
Age: 21
Hair Color: brown
eyes: brown
Height: 1.52 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Twitter: Yukari Akiyama- @TheBigFan
Entrance music:
Nationality: japanese
Fighting Style: grapper and high flyer
tipes of movements: boston crab, headscissors, torture rack,ddt, bulldog, moonasalut
favorite types of matches:she's ready to be on any kind of match
attitude to hentai matches:I have no problem as long as it's worth it!
Phiscal Stats
Strength: ★★
Speed: ★★★★
Endurance: ★★
Wrestling Stats
Hentai Stats
sexual desire:★★
sexual technique:★★★★
Sexual resistance:★★★
loving attitude:★★★
Signature Moves:
"a dedicated Fan!"
Yukari having spent too much (but too much) time watching thousands of fights, little by little she has managed to recreate movements of star fighters, so her movement consists of using a your opponent's signature move against him
"a promising dream"
Yukari jumps from the corner and depending on the opponent's position, she will land with her feet on her opponent's stomach, or perform a moonsault.
Lethal agility!

hold on until the end!!

Reverser Indian deathlock!! (acquired" movement of: Tiger Mask)

Romero Special......Hentai


History: When she was 16 years old, she met LAW thanks to a night when she watched TV, learning about a fight that she still fondly remembers: a fight with her now idol Ducky Williams.
Since then, she always wanted to enter, but knowing that the minimum age was 18, she would gladly wait, and at that age, she would take a temporary vacancy as a journalist, uploading news about LAW, and after having seen a fight against katherine heart, she motivated by the girl who dared to face her, she would end up joining this girl's team so that she could train her, and take advantage of the fact that this girl can meet more people to help her in LAW
Fight History: 1/-/4
(DEBUT) Fight against:Aki Takeuchi
In an exciting debut for the big fan, Yukari faces a woman who surpassed her in size and strength, and although Yukari shows off her skills, she would end up being defeated by being knocked out with AKi's breasts (Defeat By K.O.).
Yukari's first fight had not been the best, but now she could fight one of the stars of LAW, the former Hentai title holder, Eirina Makinishima....... to quickly realize that it wouldn't matter her knowledge if she couldn't have resistance, losing but at least feeling happy to have faced Eirina (Defeated By Orgasm).
After a series of defeats and a not very successful training, Yukari would face Chiaki Nanami, a girl that despite being in the same condition as Yukari, she would have a will that would make Yukari have to look for the best way to win (Victory by Pin using a Frankesteiner).
Yukari after some time since her last fight, would be in a fight with rather curious rules, being the opponent of a pirate that the only thing that Yukari got from Yukari was her friendship towards her ....... and also that she ended up tied up. (DefeatedBy cumming)
Although Yukari already had a series of defeats in her career as a fighter, that would not stop Yukari from continuing to seek out experienced fighters, facing Akari Fujiyami, a girl who, despite her age, would make Yukari experience pains she had never felt before. ....(Defeated By K.O using a Sleeper Hold)
After Aliyah made many offensive comments against teammates and other fighters in LAW, Yukari would be determined to take a fight against her, no matter what, she would not give up without showing Aliyah about valuing teammates. (Ongoin)
Trainig suit

Ring Outfit 1

casual outfit 1

Thanks Gwen for this Kimono!

Swimsuit outfit (for Hentai or beach matches)

I will also be an Idol like Rin and Hanayo, Nekonya!

this suit fits me perfectly......hope it lasts long enough

Be careful LAW, Fenrir is not the only werewolf girl in this Roster!!"

a research on Emaline prefect! i love this work of inflitration!

the mission about gathering information about Liger...... was not the best of our ideas Annie, we must rethink the strategy.

-she loves to talk about fighters and other things regarding LAW, though she'll have no trouble chatting about other things
-she once walked into the LAW offices when she was 16 years old without being noticed, watching a live hentai fight for the first time.
-although she shouldn't, she helps her friends when she has a fight, giving them information about their opponents, and in some cases, she does "Field Missions", infintrandose en algunos lugares donde son recurrentes las visitas de sus obejtivos