Zoey Satoshi
Personal Information
Name: Zoey Satoshi
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Height: 4'9, 145cm
Weight: 95 lb, 43kg
Age: 18
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Tweener
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Assigned Difficulty Rating: ★★★★ (Hard)
Personality: Zoey is a very confident, very cocky little wrestler. Very sure of her ability in the ring, she constantly teases and taunts opponents and friends alike, which makes it a little hard to get more of the latter. She is very good at verbal sparring, and quite often manages to get under someone's skin and make them all red-faced and flustered. Her small size coupled with her overconfident attitude makes her quite appealing to the LAW audience, even if it doesn't do her many favours with the rest of the roster. She likes to fight aggressively, using her maneuverability and acrobatic agility to keep up a fast-paced offence even at great risk to herself. She is insecure about her size however, and gets unreasonably flustered and angry towards anyone who suggests she isn't a 'worthy' opponent because she's too small.
History: Zoey was born in Kitakyushu, Japan to a very wealthy Japanese father and moderately wealthy French mother. While her father made his wealth from inheriting and creating a number of highly successful businesses, her mother was a semi-famous professional wrestler in her youth and made a large amount of money from merchandising and advertising deals. Even early in her life, Zoey took an interest in pro-wrestling, watching her mother's old tapes and eventually moving on to watch LAW (though the roster at the time differed considerably from today). Once she reached high-school age, Zoey managed to get herself into gymnastics & ballet, becoming very flexible and acrobatic and quite adept at the sports, her small size relative to most other students giving her something of an advantage. However, her size proved to be a hindrance when it came to joining the school pro-wrestling team, the managers believing she was too small to be competitive against the other students, which upset Zoey to no end.
Eventually, through a combination of support from her friends, other students, and her parents, the team management finally caved in and let her join. As expected for someone small and light who had never fought before, 14-year-old Zoey did very poorly for most of the first year. Her parents took it upon themselves to make their daughter a better fighter, and paid for a whole plethora of different highly-rated trainers and instructors. Now with a set schedule for training (A very rigorous one, with Zoey spending 10 hours each week with the training team), Zoey's in-ring abilities improved dramatically, going from the lowest-rated 16-and-under wrestler in the region at the start of the first year, to one of the top 5 by the time she graduated and left school.
It didn't take long for her to start receiving invites and offers in the mail to attend pro-wrestling events, both tickets to watch as a spectator and contracts to participate as a fighter. Her mother helped her out by essentially working as her manager, deciding which events she was going to show up to and which she wasn't. Seeing how she hadn't grown at all since her school years, Zoey was a fair bit shorter than almost all of her opponents, which helped grow her fanbase considerably when she proved herself still capable of consistently winning. Just two months before her 18th birthday, a much more famous, high-profile organisation contacted Zoey and offered her a place on their roster. Being a huge fan of LAW since childhood, Zoey eagerly accepted, and she remains a little part of the roster to this day.
Love Interest: None
Close Friends: Asuka Hisashi
Friends: Miriam Mitchell
Enemies: None
Rival: None
Fun Facts:
-) Zoey has an unreasonable hatred towards anyone who manages to reverse one of her high-flying moves into an electric chair slam or powerbomb, having lost numerous matches pre-LAW to it.
-) Despite both parents being over 6' tall, Zoey somehow ended up over a full foot shorter than either of them.
-) Zoey's primary method of personal transportation is a skateboard. Somehow weaving in and out of crowds without ever taking her eyes off her phone.
Wrestling Information
Style: Zoey fights with a highly acrobatic and flashy style, using a lot of aerial takedowns and quick high kicks to create a highly aggressive offense aimed at overwhelming her opponents. She typically follows up any successful takedown with submission holds depending on how safe she feels it'd be to try, backing off instead or delivering quick strikes to allow an escape if she feels the risk would be too high.
Common Attacks: Zoey typically likes to use high kicks and leaping aerial attacks. She is proficient with some submission holds such as armbars and sleepers where she can use the power of her entire body against just one or two limbs. Zoey does overestimate her own strength from time to time, sometimes attempting power moves like scoop slams on heavier opponents that she has no chance at lifting.
Preferred Matches: Zoey's pride and ego has her accept practically any type of match, considering herself to be such a good wrestler that she can do well in any situation (Of course, she can't.) Even then, she still has a fear of hardcore matches, being more reluctant to agree to one than others.
Finishing Moves:
Question Mark Kick
Easier to land against a stunned opponent, but she can pull it off against more aware opponents. Zoey raises her knee up high to be roughly aimed or level with her opponent's head. Then, she swings her foot out as hard as she can towards the side of the victim's skull. If it lands, it is quite devastating and can cause a K.O versus an unprepared opponent.

Stump Puller
Against a sitting opponent, Zoey will step over their shoulders and hook their left leg around her left foot and pull it out to the victim's side. At the same time, she takes her opponent's right leg in both hands at the ankle and raises it up to a painfully high angle while leaning her own body forwards, putting a lot of pressure on the victim's thigh and lower spine.

Signature Move:
Cartwheel Powerbomb
Zoey sprints towards her opponent, building up as much speed as possible. Once the two are very close, Zoey performs a cartwheel around to their rear while hooking both arms around the victim's thighs and twisting them up onto their back. She lands on her knees and the victim on their back, and the move can easily be transitioned into a matchbook pin. The surprise and leverage the move create are usually enough to let her perform it on anyone who isn't unreasonably heavy.

Strength: ★★ - Zoey's physical strength is about what you'd expect from someone as small as herself. While she knows how to use leverage and technique to her advantage to make up for it, in a straight-up test of strength she will lose to almost anyone.
Stamina: ★★★★★ - Zoey's stamina seems to be limitless, able to carry herself around the ring until the end of all but the longest of matches without growing tired. She can still be winded by opponents to achieve the same effect however.
Endurance: ★★ - As expected from someone her size, Zoey really sucks at taking hits. Anyone with a decent amount of muscle will have her down and out in just a few hits.
Speed: ★★★★★ - Zoey's speed is her biggest asset, letting her make up for her lack of musculature by throwing out very fast-moving strikes and helping her to evade a few attacks thrown against her by her opponents. It definitely is quite a task to keep up with her in this regard.
Flexibility ★★★★★ - As a former gymnast, and someone who has received three years of non-stop training by very highly-rated instructors, Zoey has amazing flexibility, being very much in-control of her body movements and able to quickly learn and adapt to new moves.
Overall Rating: ★★★★ - A phenomenal lightweight wrestler, Zoey is easy to underestimate in the ring, but is certainly someone who shouldn't be. Her small size is quite well made-up for by her fantastic skill and technique, though one wrong move or a quick burst of bad luck can easily flip an otherwise one-sided match against her.
Ring Attire:


Match History - 0/0/0 W/L/D
Non-Match History