Sister Lucia
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:12 am

”Repent and you shall be saved.”
Age: 30
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5”3’
Weight: 115 lbs.
Birthplace: Madrid, Spain
Entrance Music:
God’s Gonna Cut You Down by Marilyn Manson
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Lucia uses her aerial moves and strikes to wear down an opponent, then grinds them down with submissions and humiliation moves, trying to make her opponents repent for their sins. She’s also not above cheating when the occasion calls for, and will often take advantage of people’s perception of her to get in free shots. Style: Lightweight Luchador
Type: Holy Highflyer
Attitude to Hentai:”While I would not normally participate in such filth, if the Lord requires me to debase these sinners in order to show them the error of their ways, then it shall be done!”
Preferred Matches: I Repent, Humiliation, Tag Tornado, Strip Match, Reverse Strip Match
Signature Match
Baptism Match:The match takes place in a standard ring, with one addition: a rectangular pool of water at the front. To win the match, a wrestler must force her opponent to orgasm, then bring them to the water and hold them under it for ten whole seconds.
Endurance:★★★ - Is tougher than you’d assume a pint-sized nun to be.
Strength:★★ - Her most lacking department.
Speed:★★★★★ - Lightning fast and extremely agile.
Defense:★★★ - Does her best to mitigate incoming damage to make up for her lacking size.
Technique:★★★★ - A bit rusty with her time out of the ring, but was quite the ring general in her time.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: ★★★★★ - Blessed with stunning strikes.
Submissions: ★★★ - Mostly uses submissions to torture opponents after they’re too weak to fight back.
Powerhouse: ★★ - Rarely imploys power moves, save for opponents who are close to her size.
Aerial: ★★★★★ - Takes to the air well.
Counters: ★★★ - Is quick enough to reverse slower attacks and punish openings.
Signature Moves
Blind Faith

With her back to the opponent while they’re on their back in the middle of the ring, Lucia leaps off, spreads her arms wide, and comes down hard on their chest, fullweight. She has never missed this moves, and believes the angels themselves guide her path.
Bad Habits

A headbutt, usually done to an opponent that’s running at her, but Lucia’s been known to do it to standing foes, too. Her coif - the white part of her veil - comes into play here, as it has padding to give her some extra protection, while the cross makes it hurt worse than usual and often leaves an imprint on the victim’s forehead.
Nun Taken

A variation on the Surfboard stretch. With a bent over opponent, Lucia jumps on their back, reaches back to grab both of their arms, and pulls them forward at once, stretching them both back. If it looks like her opponent is going to reach the ropes, she lets go of the arms and and immediately turns it into a Sunset Flip Powerbomb.
The Flying Nun

Last Rites

A high speed tornado kick. While she can and does hit this move to opponents who are standing or in a corner, her usual modus operandi is to knock them flat on their chest, lift them up to a kneeling position with her foot, then spin about and clock them upside the head. Occasionally results in a knockout.
Heaven’s Gate

A of the double toed legock and the surfboard stretch. With an opponent face down, Lucia steps over their leg and bends it around into the lock, then grabs the opponents arms and pulls them back, compressing their spine at a bad angle. Nigh impossible to escape from and quite painful.
Submissionary Position

A variant on the leg knot, applied from the side, with Lucia pulling her opponent in close to have ‘personal interactions’ with them while they struggle and squirm, showing them the error of their ways in intimate detail. She can kiss them, breast smother them, choke them, whatever she likes.
The Benediction

The move Lucia goes for when nothing else is working. A shooting star press DDT. With an opponent rising to their feet, she leaps off the turnbuckle, backflips as she flies forward, then grabs the opponent’s head as she comes down in a facelock, smashing their skull on the pavement with tremendous force.
Main Attire

Alternate Attire

Tag Attire


A little more formal…

Lucia is a textbook example of what happens when convictions meet delusions. She sees herself as a righteous woman who’s done away with her dark past - where she used to fight purely for pleasure and sexual gratification, now she seeks to enlighten and show the wicked the error of their ways. She sees her as noble, a brave warrior fighting for a world of light and purity, turning the evils of the LAW against it.
In truth, she’s basically just using her beliefs as an excuse to do the same heinous acts she used to, now with complete justification that she’s doing the right thing, which makes her even worse - she can do what she wants with zero compunction, simply telling herself it’s the bidding of a higher power. She has no problems with cheating to win or molesting her opponents to show them the error of their ways, since she sees herself as an instrument of heavenly will.
In truth, she’s basically just using her beliefs as an excuse to do the same heinous acts she used to, now with complete justification that she’s doing the right thing, which makes her even worse - she can do what she wants with zero compunction, simply telling herself it’s the bidding of a higher power. She has no problems with cheating to win or molesting her opponents to show them the error of their ways, since she sees herself as an instrument of heavenly will.
The woman Lucia started out as and the woman she is today are quite different, and yet similar in some strange ways. Despite growing up as the daughter of a Catholic priest, she was a bully from an early age, getting her kicks out of pulling pranks on her fellow classmates and beating them up when they protested. A naturally gifted athlete, she found success in sports, and it was her parents hope that this would eventually temper her rambunctious nature.
It didn’t. Her father tried to pull her into religious studies, thinking that might temper her, but it only seemed to aggravate her, with her rarely taking her Bible studies seriously.
She was kicked out of teams and schools, suspended on a similar regular basis, and this took a toll on her scholastic efforts, dampening any hopes she had of going to college. It seemed like she was heading for a dead end, when she heard of a local wrestling league that was hiring. While she wasn’t a big wrestling fan, she was in good shape and knew how to fight. She figured it was worth a try.
What she found was a world that was almost tailor made for her. She could beat people up, have her way with them, crush them in anyway she liked, and face little, if any repercussions. It was the perfect fit.
Karma eventually caught up with her, however, and a botched moonsault led to a serious neck injury that put her on the shelf indefinitely. Now hurt and jobless, she wound up staying with her father for a while. He saw it as a sign from God, forcing them to spend time together and show her the light, and while she initially wrote all of that off, eventually the message sort of...sunk in. Lucielle had been resisting him her whole life, but it felt like some unseen force was drawing them back together, and it all fit. She had a void in her life, was missing something, and this life of purity seemed like something that could fill it. A radical change.
Seeking a new life, she became a nun and dedicated her life to rehabilitating other wayward souls, wanting to push a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. As she grew in the convent, her injuries recovered, far faster than expected, and she became aware of the hentai wrestling craze in Japan, as multiple wrestling organizations mixed sex and violence together in new, obscene ways.
Lucielle - now known as Sister Lucia - took this as a sign. She’d been bred to deal with this plague, given the skills she would need to carry the message to the masses in the AFW, to serve as a tool to the divine. It all made sense - she was born to deal with this. She was the only one who could. To Lucia, this was providence.
Knowing her purpose in life, she began to retrain and sharpen her skills, knowing she would have need of them soon…
It didn’t. Her father tried to pull her into religious studies, thinking that might temper her, but it only seemed to aggravate her, with her rarely taking her Bible studies seriously.
She was kicked out of teams and schools, suspended on a similar regular basis, and this took a toll on her scholastic efforts, dampening any hopes she had of going to college. It seemed like she was heading for a dead end, when she heard of a local wrestling league that was hiring. While she wasn’t a big wrestling fan, she was in good shape and knew how to fight. She figured it was worth a try.
What she found was a world that was almost tailor made for her. She could beat people up, have her way with them, crush them in anyway she liked, and face little, if any repercussions. It was the perfect fit.
Karma eventually caught up with her, however, and a botched moonsault led to a serious neck injury that put her on the shelf indefinitely. Now hurt and jobless, she wound up staying with her father for a while. He saw it as a sign from God, forcing them to spend time together and show her the light, and while she initially wrote all of that off, eventually the message sort of...sunk in. Lucielle had been resisting him her whole life, but it felt like some unseen force was drawing them back together, and it all fit. She had a void in her life, was missing something, and this life of purity seemed like something that could fill it. A radical change.
Seeking a new life, she became a nun and dedicated her life to rehabilitating other wayward souls, wanting to push a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. As she grew in the convent, her injuries recovered, far faster than expected, and she became aware of the hentai wrestling craze in Japan, as multiple wrestling organizations mixed sex and violence together in new, obscene ways.
Lucielle - now known as Sister Lucia - took this as a sign. She’d been bred to deal with this plague, given the skills she would need to carry the message to the masses in the AFW, to serve as a tool to the divine. It all made sense - she was born to deal with this. She was the only one who could. To Lucia, this was providence.
Knowing her purpose in life, she began to retrain and sharpen her skills, knowing she would have need of them soon…
+Came up with her outfits as a way to, in her words, ‘draw sinners as a fisherman uses bait’.
+Can do a pretty good moonsault, but doesn’t anymore since the shawl messes it up.
+Knows it might be a little wrong to use Marilyn Manson for her theme, but she really likes that song.
+Has a few tricks to use when things don’t go her way. Her rosary is threaded with a thick wire than can choke people, her Bible has a steel plate in the spine, and she has holy water with salt mixed in to irritate eyes.
+Has a wonderful singing voice.
*Special Thanks to Killcarrion for giving me so many good ideas!*