Tsuyu Asui AKA Froppy

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Tsuyu Asui AKA Froppy

Unread post by Ultima »

Name: Tsuyu Asui
Hair Color: Dark Green
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5’1
Weight: 110
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music:
Odd Future

Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance: ★★ - Tsuyu’s body is not meant to take that many hits
Strength: ★★ - Can lift people around her weight, otherwise there is no chance. Best leave it to kicks and flips
Speed: ★★★★★ - Tsuyu’s bread and butter, good look tagging her
Defense: ★★★ - Would be higher if Tsuyu didn’t just mainly dodge
Technique: ★★★★★ - Tsuyu on the ropes is something special to see

Combat Statistics
Strikes ★★★ - I can punch, but I think my kicks are better
Submissions ★★★ - Now this is something even I can do
Powerhouse ★★ - I’m not to good at strength training
Aerials ★★★★★ - On the ropes I know how to fly, or make you fly
Counters ★★★★ - People always seem to think they have me figured out
Signature Moves
Frog Stunner
Frog Kick
Kero Stretch
Heroes Rising
Frog Splash
Kero Kick
Tsuyu is a straightforward and aloof individual who always speaks bluntly from her mind and what she thinks about others. Tsuyu prefers to be called "Tsu", but only by people she views as friends.She commonly refers to everyone with the honorific "-chan", save for teachers and other authority figures.
Tsuyu is noticeably calm and collected, being able to stay levelheaded and focused even during the most stressful situations. An honor student since middle school, Tsuyu has great judgment, can communicate her intentions easily, and is rarely moved by emotion, making her an incredibly dependable ally who's capable of covering for a partner's weaknesses. For those reasons, she is described as a "perfect pillar of emotional support".However, even Tsuyu has limits when it comes to staying composed, having broken down in despair or heartbreak a few times. Her words may also come off as unintentionally harsh thanks to her blunt honesty, resulting in her feeling guilty and regretful when she speaks out against her friends.
Tsuyu's everyday life and family are relatively routine. No sob story that turned out great, nothing of that nature. Tsuyu's parents were always busy at work, requiring her to become the caretaker of her two younger siblings at a young age. Under these circumstances, Tsuyu grew into a highly mature and responsible individual who could divide her attention between school and home duties without letting one intervene with the other. This also means that Tsuyu knows how to lead and look after people, keeping them safe and at ease if they don't feel so. Tsuyu, despite being a very mature person she loves wrestling as much as the next person. She knows that a lot of it is for a show, but so what? Everything is so awesome; with the way people fly off the ropes, the tosses, the table breaks the whole deal. Some of her friends even went as far as to call her a fanatic. Which honestly may not be too far off depending on who you are asking. But Tsuyu, more than anyone, knew that her body wasn't the best suited for wrestling. It was knowing that the best bodies for wrestling are the bigger ones. Even if Tsuyu were to go against the odds here, she couldn't even do it because of the responsibilities she already has. There was no time for her even to practice it.
They knew that Tsuyu would gladly leave it at her being a fan. Tsuyu's friends and family would not be okay going there. Knowing full well how much Tsuyu has given up for them. So unbeknownst to Tsuyu, plans were being made to give her the money and time needed so that she can wrestle. Not willing to take it at first, Tsuyu didn't like that so many people were ready to help her. It wasn't like things were so bad that it was needed. Still, though the offer was more than tempting, so tempting that Tsuyu made a wager for just one practice session. After that, she would be done. So when Tsuyu went to her practice, she was more than surprised to find out her trainer was a well-established pro. That made things so much easier, but it wasn't like she would stay any longer. As the session went on, Tsuyu would have the most challenging time getting rid of her smile. In that practice, she also saw a glimpse of something. Something she saw that meant even with her body, she could do something in wrestling. That happiness would be dampened when her friends and family would gloat when they knew Tsuyu enjoyed the entire thing. After all, everyone knew this is what she wanted. So with that, Tsuyu kept practicing wrestling, even making some friends in the process. Tsuyu quickly became one of the top students there, Tsuyu proving that even with her size, she can do well.
The more Tsuyu did this, the more she wanted to make a career out of this. So when her teacher made the idea for a tournament, the top 3 would get a spot in her promotion. Tsuyu knew that she had to get a place; after all, this is what she wanted. With that in mind, she tried her heart out in the tournament, even outlasting her friend Mina Ashido. Though Tsuyu lost her next match, meaning she was second, but it wasn't that bad as she thought. After all, Tsuyu knew she had some room to grow. But now, with Tsuyu getting her shot in the big leagues, it was her chance to continue her dreams.
Main Attire
Main Attire 2
Cute workout gear
Various Images
I’m pretty tough
Just a full body suit
This was a dream, but I kinda liked it

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