Name: Sion Okazaki
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 120 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Heel-lean
Entrance Music: Fiction - Peroxwhy?gen
Moveset Information
Sion relies quite a bit on quick, hard hitting strikes to do most her work in the ring, taking it straight to her opponent as hard and fast as possible. She strikes with calculated hits, each move leading towards trying to take her opponent down, throwing in whatever she needs to assist that.
Finishing move/s:
Running Knees: Sion charges straight at her opponent, leaping up into the air and slamming both her knees into her opponent's face and head to lay them out.
Superkick: Who DOESN'T do a superkick nowadays? Sion uses it however, as it should be, to finish off her opponent.
MOONSault: This isn't a reference, stop telling yourself that it is. This woman clearly has nothing to do with anything related to any moon whatsoever.
Personal Information
Personality: WIP