Annabelle Le Roux
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:42 pm

Annabelle Le Roux
Personal InformationName: Annabelle Le Roux
Gender: Female
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'2
Weight: 110 lb
Age: 21
Nationality: French
Alignment: Heel
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Assigned Difficulty Rating: ★★★★ (Hard)
Personality: Annabelle is smug, confident, arrogant, egotistical, and bratty. She considers herself to be superior to everyone around her, and isn't at all afraid to tell people about it. Annabelle is the type of girl to believe she will win every match, and explains away her losses as "luck" or "I let that happen", though the smug rich girl will manipulate things and cheat at every opportunity if she believes a match is important enough. She is generally not the type of person most people would be able to be around for long periods of time.
History: Born in Paris, France to a monstrously wealthy family, Annabelle lead an incredibly sheltered childhood. Every need or want was immediately taken care of, every problem or difficulty was immediately dealt with. She attended an incredibly expensive and renowned all-girls private school as soon as she was old enough, and spent most of her childhood surrounded by other spectacularly rich, privileged children and families. It was around here that she started to learn she was "better" than people around her, as her family had the most money, most houses, most income, and so on.
She grew interested in, or perhaps was pushed to participate in, ballet from a fairly young age, along with gymnastics. These were fairly popular activities for the girls at her school, of course. Anna tended to surround herself with friends that showered her with compliments and behaved as positively as they could towards her, such people not too difficult to find for someone with such a prestigious family and exceptional wealth.
In school, her parents provided her with almost a dozen different private tutors and mentors to ensure she excelled at all of her classes, particularly in business studies and several different languages, including French, Japanese, German, and English among others. With such assistance, it should be no surprise that she aced every test, coming in top of her class in everything, which only served to add to her already-immense ego.
After a little while, at around age 17, Annabelle took up professional wrestling outside of school, eager to prove that she was superior both physically and intellectually to her peers. Though she never took part in any tournaments or professional events, Anna did exceptionally well in the gym, putting her acrobatics and flexibility to great use against the few opponents she had available to her. Having soundly and repeatedly defeated opponents of all sizes, and both genders, Anna got it into her head that she was an extraordinary wrestler, truly the best of the best, and began searching for a way to show it.
At 20, a few months before her 21st birthday, Anna discovered a new all-women's wrestling organisation opening up in Japan, with an impressive multi-national roster of wrestling women from around the world. Obviously, the chance to show off as the best in the world appealed to her immensely, and with a few bribes here and there, Annabelle received an invitation to take part, and moved to Japan to begin her wrestling career, aiming for the top.
Love Interest:
Close Friends:
Fun Facts:
-) Annabelle spends utterly rediculous amounts of money on her clothing. For example, her wrestling boots are valued at $10,000.
-) Annabelle's face is plastered all over several well-known brands of perfume, make-up, and recently she has become the icon for two of the largest producers of wrestling attire.
-) After a few unpleasant encounters in her gym, Annabelle has become obsessed with cleanliness, to the point she is willing to cancel a match if her opponent doesn't smell perfect at the weigh-in.
-) Speaking of her gym, Anna is entirely unaware that all of her "opponents" were simply actors hired by her parents to keep her from feeling bad about losing to poor people.
Wrestling Information
Style: Incorporating her sports history into her wrestling style, Annabelle takes on the fairly popular lightweight style of a high-flyer. She is extremely flexible, and absurdly acrobatic, giving her a tendency to go for aerial attacks as often as possible, and a love of submission holds (Only when she is applying them, not receiving them. She also may only enjoy them for the sounds her opponents make.) Anna considers her style to be unique based on her prior "experience", when in reality there are a large number of high-flyers at LAW.
Common Attacks: High-kicks, dropkicks, hurricanrana, crossbody blocks, moonsaults, senton bombs, stump pullers, single-leg boston crabs (strangely, she doesn't like the traditional double-leg variety), camel clutches, sleeper holds of all styles, and stepover toehold facelock.
Preferred Matches: Standard, submission, tables, ladder.
Finishing Moves:
Bow & Arrow
With her opponent down on the ground, Annabelle will roll them onto their belly (if they aren't already laid as such), and kneel on their back. Usually she will taunt the victim, or try to get a reaction from the audience, before trying to execute the move. She crosses the victim's legs over eachother for convenience, then grabs her opponent's knees and chin, rocks herself backwards to lay on her back with the victim above her, and then pushes up with her knees while pulling down with her hands for a terrifyingly painful submission hold.

Not a particularly elegant or fancy move, Annabelle rushes forwards at her opponent (she prefers to attempt this when her victim is stunned), and then leaps into the air. She brings her left knee up as fast as she can, and rams it right into the victim's jaw as forcefully as possible. It can easily result in a knockout against an unprepared or stunned opponent, but also delivers an incredible amount of damage even if you know whats coming. Optionally, against opponents that she really dislikes, Annabelle will move her knee pad upwards to hit her opponent with her bare knee for extra damage.

Annabelle's Lullaby
Much like Annabelle herself, this move isn't particularly pleasant. Anna will knock her opponent down (if needed), and then make them sit upright while sitting herself close behind them. One arm wraps tightly around their throat, while the other pushes against the back of their head to ensure their breathing is firmly and securely cut off. With that done, she leans back to lay down, with the victim laying on top of her and staring at the ceiling. Annabelle wraps her legs around her opponents own to make it as difficult as possible for them to move, and then simply waits for them to pass out.

Strength: 6/10 - Being somewhat larger than most lightweights, Annabelle also tends to be a little stronger than her peers, putting her at slightly above average.
Stamina: 8/10 - As a gymnast and ballet enthusiast, Anna is required to have considerable stamina. While some improvements need to be made to her pacing, she can still go for long periods without becoming exhausted.
Endurance: 4/10 - Being so sheltered for most of her life, Anna has never really experienced considerable physical pain before. Though her ego makes it difficult for her to submit, she will definitely feel a submission hold if she were to be caught in one.
Speed: 9/10 - Annabelle is excellent at positioning and moving herself. She is very well-balanced, and can move around at considerable speed. While it isn't a perfect replacement, her ability to dodge can usually make up for her poor endurance.
Flexibility: 10/10 - As both ballet dancer and gymnast, Annabelle is extraordinarily flexible. She (and, unfortunately, her opponents) can bend herself into all manner of poses when necessary.
Overall Difficulty Rating
76/100 - For a beginner, Annabelle is a very good, formidable wrestler. Whether this is actually because she's skilled in the ring, or because she is so confident and stubborn remains to be seen, but either way she can present a challenge for opponents of all sizes.
Standard Attire
Annabelle wears a tight-fitting white leotard with one thick diagonal red stripe running from shoulder to hip, and an equally large blue stripe beside it to form the colours of the French flag. Her boots are white with red & blue laces, and she wears red knee & elbow pads, with a set of blue thigh-high socks, and one blue sweatband on her wrist. Each piece of attire has been carefully hand-crafted and designed in such a way to blend perfectly together, despite the astronomical price tag.
Do it right this time!

Besides unbearable smugness, vague annoyance is her default state

Top selling poster

What are you doing?

This image doesn't exist.

Annabelle's current social media avatar

Match History
09 Sep, 2018 - Annabelle le Roux vs. Bianca Valentine