HallowQueen, Da Banshee
Age: 25
Eyes: Pink, Dark Lilac (Heterochromia)
Hair Color: Dark Lilac
Height: 5'2
Weight: 118 lbs
Alignment: Face
Nationality: Polish
Entrance music: Within Temptation - Ritual
Wrestling Information
Fighting style: Wildcard/Trickster
Sophie's fighting style in one word is... chaotic. While she can do almost any kind of move or stunt in a match, like an all-rounder, you'd be absolutely wrong to think she's one. You see, all-rounders usually have a methodollogy, something they stick around and you can expect more or less in their matches even if those moves don't pertain to a single style... with Sophie it's more complicated, not two matches of hers will play out the same, heck depending on her match her style will take a 180 change, she might just see a cool looking powermove and practice it to hell back and forth to perform it in a single match and then get tired with it. All this to say she's extremely unpredictable and not only that, it doesn't only apply to your old regular, pro-wrestling moves, she'll perform or change ALMOST anything to make it into a move, even if it wasn't meant to be one in the first place. You've never ever seen someone taking the break outta break dancing like Sophie can.
Her unorthodox style almost always confuses and bamblooze her opponents since it's nothing even deliberate on Sophie's part, as she's gets really creative. They can't predict your strategy if EVEN you don't know your strategy! To summarize In one word, a trickster. You seriously wouldn't ask why someone who flamboyantly calls herself the HallowQueen would be one, right?
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hardcore, Cage, Casket, Spooky themed...
Signature Moves and Finishers
Everything and anything, almost never twice or with different twists within it. Except Death Rolling Cradles, because they're cool and have Death in the name. That's always a plus for Sophie
The easiest way to describe Sophie would be as "free-spirited", way too free-spirited in fact as she has always not thought twice to do whatever she felt like doing at the moment. How about having a croissant, no not the one from down the street. To Paris! Let's partake on the most truest croissant experience while buying every type of baguette there is! Well... besides that, Sophie has always been greatly charismatic and extroverted so people through all her life were drawn out to her bright, charming and somewhat eccentric personality. Her most notable virtue has always been how she has always cared for those really, really close to her. Sophie never had a family but she build one with her most closest friends thorough the years, and she wouldn't change any of them for anything in the world. Be it to have fun or throw down their worries and look up at the future. Oh, and she absolutely loves anything spooky related since very early on, as the kids at the orphanage got easily flustered by Sophie's different colored eyes.
Physical Stats
Strength: 3.5/5
Endurance: 3.5/5
Technique: 3.5/5
Speed: 3.5/5
Defense: 3.5/5
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: 3.5/5
Submissions: 3.5/5
Power: 3.5/5
Aerial: 3.5/5
Counters: 3.5/5
LAW Information
Lead singer of "Hyper Mega Dead Girls"
Enemies: Iria Luna
Nicknames : Spook Queen, HallowQueen, Da Banshee
Age: 25
Eyes: Pink, Dark Lilac (Heterochromia)
Hair Color: Dark Lilac
Height: 5'2
Weight: 118 lbs
Alignment: Face
Nationality: Polish
Entrance music: Within Temptation - Ritual
Wrestling Information
Fighting style: Wildcard/Trickster
Sophie's fighting style in one word is... chaotic. While she can do almost any kind of move or stunt in a match, like an all-rounder, you'd be absolutely wrong to think she's one. You see, all-rounders usually have a methodollogy, something they stick around and you can expect more or less in their matches even if those moves don't pertain to a single style... with Sophie it's more complicated, not two matches of hers will play out the same, heck depending on her match her style will take a 180 change, she might just see a cool looking powermove and practice it to hell back and forth to perform it in a single match and then get tired with it. All this to say she's extremely unpredictable and not only that, it doesn't only apply to your old regular, pro-wrestling moves, she'll perform or change ALMOST anything to make it into a move, even if it wasn't meant to be one in the first place. You've never ever seen someone taking the break outta break dancing like Sophie can.
Her unorthodox style almost always confuses and bamblooze her opponents since it's nothing even deliberate on Sophie's part, as she's gets really creative. They can't predict your strategy if EVEN you don't know your strategy! To summarize In one word, a trickster. You seriously wouldn't ask why someone who flamboyantly calls herself the HallowQueen would be one, right?
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hardcore, Cage, Casket, Spooky themed...
Signature Moves and Finishers
Everything and anything, almost never twice or with different twists within it. Except Death Rolling Cradles, because they're cool and have Death in the name. That's always a plus for Sophie
The easiest way to describe Sophie would be as "free-spirited", way too free-spirited in fact as she has always not thought twice to do whatever she felt like doing at the moment. How about having a croissant, no not the one from down the street. To Paris! Let's partake on the most truest croissant experience while buying every type of baguette there is! Well... besides that, Sophie has always been greatly charismatic and extroverted so people through all her life were drawn out to her bright, charming and somewhat eccentric personality. Her most notable virtue has always been how she has always cared for those really, really close to her. Sophie never had a family but she build one with her most closest friends thorough the years, and she wouldn't change any of them for anything in the world. Be it to have fun or throw down their worries and look up at the future. Oh, and she absolutely loves anything spooky related since very early on, as the kids at the orphanage got easily flustered by Sophie's different colored eyes.
Sophie was rised in an orphanage in a rural town of Polonia, being extrovert, friendly and extremely creative was enough to befriend almost all of the other kids. Her caretakers were certain that the little girl would find a family soon enough, except she didn't... as all potential parents Sophie could have were creeped out by the little girl's borderline obsession with horror, which had completely captivated her since a really young age... besides, Sophie didn't want to get adopted! She had tons of friends here and could do almost anything she wanted by sneaking around! And if that didn't work, there were ALWAYS other ways, though it truly upsetted everyone working at the orphanage, except the janitor, the janitor and her were cool. BESIDES Sophie had the time of her life spooking people out of nowhere! She had a lot of props prepared, dissected spiders she had collected over the years, fake blood with syrup... ah, she truly felt alive.
You dear reader, probably have realized it but Sophie was always a strange kid, though she never considered herself as such! All people getting grossed out and not appreciating spooky things were the weird ones! As if it were, the rest of the kids of the orphanage shunned out another girl older than them, considering that she was even more creepy and scary than Sophie. And Sophie learned of it... and got EXTREMELY curious! Yet when she snuck out to meet the locked up girl, she got reaaaally dissapointed, sure the girl was a lot taller than the rest of the kids, and she looked slightly intimidating, but that was nothing! This girl got really surprised that Sophie approached her fearlessly, even when she told her the reason the other kids had shunned her out, yet Sophie only replied. "Huh? That was all, that's not scary at all! LET ME SHOW YOU SOMETHING SCARY!" She chirped out excitedly as the taller girl, Isra, let out a chuckle, following Sophie around to find out... that little girl was the one TRULY scary. That aside, they soon became unseparable besties and after a few more years, Sophie grew tired of the orphanage and made plans for her and Isra to escape, sneaking in a train as they didn't even know where they were heading!
To pay for expenses, Sophie began singing on the streets while Isra played the guitar as she had learnt in the orphanage. Much for the surprise of everyone, Sophie really had a knack for singing and a pretty loving voice in contrast of her usual gremlin tone! So much so that soon, a musical producer approached Sophie to invite her to join their agency. Which she quickly turned down as they were just interested in Sophie's voice and not in hiring Isra. Although that made Isra happy to not be abandoned, she also felt bad with herself thinking that Sophie might had thrown away the chance of a lifetime just to continue doing what they were doing, with having barely anything at their name, continuously moving without a place to truly call a home while doing all sort of part times jobs thanks to Sophie's overflowing charisma... hardly a good financial prospect to say the least. When Isra mentioned this concerns to Sophie, she stayed silent for a moment before grinning wildly. "In that case... let's go to Amsterdam!... Why? Just because, duh! Come ooon! We've come this far together what's another little adventure now?"
In truth, Sophie had heard than there were various musical festivities in Amsterdam, so in turn there would be more turism flocking in, which also meant that the clubs and cafes would be more brimming with people, so perhaps she and Isra could perform in one of them to earn their paychecks... or at worst work there as waitressess as they both had become just old enough to do so! When they got there, they found one club/cafe called the Black Cat's, the place was practically empty in comparison to the other local's of the big city, but that didn't stop Sophie from convincing the owner to let them perform in her cafe to attract more customers! Which the owner promptly refused since her cafe was in the red for some months now! But that neither stopped Sophie from insisting!... the only payment needed? To allow them to use the room the cafe had upstairs without cost! The owner did only use that room as a storage room so she ended up accepting since she didn't had nothing to lose and the cafe was doing very poorly so she was planning to close soon anyway... Yet much to her surprise, Sophie and Isra performing in the little stage of the rundown local was a huge success, people brimmed in and soon enough the Black Cat's was in due for some overdue renovations. Though the owner rejected Sophie's idea to change the cafe's name to Forever Nevermore. As time passed, Sophie and Isra found more people to add to their group of misfits. Friends who began to perform alongside them and formed up a band: "Hyper Mega Dead Girls" A symphonic metal group that became really famous in the Netherlands and even got some albums released by themselves, although big stages were never their suite, as they always prefered getting back to the Black Cat's for any of their big performances.
Although the popularity of the Black Cat's was on it's biggest height, it didn't change the fact that it was located in the most troublesome street of Amsterdam and problem or drunkards were never in lack of demand as they invaded the stage late at night... but worry not because all of the members of Hyper Mega Dead Girls were more than capable enough to handle them, physically most of the times! So sometimes a brawl or two happened at the local, which was also one of the reasons it got famous besides the stellar performances of HMDG. So once, one fan brought to Sophie's attention... why they didn't wrestle? They could promote HMDG's songs with their entrance themes, and earn some money by doing what they were doing each week basically! While those were SOLID arguments for everyone else besides Sophie in the band, she had QUITE different things in mind. So, pro-wrestling; For one, it could mean being able to dress up in all manner of spooky outfits, so EVERY match could be Halloween! BESIDES, Sophie could spook up whoever she was against! AND SHE WOULD BE PAID FOR IT! She was completely sold, and without further ado, she joined the closed pro-wrestling league: Valkyrie while the rest of HMDG soon followed her eager leader as they began their wrestling journey, while of course still performing at the Black Cat's whenever they had the chance!
After a few years, Valkyrie and LAW began to make more collaborations thanks to Iria being quite fascinated with the Japanese league... so as a talent of Valkyrie
Sophie and the rest of HMDG were invited to join the japanese league... which also meant: A JAPAN TOUR OF HYPER MEGA DEAD GIRLS! How could they let that chance pass out?!
You dear reader, probably have realized it but Sophie was always a strange kid, though she never considered herself as such! All people getting grossed out and not appreciating spooky things were the weird ones! As if it were, the rest of the kids of the orphanage shunned out another girl older than them, considering that she was even more creepy and scary than Sophie. And Sophie learned of it... and got EXTREMELY curious! Yet when she snuck out to meet the locked up girl, she got reaaaally dissapointed, sure the girl was a lot taller than the rest of the kids, and she looked slightly intimidating, but that was nothing! This girl got really surprised that Sophie approached her fearlessly, even when she told her the reason the other kids had shunned her out, yet Sophie only replied. "Huh? That was all, that's not scary at all! LET ME SHOW YOU SOMETHING SCARY!" She chirped out excitedly as the taller girl, Isra, let out a chuckle, following Sophie around to find out... that little girl was the one TRULY scary. That aside, they soon became unseparable besties and after a few more years, Sophie grew tired of the orphanage and made plans for her and Isra to escape, sneaking in a train as they didn't even know where they were heading!
To pay for expenses, Sophie began singing on the streets while Isra played the guitar as she had learnt in the orphanage. Much for the surprise of everyone, Sophie really had a knack for singing and a pretty loving voice in contrast of her usual gremlin tone! So much so that soon, a musical producer approached Sophie to invite her to join their agency. Which she quickly turned down as they were just interested in Sophie's voice and not in hiring Isra. Although that made Isra happy to not be abandoned, she also felt bad with herself thinking that Sophie might had thrown away the chance of a lifetime just to continue doing what they were doing, with having barely anything at their name, continuously moving without a place to truly call a home while doing all sort of part times jobs thanks to Sophie's overflowing charisma... hardly a good financial prospect to say the least. When Isra mentioned this concerns to Sophie, she stayed silent for a moment before grinning wildly. "In that case... let's go to Amsterdam!... Why? Just because, duh! Come ooon! We've come this far together what's another little adventure now?"
In truth, Sophie had heard than there were various musical festivities in Amsterdam, so in turn there would be more turism flocking in, which also meant that the clubs and cafes would be more brimming with people, so perhaps she and Isra could perform in one of them to earn their paychecks... or at worst work there as waitressess as they both had become just old enough to do so! When they got there, they found one club/cafe called the Black Cat's, the place was practically empty in comparison to the other local's of the big city, but that didn't stop Sophie from convincing the owner to let them perform in her cafe to attract more customers! Which the owner promptly refused since her cafe was in the red for some months now! But that neither stopped Sophie from insisting!... the only payment needed? To allow them to use the room the cafe had upstairs without cost! The owner did only use that room as a storage room so she ended up accepting since she didn't had nothing to lose and the cafe was doing very poorly so she was planning to close soon anyway... Yet much to her surprise, Sophie and Isra performing in the little stage of the rundown local was a huge success, people brimmed in and soon enough the Black Cat's was in due for some overdue renovations. Though the owner rejected Sophie's idea to change the cafe's name to Forever Nevermore. As time passed, Sophie and Isra found more people to add to their group of misfits. Friends who began to perform alongside them and formed up a band: "Hyper Mega Dead Girls" A symphonic metal group that became really famous in the Netherlands and even got some albums released by themselves, although big stages were never their suite, as they always prefered getting back to the Black Cat's for any of their big performances.
Although the popularity of the Black Cat's was on it's biggest height, it didn't change the fact that it was located in the most troublesome street of Amsterdam and problem or drunkards were never in lack of demand as they invaded the stage late at night... but worry not because all of the members of Hyper Mega Dead Girls were more than capable enough to handle them, physically most of the times! So sometimes a brawl or two happened at the local, which was also one of the reasons it got famous besides the stellar performances of HMDG. So once, one fan brought to Sophie's attention... why they didn't wrestle? They could promote HMDG's songs with their entrance themes, and earn some money by doing what they were doing each week basically! While those were SOLID arguments for everyone else besides Sophie in the band, she had QUITE different things in mind. So, pro-wrestling; For one, it could mean being able to dress up in all manner of spooky outfits, so EVERY match could be Halloween! BESIDES, Sophie could spook up whoever she was against! AND SHE WOULD BE PAID FOR IT! She was completely sold, and without further ado, she joined the closed pro-wrestling league: Valkyrie while the rest of HMDG soon followed her eager leader as they began their wrestling journey, while of course still performing at the Black Cat's whenever they had the chance!
After a few years, Valkyrie and LAW began to make more collaborations thanks to Iria being quite fascinated with the Japanese league... so as a talent of Valkyrie
Sophie and the rest of HMDG were invited to join the japanese league... which also meant: A JAPAN TOUR OF HYPER MEGA DEAD GIRLS! How could they let that chance pass out?!
Strength: 3.5/5
Endurance: 3.5/5
Technique: 3.5/5
Speed: 3.5/5
Defense: 3.5/5
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: 3.5/5
Submissions: 3.5/5
Power: 3.5/5
Aerial: 3.5/5
Counters: 3.5/5
Main Outfit

Outfit w/o crown

LAW Information
Lead singer of "Hyper Mega Dead Girls"
Enemies: Iria Luna