
This is one of her inventions. this is a body suit to cover her up if she is nude if she ever gets stripped or undressed without her wanting to it will become invisible making it look like she has no genitalia and no nips kinda like censorship in anime when someone gets naked she is however wearing underwear under the body suit. It’s a push up bra and brief panties
Name: Kaguya Saito
Weight class: lightweight
Height: 5’1
Weight : 108
Hair: yellow not blonde
Eye color: blue (don’t focus on the eyes in the picture)
Body type: 6 pack abs and muscle only really in the arms but there is good muscle in those arms
Entrance music
Alignment: can and will change based on how she feels
Nationality: Japan
Fighting style:mma,submission grapple, Japanese jiu jitsu,combat wrestling, and her own fighting style. She called it pleasure grappling
Fighting plan: get a hold of her opponent and don’t let go unless it is better to let go. If I have a hold on someone try to transition to a standing submission move or throw to the ground then do a submission move.
Strengths and weaknesses:she is a Genius. She is also an amazing grappler. She actually does not know why she is so good maybe it’s because of the fact that she wants get all up in everyone’s grill no matter who or maybe she secretly a magical being from an unknown land and is here claim the throne of the strongest grappler but here biggest weakness Is that she is way over confident when she stands in the ring she almost Always laughs at the beginning of a fight and she will trash talk and trash talk even if she is losing but don’t mistake this for stupidity ( check the personality for why)
Attack preference: find a weak spot and exploit it.
The Koji clutch

Grizzly bearhug: this is a move she created. This is a normal bearhug but she expands her muscles and she plants her head in the stomach to opponent’s stomach. And pulling as hard as she can pulling her opponent’s muscles and pushing them making it feel like they are being sandwiched
Shocking experience ( finisher): this is her grizzly bear hug but she uses her shocking gloves with it. The gloves will cut off the brain pulses to the body to make it so that the victim can’t move unless they have a tolerance her shocking. This will also cause with enough energy shot out, unconsciousness
Goddess of pleasure’s kiss (finisher) this is a move where she try’s to drain all the fight out of her opponent: she is an expert kisser and this can bring down even the most stoic. She has a knack for giving pleasure and this is her magnum opus when it comes to that
Ultimate spank: she drives her knee right into the opposite cutting off oxygen and trying stun them if they are stunned she will eather 1 play with them in a funny way or 2 keep them on her knee and strip them and begins an electric spanking and she will continue the spanking until they fall unconscious or they give up
Base stats:
Defense: 2/5
Running speed4/5
Technique: 3/5
Wrestling stats:
Strikingly:2/5 she is not very good at striking unless she is using the shocking gloves
Grappling:5/5 she has amazing grappling abilities and even at her weight can break heavyweight with her hugs
Jumping attacks/moves1/5: she is a grappler jumping is not her forte
Counter4/5: she can turn a submission she was in into a submission her opponent is in. She can take punch and turn it into a bear hug catch my drift
Ground and pound3/5:she is good with the transition movement and submissions on the ground but everything else isn’t good
Favorite matches: standard matches,strip matches,submission matches,hentai matches,and Ironman matches.
Personality: she is a funny, fun, and psychotic bitch she takes pleasure in the pain of others and the pain of her own self if she can fine a pain her victim can’t stand she will use it over and over until her victim is broken. She will taunt,grope, and try To strip her opponents, she taunts and opponent every second of the match be it words, body movement, or childish mocking. Not because she hates anyone but because she is trying to make them mad to throw bad punches or make a mistake, she does all this actually out of a kind heart she want everyone to be happy and the only way she sees how is to find something her opponent’s fetish or if she finds out about her opponent troubles she will try to work them out for her opponent by doing the very trouble her opponent hates. Because she does all this she sees herself as the goddess of pleasure. She will try to make anyone her slave because she sees herself as a goddess of pleasure by making there fantasy come true as best she can. And she is a genius she got got an IQ of 159 she loves learning and she loves crafting all kinds of things technician at the heart and a scientist at the mind. But she has one problem she doesn’t want to be naked in front of someone or almost for that matter.
NO GET AWAMPHH! GET BAMPHHH! WHTA ARE YOU DOING WITH BREASMPPHHH!!!! ‘’Shush shush no need to worry it all be over soon your troubles will be aaaallll over’’! This was her first week but let’s set the clock back a little bit. Kaguya was a small girl in a small town in Okazaki. Her family was not rich nor poor just stagnant. She had 4 brother and 6 sisters and all of them were bigger than her and stronger than her so she has always had to punch above her weight. But there is one thing her family had in common the love of wrestling they watched almost every episode of any Japanese wrestling and even American one too but they were harder to watch because the tv couldn’t really get a good reception but when she saw wrestling that is all she ever wanted to do so she practiced with her family. They actually play wrestled before but now it was serious. They made fake names fake moves and even a fake ring made from purely from scrap metal and held together by cloth sheets. There matches were normal but they also used match from pro wrestling like submissions matches last man standing matches and from wwe bra and pantie matches. Kaguya was the runt of the family and she knew that so she would use her small body to an advantage by moving around her opponent quickly and catching them off guard. It was always boys vs boy and girls vs girls so automatically she had more competition but she only lost 2 out of 35. She was unstoppable in the grapple at the age of 13 she beat her eldest sister in matches as a normality. After she turned 16 she entered an amateur wrestling in hopes to become a pro and on her debut match it was a strip match that had to end with a submission or pin. ‘’So your name is Kaguya. Well Kaguya for in the next 3 minutes you are gonna be naked and I am gonna send you packing’’ ‘’ you sure about that here let me change your tone’’ 1 minute later Kaguya locked her opponent in a bear hug ‘’ so let me ask who Is gonna be stripped’’ she began to pull at her opponent’s top ‘’ohhh pikaboo I see you. That is a nice bra you got here let me show it’’ she then took off her opponent’s top reviling a bikini top ‘’ hey give that back’’ Kaguya then threw her down and and had this menacing stare ‘’NO GET AWAMPHH’’ Kaguya was smothering her opponent with 1 hand and with the other stripping her opponent’s bottom and she won the match. ( this getting a bit to big let’s speed this up) she won every match she was brought up in mainly through submissions and the opponent giving up she even gained the name name dragon of grappling in her home town but she preferred goddess of pleasure. One day when a few weeks after she turned 20 someone broke into her house and said ‘’ give me all of your stuff money,jewelry, credit cards, and everything of value’’. But they didn’t have anything nothing worth more than 300yen Kaguya was hiding behind the kitchen counter he never knew he was there because she already grabbing something from under the kitchen table she began to sneak behind the masked intruder if you don’t have anything then there is no reason for you to live. Kaguya hearing the snapped at the intruder and put him in a chock hold he fired 5 shots before he could be restrained 3 shots missed and 2 hit her father. In her rage she grabbed him by the head and snapped his Neck. She ran to her father and said ‘’ father no please just hold on CALL AN AMBULANCE HURRY. Don’t worry dad it’s gonna be fine just hang on’’. ‘’ ka..guya I want you to know that I am proud of you you have become what you wanted without boot licking or ass kissing you had a dream and sought it out on your own. I wish that I could have done the same as you when I was your age’’. ‘’Thank you papa’’ ( in the hospital) ‘’ok your father is stabilized but his insurance can’tcover the expenses’’. ‘’ I understand how long before you let him go’’. He began to ponder and wonder and sighed ‘’I shouldn’t do this but your May favorite wrestler Kaguya so I will give you 5 months to pay off everything’’. Kaguya went to her knees and said ‘’ thank you that you so much. You are risking your own job just to save my dad seriously thank you’’. Her family came up and said ‘’WE WILL HELP TO’’!! ‘’ ALRIGH LET’S DO IT’’ ( 3 days later) she got a letter saying thanks to her defending herself against a armed intruder she has been invited to be in the professional wrestling organization known as law she took this as a sign that she can save her father and was gonna do it no matter what even it costed her life
Matches 3
Wins 3
Loses 0