Adriana Scarlett
Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 11:04 pm
Name: Adriana Scarlett
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Eyes: light blue
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 105lbs
Nationality: Italian
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: Just dance
Adriana prefers to work with fast and painful moves, that might not do so much damage at once but when she hit´s you just enough with those you will feel the impact sooner than later. And if her opponent is worn down Adriana hit them with a big blow of move or locks in a deadly submission move.
Preferred Matches:
Submission matches, Ladder matches, Hentai, Hentai Submission, Hentai Endurance match and WaM Matches.
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Defense: 2/5
Technique: 4/5
Favored moves:
Drop Kicks, Overhead kicks, chop hand, fast strikes and kicks, head scissors, arm bars, toe holds
Signature Move:
Finishing moves:
Visual Appearance:

Adriana likes good dressed people and loves to shop new clothes.
Adriana grew up as a 5 child in a family with later 9 children. She was the typical child in the middle. She was never as good as her older siblings but wasn´t allowed to do as much as her younger. This was the reason why Adriana wasn´t liking it at home very much and tired to spent as much time away from home as she could.
Some day she started to play fight with some of her friends… and she found out that she was not only good at it… she was also having a lot of fun. Although being the smallest of her friends, Adriana was making up for that with aggression and speed. As soon as she could (even a bit earlier thanks to faked papers) Adriana would start learning wrestling. There again she would be standing out because of her aggression and speed.
After some time the boss of the gym where she was learning found out that she was too young and throw her out. Adriana didn´t really minded instead she would simply start fighting more illegal fights…
Some day she heard of a new founded wrestling league. The small girl was pretty interested.
Fun Facts:
-hates people with bigger breasts.
-hate people making fun about her small breasts.
-Hate people who are dressed badly in her eyes.
-Hates you!
Enemies: Alice and Clara Gaster "SCREW THESE TWO!"
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Eyes: light blue
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 105lbs
Nationality: Italian
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music: Just dance
Wrestling Information
fighting style: Adriana prefers to work with fast and painful moves, that might not do so much damage at once but when she hit´s you just enough with those you will feel the impact sooner than later. And if her opponent is worn down Adriana hit them with a big blow of move or locks in a deadly submission move.
Preferred Matches:
Submission matches, Ladder matches, Hentai, Hentai Submission, Hentai Endurance match and WaM Matches.
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Defense: 2/5
Technique: 4/5
Favored moves:
Drop Kicks, Overhead kicks, chop hand, fast strikes and kicks, head scissors, arm bars, toe holds
Signature Move:
”Running drop kick in corner”
”Back control(Adriana climbs onto the back of her opponent and put one arm around her neck while keep hitting the head of her opponent with…

Finishing moves:
”Sleep over!(Reverse Headscissor Triangle Choke)”

Visual Appearance:

”her inring outfit”

Most people would describe Adriana as a arrogant bitch. And they would be totally right with that! Adriana only cares about one person… and this is herself. Why the hell should she care about someone else? She is the important person in her life. When she wants something she will get it, no matter the cost or what she has to put other people through to get it. Adriana likes good dressed people and loves to shop new clothes.
Some day she started to play fight with some of her friends… and she found out that she was not only good at it… she was also having a lot of fun. Although being the smallest of her friends, Adriana was making up for that with aggression and speed. As soon as she could (even a bit earlier thanks to faked papers) Adriana would start learning wrestling. There again she would be standing out because of her aggression and speed.
After some time the boss of the gym where she was learning found out that she was too young and throw her out. Adriana didn´t really minded instead she would simply start fighting more illegal fights…
Some day she heard of a new founded wrestling league. The small girl was pretty interested.
Fun Facts:
-hates people with bigger breasts.
-hate people making fun about her small breasts.
-Hate people who are dressed badly in her eyes.
-Hates you!
LAW Information
Enemies: Alice and Clara Gaster "SCREW THESE TWO!"