Age: 19
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 112 lbs
Alignment: Heel
Fighting Style: Brutal, fast strikes, meant to wear down and weaken a foe to set them up for brutal beatdowns and moves.
Attitude towards Hentai: “I love to play with my food.”
History: An enigma, a history lost with the only person willing to spill responding to any questions with a smirk and disinterest. Nonetheless, what is known is that she was born in Central America, seemingly with a knack for punching out anything and anyone who troubled her. Her rough past nonetheless made her into quite the passionate fighter, learning both boxing and some other martial arts. Something led her to LAW, either a quest for glory or a quest to satisfy some internal desire. Her rough upbringing had brought her to take no prisoners when it came to showing her skills to LAW's agents, proving herself to be incredibly talented, and incredibly difficult to work with, in the indie scene of her home country. In spite of her stiffness and her total indifference to the wellbeing of those around her, such talent was difficult to ignore, and she found herself with a ride to Japan soon after. Like a beast released from a cage, she's all too eager to pounce on her new stomping grounds.
Personality: Cold and aloof, Venganza is uninterested in anything other than fighting and winning. Conquering her foes is her only interest, showing total dominance over her foes being her ideal way of mastering the ring. People are only meant to be enemies, food, and tools of pleasure, nothing else matters about them in her eyes.
Standard Attire, boxing gloves optional

When a Shark smells blood in the water

Misery: a straightforward, hard-hitting blow from her fist to the opponent's head or chest. Very crude but with a significant amount of force behind it
