Alias: Cutie Rin
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 18
Birthday: December 27th
Eye color: Yellow
Hair color: Yellow
Height: 152 cm // 4’9''
Weight: 54.5 kg // 120 pounds
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music:
Twitter: Kagamine Rin - @CutieRin
Wrestling information
Fighting Styles:Wrestling information
Boxing, Pro-wrestling
Favorite Attacks:
A lot of the same moves as Hatsune Miku
Signature move(s):
Beatific Buster

Angel Blast

Angel Suplex (I know it shows Miku but it's pretty much the same for Rin as well)

Preferred Matches:
Tag Team
Attitude towards Hentai:
She would be very shy and nervous about doing it but she'll do it regardless
Physical characteristics:
Endurance: 5/5
Stamina: 4/5
Strength: 5/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 3/5
Personal information
Biography:Personal information
Kagamine Rin was born in a rather standard family with a twin brother. While her parents and brother love her and she got along well with some of her peers, she was also a big target for bullying. She would get picked on, made fun of as well as getting more physical with her such as shoving and spilling Rin's own lunch on her. Rin tried to ignore it and talk to her parents or teacher about but they wouldn't take her seriously, her brother did try to stop the bullying whenever he could but since they're never in the same classes, he couldn't protect her as much as he'd want to. The bullying got worse until eventually she could barely take it anymore, soon enough she say that there was a wrestle camp that she could participate and so she decided to go in order to be stronger and be able to defend herself when bullies start to mess with her. After both twins talked to their parents about it, she went to the wrestling camp and it was there that she found her passion for wrestling despite only really taking classes at first just to defend herself against bullies. Though she found her passion in wrestling, she still very much wanted to be an idol and an idol she...did not become, at least at first so at the game Rin just settled on being a wrestler. Turned out to be a great decision as she would meet Hastune Miku and they both manage to be both idols and wrestlers as well win matches together be the tag team champion with Hatsune Miku by being Haigo Meiko and Megurine Luka. She was fine with just sticking with being an idol but when Miku talks about LAW and how she's going to enter, she can't refuse the chance to join alongside her and their great rivals/best friends
Kagamine Rin is really nice and respectful and doesn't always like confrontation as she can be kind of timid but that doesn't really stop her from being really determined and fiesty in the ring or when she's actually angry
Standard Wrestling outfit
Full body + details
Boxing outfit

Halloween-themed wrestling outfit (claws are not sharp)

Christmas-themed wrestling outfit

Bed Match

Swimsuit match outfit

Bunny outfit

Workout clothes

Casual Outfit

Summer outfit

Winter Outfit

Suit and tie (she's sucking on a lollipop)


Cutie Rin in action
Rin bracing herself for Meiko's chair attack

Rin about to get hit by Meiko's Devil Driver

Rin reaching for the ropes while trapped in a submission

Rin defending herself

Rin getting hit by a big attack

She never gives up without a fight

Managed to turn things around with her unique signature attack

Hatsune Miku
Haigo Meiko
Megurine Luka
Allies: None
Haigo Meiko
Megurine Luka
Enemies: None
Lovers: None
Interesting facts:
1) Her favorite drinks are Milk and Orange Juice
2) Her favorite foods are Pork Buns and Rice Omelets
3) Her favorite deserts are Cookies, Ginger Bread House, Cream Puff Tower, Candy Canes, Ice Cream, Orange Jelly and Cake
4) She can dance and sing really well like Hatsune Miku
Matches information
Record:Matches information
Wins: 0/ Losses: 0/ Draws: 0
Championship Belts and/or Achievements: