Nattie "The Spike" Emberly

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Nattie "The Spike" Emberly

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

"Without Jacket"
"There are two things I love, Punk Music and Beating People Up!"
Name: Nattie Emberly

Nickname: The Spike

Nationality: Welsh

Height: 153 cm

Weight: 112 lbs

Age: 19 Years Old

Alignment: Heel (Netural Evil)

Theme Music: Rancid - "Maxwell Murder"
[media] [/media]
Wrestling Style: Brawler/Submission User (Fights Dirty)

Assets: Brawling, Submission, Dirty Fighting

Flaws: Technical, Power

Signature Moves: Low Blow, Leg Split, Crotch Kick, Abdominal Stretch, Lou Thesz Press, Backbreaker

Finishing Moves:

Impaler (Pinche Loco)
Rebel Lock (Leg Puller Arm Lock)


Believe it or not, Nattie was an extremely different person when she was younger. Born and raised in a suburb of Manchester, her parents were local

politicians of the area, with her mother being the mayor. However they were locally not very liked in the area, and when she started going to school,

the parents of the area would ask their kids to pick on the mayor's daughter whatever way they could. Nattie was very traditionally "feminine" when

she was younger. She wore bright pink dresses, butterfly decorations and hair clippings, though she still had her well known spiky hair. Kids would

bully her with nicknames like "Needle Nat". This got so bad that Nattie would run home crying after school, while her parents would try to comfort


This madness will continue into Secondary School, even after her parents had retired from their positions, Nattie was still being bullied and picked

on. Until one day where Nattie decided she had enough. She threw away all her pink dresses and nice things and started finding comfort in the

comfort in the local punk scene, bringing out leather jackets and t shirts as her choice. The next day at school, she proceeded to confront the

student who picked on her the most, and decked her right in the face. She got in trouble for this and landed herself in detention.

Wanting to rebel against everything the old Nattie was about, she eventually dropped out of school and went to a local hangout. Her family,

dissapointed in what happened to what was post to be their perfect daughter, basically disowned her. She could live and eat in their house, but they

did not want to talk to Nattie at all. Nattie just smirked, and at the hangout, she met her three best friends, all of whom were disowned by their

parents in some form. Together they formed the band, Spiked Pitfall, and found comfort through punk music.

And luckily, one of them is a LAW fan and had connections to the LAW organization. They came up with the idea that Nattie could come to LAW and

promote Spiked Pitfall through wrestling. Nattie wholeheartedly agreed, as she will get to take her anger out on the world through wrestling



Nattie is generally in a bad mood most of the time, always willing to put her dukes up and start fights with people. She is always full of energy,

seemingly never running out of it. When someone tries to be friendly with her, she just slaps them away, not even thinking of giving them any sort

of receipt. Therefore the only people that like her are the fans of her band, Spiked Pitfall, and her friends that she usually fought before even the

thought of friendship popped up in her head.

She is also a rebel since secondary school, always wanting to do the opposite of what people tell her to do. if they say turn left, she turns right. This attitude has

left getting in trouble several times, even with the law.

One thing she hates though is losing and feeling as though someone is better than her. Therefore she will use any dirty tactic to win, no matter what

Who cares if it is fair?

Trivia :

- Nattie is Multi-talented in multiple instruments, she is primarily a vocalist, but she can play rhythm guitar, bass and drums.

- Nattie's leotard is actually a modified version of one of her old pink dresses during her younger days

- Nattie's band, Spiked Pitfall, wants to do a pre show before a big LAW event one day.

Win/Loss Record : 0-1-0

LAW Match History:

1. Standard Match: Vs. Penny Polendina (Loss via Submission: Sharpshooter)

2. Standard Match: Vs. Leona Chase-Arawn (In Progress)

FC: Marnie (Pokemon Sword/Shield)
Last edited by Epicsnivy on Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:53 am, edited 4 times in total.

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