Sheila Morgan, the Wild One

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Sheila Morgan, the Wild One

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Name: Sheila Morgan
Nickname: The Wild One
Age: 22
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5”6’
Weight: 120 lbs
Birthplace: Kiwirrkurra Community, Australia
Entrance Music:
96 Quite Bitter Beings by CKY
Wrestling Information
What strategy? Sheila’s fighting philosophy seem to revolve around her picking the most dangerous, risky move she could do in any situation and going for it without hesitation. She loves putting her entire body on the line, lives for the thrill that comes in the moment between launching a potentially disastrous move and knowing whether or not she’ll hit or crash and burn. She holds nothing back, and while she can seem mean at times, she expects nothing less in return. To her, wrestling is all about giving it your all and leaving nothing on the table.
Style: Backyard Wrestling
Type: Daredevil

Preferred Attacks: Suicide Dives, Sentons, Headbutts

Preferred Matches: Will do just about anything. The crazier, the better.

Attitude to Hentai: “Oh, I’m all about that life. Why, who’s asking, anybody wanna try? I got nothing else to do today.”

Physical Statistics

Endurance: ★★★★★ - She’s a hard woman to put down.
Strength: ★★★ - Raw, natural strength, built from a hard life in the wild.
- Fast on her feet, rarely stops moving.
Defense:★★ - Rarely occurs to her to even try blocking.
Technique: ★★ - She has little talent for formal training, making her attacks rough around the edges.

Wrestling Statistics

Strikes: ★★★ - Her punches lack finesse, but come hard and fast. A good brawler.
Submissions: ★★ - Too boring for her tastes.
Powerhouse: ★★★★ - Can toss around women in her own class easy enough.
Aerial: ★★★★ - Never met a ring she wouldn’t jump off of.
Counters: - Doesn’t think that far ahead.

Signature Moves:
Across the Border
It might seem simple, but Sheila’s tope suicida is famous for how much she puts into it. She bounces off the ropes twice for extra speed and launches herself out of the ring, way faster than most who does this move, turning herself into a human missile.
With her opponent hangs on the middle rope and facing away from her, Sheila runs in the opposite direction, hits the ropes, then comes running back and hits them with a cannonball on the back.
Finishing Moves
The New Kitchen Sink
Sheila runs up to her opponent, captures them in a three-quarter facelock, jumps and uses the momentum from her running to aide in a stunner. Update: Since taking on Elinor, Sheila has improved this move. She can now hit the vanilla version much easier, and can hit several variations of it.
Crash Course
Sheila leaps off the top rope towards his opponent, waits until the last second, then flips forward and hits his opponent with a senton.
Border to Border
With her opponent down and propped against the corner, Sheila gets up on the ropes from the opposite side of the ring, bounces off, and leaps over to the for a dropkick at maximum velocity. For added effect, she often props a trashcan against them beforehand.
Signature Match
Absolute Chaos: The signature match of Outback Wrestling, this is an Iron Man match where the stipulations change after each fall. It's not totally random - the match types increase in severity as the match continues. For instance, it can start as a standard match, then become a hentai hardstyle match, then a hardcore match, then a last man standing match, then an I Quit Match, then end with a Cage Match.
Personal Information
You have to be a little crazy to be a wrestler, and Sheila definitely fits that requirement. She’s a textbook adrenaline junkie, always seeking the biggest thrills, ready to storm into any situation at a moment’s notice. Sheila is at her happiest when there’s a real challenge in front of her, and she’s not the sort to let a little thing like common sense slow her. This sort of attitude can be annoying, as her undying energy tires out those around her and gets her in situations that she could’ve avoided with a modicum of planning, but she’s not about to learn from her mistakes anytime soon. Some suspect that she would be content dying in that ring if it came down to it, and well…she can think of worse ways to go.

All this makes her a fierce competitor, if a bit of an overbearing one. There’s no holding back with her - when the bell rings, she comes at her opponent full stop, and she doesn’t quit until the match is over. This can lead some to think she’s vicious, but she’s not a sadistic person by nature and doesn’t get some sick kicks out of hurting others. She just doesn’t see the point in restraint. It’s not like she gets bonus points for playing nice, so why keep the kid gloves on?

If you could get her to slow down and talk for a minute, you’d learn that she’s a woman with a deep, abiding love for wrestling, someone who wants to experience the sport in all its facets. She loves it as a fan and as a wrestler, and tries to immerse herself in all aspects of the business, hanging around before and after shows, talking with the older talent, discussing moves and trading stories. She might not have the brain for long term plans, but she does know that, whatever it entails, she wants it to involve wrestling.
It’s one thing to fail. It’s another thing to fail time and time again. Sheila Morgan was experiencing exactly that in her early wrestling career. Coming out of college, she’d been a fresh face on the scene, but the Australian wrestling community was fairly sparse and she had trouble finding a place to call her home. It didn’t help that, while she did have the gusto and energy for the sport, she lacked the mind for technique. While she could handle the basics, she tends to fail with anything more complicated with a DDT, and she wound up getting kicked out of every school she went to.

Dejected, the smarter thing to do might’ve been to quit and try an alternate line of work, and most would’ve…but most weren’t Sheila. Stubborn and determined, she decided that, if she couldn't get into a promotion, she would just make her own. She gathered some friends with similar interests in training and started doing backyard wrestling, having crazy, unsanctioned matches. Giving it the admittedly uninspired name Outback Wrestling, it started off small, but as time grew they began attracting larger and larger crowds, and even made decent money off the DVDs and charging for admission.

Sheila was a star attraction in particular, with people traveling to Brisbane to see her perform insane, death-defying moves, risking her life on a daily basis for the slightest applause. It was a rough life, and one that saw her have so many hospital visits that the staff knew her on a first name basis, but she loved it. Ever since she was a kid, she’d always loved performing in front of others and doing crazy things for their approval, and this was the ultimate form of that.

Sheila gained no small amount of fame, and it wasn’t long before her DVDs and Youtube videos found their way to LAW. Impressed and thinking she might make a decent addition to the LAWless division, she was given the chance to join a real promotion for the first time, finally getting the chance to break into the industry. While she was reluctant to leave the show she’d created, her friends urged her to follow her original dream, and she vowed to give it a try for them.

Off to Japan she goes.
Main Outfit
Alt Outfit

=Fun Facts=

+Hates spiders. Not afraid of them, just hates them. One got stuck in her hair when she was little and she’s had it out for the little bastards ever since.
+Sheila’s fashion sense is non-existent. All her outfits were made by her friends and designed by an ex-girlfriend she’s on good terms with. Left to her own devices, she would wrestle in jeans, boots, and a t-shirt.
+Despite her reckless style of wrestling, Sheila has few lingering injuries. The biggest one is an ache in her knee from a botched Across the Border, but it only hurts when it rains.
+Her father was something of a hunter, and took her out with him on occasion. She’s fairly skilled with a rifle, and while she hasn’t used it on living targets in a while, she likes to keep her skills sharp with some target practice every now and then.
+She’s a far cry from a nurse, but thanks to a mixture of online courses and real life experience, Sheila is skilled at administering first aid. This came in handy when one of her wrestlers was impaled by some rebar after a bad dive, and she was able to keep him stable until proper help arrived. Probably saved his life.


Rivals: Elinor Klügmann, Nerissa Labong, Kuroi Kamikaze
Enemies: Elinor Klügmann, Kuroi Kamikaze
Crushes: Nerissa Labong
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:26 am, edited 13 times in total.

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