Hitomi Rose

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Hitomi Rose

Unread post by StriketheTiger »

Appearance and Cosplays:
Cosplay 1. Sakura Hagiwara From Wanna be the strongest in the world. This is hitomi's favorite wrestling cosplay and her default look.

Cosplay 2. Son Goku From Dragon Ball Z.

Cosplay 3. Jade From Mortal Kombat 9.

Cosplay 4. Cammy White From Street Fighter.

Cosplay 5. Rainbow Mika From Street Fighter Alpha 3. One of her other favorite cosplays because it is of one of her favorite wrestling idols she did her standard blue outfit as well as a pink variation.
Blue. Image

Cosplay 6. Videl Satan From Dragon Ball Z.

Cosplay 7: Black Canary From DC Comics.

Cosplay 8: Diane from the seven deadly sins.

Cosplay 9: The Tornado of Terror Tatsumaki from One Punch Man.

Hitomi all dolled up for a date Manga style.

Hentai Cosplay 1. Chel From Road to El Dorado.
Name: Hitomi Rose
Age: 21
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5 ft 2
Weight: 118 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual but more into girls than guys.
Boob size: C+ cup. Not quite a D cup but close.
Entrance music: Period by chemistry
Alignment: face
Nationality: Japanese
Current Wrestling type: Jobber

Thoughts on Hentai matches: "I'm fine with them for the most part. At least they give me a chance to show off some of my cute cosplays"

Preferred Match type: "I'll take on anyone in any kind of match, bring em on."

Likes: Girls with big butts and or big boobs, Big strong nice guys, Shrimp spaghetti, Shell fish, fighting, stuffing her face with food, sweets, ice cream, bacon, flirting, being flirty with cute girls

Dislikes: jerks, strong smelling foods and condiments, being violated, being dominated, Dominating her opponents, being small, being punched/hit in the jaw, being single

Wrestlers most want to wrestle with: "Hmm...well there's ducky for one. I've seen her on YouTube fighting before but I wanna see what she's made of myself. Kaylie KO is another, Chloe Valentine is a must, Rose gold would be fun. honestly there's just too many to choose from. I wanna fight em all hehe."

Fighting Style: striker/grappler. She's a former boxer both in the amateur league and in the underground boxing League as a result she is able to punch way above her weight class and take hits from people way stronger than her. So she relies on her size quite a bit trying to outmaneuver her opponents with speed and defeat them with either quick attacks or grapples meant to take on significantly stronger opponents.

Signature moves:
Fist of Rose Thorns(She uppercut her opponent in the jaw shaking their brain and either knocking them out or dazing them making them easy to pin or leaving them vulnerable to another attack)

Smell the Roses(A stink face/Breast smother. She will cover her opponent's nose and mouth with either her butt if they are sitting in one of the corners dazed or cover them in her large Breasts. either way they can't breath and may pass out from either asphyxiation or how soft and irresistible her assets are.)

Bed of Roses(A torture rack followed by a back breaker. Hitomi will lift her opponent on her shoulders horizontally holding their neck in one hand and the thigh of one of their legs in the other pulling down as hard as she can putting excruciating pressure and pain on their spine and abdomen muscles. After a bit of time she will then toss her opponents upward before catching them and shoving them downward as she kneels down having a knee out slamming they're back on her knee. Sometimes for added effect she might elbow her opponents in the gut after the back breaker.)

Flying Peach: She throws herself ass first into her opponent's face or stomach. This is a signature move of one of her personal favorite wrestling Idols Rainbow Mika as well as several other wrestlers.

Flying Peach MKll: A new variation that Hitomi herself created she slams her ass into her opponent's face then grasps onto their head with her butt muscles and shifts her whole body weight into her plump rump and using that forces the momentum downward slamming her opponent's head into the ground hard enough to hopefully knock them out.

Peach Catapult: Another variation on the flying Peach technique that Hitomi created. She runs into the ropes and pushes them back as far as she can then uses them as a slingshot to launch herself with even greater force and momentum at her opponent ass first.

Finishing move/s: pile driver, sleeper hold, code of silence

Personality: She's nice and bubbly but can get very heated in a match. Has a hard time holding back against weaker opponents. She has a extremely competitive spirit and no matter what she will not submit. In her mind giving up is far worse than losing.

History: Hitomi is a girl born and raised in Tokyo Japan. Growing up she was always into fighting and other physical activities so when she got the opportunity she joined LAW in order to face off against all kinds of strong opponents. She's willing to go up against anyone who challenges her. Like goku she trains all the time just to get stronger because the thrill of getting stronger is super exciting to her. In her personal life she is also a bit of a otaku being obsessed with anime games and manga. As a result of this Fascination often when she goes into the ring she will wear custom wrestling gear themed after whatever she is obsessed with that week. She has outfits resembling Cammy white from Street Fighter Goku from Dragon Ball Sakura hagiwara from wannabe the strongest in the world and jade from mortal Komat 9.

Before turning to wrestling she used to be a boxer on the amateur circuit and then for a while in underground boxing leagues. She got her fair share of wins though it became pretty common knowledge amongst the boxers and the audience watching her that though this little lady is tough as nails she has a pretty weak jaw. No matter how the odds are stacked against her though it told me he will step into any ring and fight as hard as she can not even knowing the meaning of surrender.

Strength: 4/5
Speed: 5/5
Stamina: 3/5
Durability: 4/5
Skill: 3/5
Grapple potency: 4/5
Strike potency: 5/5

Wrestling record: 2 Wins 11 Loss

Former Boxing record: 28 Wins 17 Losses 2 Draws.
Former Underground boxing record: 20 Wins 25 Losses 3 Draws.
Last edited by StriketheTiger on Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:23 am, edited 27 times in total.
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Additional notes.

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Hitomi has a bit of a weakness for cute girls and as a result if she should be smothered by either a big soft booty or a pair of big soft bosoms she may be too excited too fight back. It's not always a guarantee but it's at least a possibility.
Last edited by StriketheTiger on Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Hitomi Rose Boxing info

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Boxing Nicknames: The Purple Haired Pummeler, The Stubborn Shortcake, The Puny Purple Punching bag.

Style: Southpaw, Peek-a-boo, Counter puncher
Favorite punch: The left hook.
Signature Combo: The 52 Punch knockout(Hitomi gets her opponent trapped against a corner or against the rope and unleashes a devastating flurry of punches aimed straight at her opponents face and or jaw Landing 51 uninterrupted punches getting her opponents brain nice and shooken up. Assuming they are not out by the end of this onslaught of punches Hitomi will then land either a hook or an uppercut on their jaw to knock them unconscious)

The KO-MAGEDDON: a devastating combo where Hitomi slams them in their jaw repeatedly with multiple hooks putting her whole body's way behind each punch moving faster and faster with each punch after she has landed anywhere from 5 to 20 of these hooks she will then dig deep and with every ounce of strength she has left hit them Square in the jaw with a uppercut strong enough to send them flying out of the ring. This combo has been used to knock out people three times Hitomi's size.

Strengths as a boxer: Hitomi is light on her feet and delivers the surprisingly strong punches for someone her size she is pretty decent stamina and mostly due to her stubbornness she has attended to get back up no matter how many times she's knocked down and continue fighting.

Weaknesses as a boxer: she has a weak jaw which leads to her brain being Shook much more than the average person when struck there punches like hooks and uppercuts which has led to many losses. She has very poor spatial awareness and tends to easily get trapped against ropes or in corners, her stubbornness to never stay down leads to her taking way more damage then any normal boxer would take before throwing in the towel. Due to her kind nature if her opponent is reeling from a devastating blow Hitomi may drop her guard to see if they are okay. some opponents have taken advantage of this and feigned a injury just so that she would drop her guard which leads to them throwing in a sneak attack to knock her out.

Amateur Record: 30-W 8-L 12-D
Professional Record: 28-W 17-L 2-D
Underground Record: 20-W 25-L 3-D
LAW Boxing record: 0-W 0-L 0-D
Last edited by StriketheTiger on Mon Mar 04, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Hitomi Vs Kyle/finished

Hitomi vs Sophie Shaw/finished

Hitomi vs Iris Takahashi/Ongoing

Hitomi Rose vs Beth Jennson Hell in a Cell anything goes match/finished

Hitomi vs Harley Jackson Smother match/ongoing

Hitomi's challenge promo/ Hitomi vs Celina McCloud/Finished

Hitomi Rose vs The Dark Phoenix Hentai Match/Finished

The newbie vs the rookie, Hitomi Rose vs Harmony/Finished

Lady vega vs. Hitomi. Submission match/finished

Angie Samson Vs. Hitomi Rose - Two Rookies do their best!/Finished

Rina Ninoita vs Hitomi Rose - Assert Yourself/Finished

Smothering titty worship! Miyabi Mey vs Hitomi Rose/Ongoing

Breaking in the new boy Hitomi Rose vs Adam Colt Standerd match smothers all night long/Ongoing

Hitomi Rose vs Yuki “Marshmallow” Megumi Standard match/Finished

A fangirls dream match: Last woman standing Hitomi Rose vs Kurea Komiyama the tank of berserker/Ongoing

Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up/Finished.
Last edited by StriketheTiger on Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:19 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Have a RP in mind? Hit me up on discord and we can discuss it. My Discord name is Super New10doh

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back stage RPs

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Aftermath of Hitomi Rose vs Sophie shaw/Finished
Last edited by StriketheTiger on Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Have a RP in mind? Hit me up on discord and we can discuss it. My Discord name is Super New10doh

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