Nicknames:the clumsy assassin
Entrance Music:
Outside the ring: Sheele is clumsy, airhead, and shy around people in a regular world and work place outside of wrestling. But she is willing to become friends with anyone
Inside the ring: Sheele is completely focused, determined, and highly intelligent. She completely focused on winning even against friend, Allies, or family.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Sheele plan is to weaken and tire her opponent with pressure points, and bodypart targeting. She then will put a brutal submission on her opponent that makes them tap out or K.O.
Style: Submissions
Type: Technique
Preferred Attacks: chops, punches to pressure points, all things that tire a person out
Preferred Matches: any
Attitude To Hentai: "I don't mind being in it but my big sister will."
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★
Strength ★★
Speed ★★★★
Defence ★★★
Technique ★★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★
Submissions ★★★★★
Powerhouse ★
Aerials ★★★
Counters ★★★★
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Name Of The Move:
the assassination death lock: it is just the Indian deathlock but she will say sweet nothings into there ear or just tell the to tap out or pass out.
my little trap: she traps her opponent in a hold that attacks there arm, legs, body, and head"
Finishing Moves
Name Of The Move:
a fly in my web sometimes she will have opponent striped to there underwear or naked
Sheele was a twin sister to her big Sister Vi. She and Vi are close they stick up for each other. Sheele was a lot more clumsy than Vi was she would fail at the simplest of things. She thought she could never achieve anything but big Sis Vi ketp her spirit up even though born in a rich family. Sheele went through college and graduated at the top of her class and what was her major Shinobi training, wrestling and a English major. Even though most of her classmates were bigger than her in some part her small size helped her in a big way. Once out of college she saw an ad for LAW on the TV while walking home from the grocery store. She would look to see her her sister in the ad as she was training. She freaked out and dropped her groceries and would talk about her sister being in law and that she was a professional wrestler now. She missed her sister as she she looked at the screen and while away at college. So she would go to the nearest law sigh up thing she got signed up instantly because of her skills and she had a Relative in the business. She would have heart eyes knowing she will be with her Big Sister again.
Name: Vi