Sora Fujimura

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Sora Fujimura

Unread post by HowkuOne »

Personal Information

Name: Sora Fujimura
Gender: Female
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'2"/158cm
Weight: 106 lbs/48kg
Age: 19
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Face
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Personality: Sora is a very cocky, confident, bordering on arrogant young lady. She has a good understanding of her own (admittedly very impressive) fighting ability, though tends to overestimate herself from time to time, particularly when she is very clearly winning a fight. She doesn't hesitate to show off, putting her stunning athleticism and agility on display almost whenever the chance arises, so long as it doesn't put her in danger to do so. She is a firm believer in playing by the rules, and refuses to break them, even if doing so would be completely un-noticed and lead to a victory.

History: Sora comes from a very wealthy, very traditional and odd family in the area of Kyoto, Japan that can trace it's lineage back near 1000 years. For many centuries her family practiced the art of ninjitsu, amassing quite a fortune over the years as they provided their discrete services for various important or simply wealthy individuals. Over time of course, the demand for ninjas dropped sharply, and her family's tradition evolved to adapt to changing circumstances. They still performed the same rituals and ceremonies, and still learned and practiced many forms of hand-to-hand fighting, but now used them to become great athletes and entertainers instead of assassins and spies.

Today, Sora is the only child and heiress to the family's fortunes and properties. With all her financial wants and needs thoroughly taken care of, she has dedicated herself to martial arts, and is well on her way to mastering the intricate, flashy acrobatic fighting style that has been in the family for as long as anyone can remember. In the pursuit of honing her skills against real fighters, she has actively sought out and participated in any MMA or pro-wrestling events that would take her, gradually building up and refining her abilities into the formidable opponent she is today. After catching the eye of a LAW talent scout, she was convinced to apply for a spot on the promotion's roster, and after having been shown the wide, diverse variety of fighters in the company's employment, did just that.

Wrestling Information

Style: Utilizing her incredible speed and agility, Sora has a very mobility-based fighting style consisting of lightning-fast strikes, high-flying acrobatics, and speedy technical takedowns that combine to make her a very formidable and overwhelming opponent to take on.
Preferred Matches: Sora is open to most matches but doesnt participate in hardcore and hentai.
Finishing Move: 'Shurikenrana' - Functionally no different to a regular hurricanrana, Sora likes to add a little flair to it by tumbling in the air as she leaps up to catch her opponent's head between her thighs, and then flip them over to smash them head-first into the canvas. From here, she can very easily transition into a roll-up style pin, aided by her opponent's own momentum. However, generally the victim is so stunned from the impact that Sora has time to set up a variety of different follow-ups.

Strength: ImageImageImageImageImage - Sora is not at all built for raw physical power. She can generally hold her own against opponents her size in a test of strength, but her physical power is not something to be worried about.
Endurance: ImageImageImageImageImage - Following the same theme, Sora's small frame and lithe, slender build mean that she isn't a particularly durable fighter. However, when it comes to cardio and stamina, she's well above average, balancing out her fragile build somewhat.
Speed: ImageImageImageImageImage - This is where she shines. Sora is exceptionally quick on her feet, the result of years of intense practice and training. On top of that, her small size makes her quite slippery, making it very difficult to engage with her when she doesn't want to be.

Strikes: ImageImageImageImageImage - A major part of her fighting style, and the thing she practices the most, Sora is an incredibly formidable fighter when it comes to striking. Her impeccable technique paired with her awesome agility and speed makes her one hell of a challenge to keep up with.
Grappling: ImageImageImageImageImage - Perhaps 'grappling' isn't the most accurate term, Sora is well-trained and experienced in performing a wide variety of throws, takedowns, and a handful of submission holds. A running theme of hers, she pairs this ability with her amazing agility to turn them into spectacular feats of athleticism.
Agility: ImageImageImageImageImage - Sora's crazy maneuverability and acrobatic talents are part of what makes her stand out. She is very willing (and very able) to use her stunning gymnastic abilities in the ring, possessing amazing control over her body even when tumbling through the air or leaping off the top rope.
Power-moves: ImageImageImageImageImage - Not only does Sora not practice power moves, she hasn't really even thought about it before. They aren't part of her fighting style, and she has no experience performing them (though plenty of experience receiving them). If she were to make an attempt, it'd no doubt end up being clumsy and somewhat embarrassing.
Defense: ImageImageImageImageImage - Great mobility, great balance, and superb striking techniques combine to give her a super solid defense mostly centered around her ability to duck and dodge out of the way of an opponent when she can't offer an immediate challenge, along with parrying and countering incoming strikes and grapple attempts. However, without her mobility (say, if she were cornered or her legs were injured, etc.), her defense rapidly falls apart.

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Match History
Last edited by HowkuOne on Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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