Age: 21
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Height: 4’9
Weight: 92 lbs
Entrance Music:
Laus Saint Claudius!
Nationality: Romanian
Strategy: Aurelia is a very arrogant and prideful woman, as such, she believes her body is the pinnacle of perfection. So much so that she takes any opportunity to show it off, mostly resorting to breast and ass smothers to show off her superiority. While smothers are her favorite and more preferred attacks, Aurelia also enjoys using aerial attacks and submissions. She states when she does her aerial attacks, it as though she is “dancing in the air” and “gracing the audience” with her beauty.
“None has a more elegant and beautiful buxom and rear than I!”-Aurelia Bucur
Preferred Moves: Breast Smother, Stinkface, Facesits, Crotch Smother, Hip Strikes, Drop Kicks, Arm Bar
Finishing Move/s:
Blooming Beauty: Climbing up onto a turnbuckle, Aurelia will jump up and out from the corner and perform a moonsault onto her weakened opponents. (Normally with some theatrics)
“Look at the rise of perfection, and the downfall of mediocre!”
Worship Me!: With her opponent thoroughly defeated, Aurelia won’t hesitate to take the chance to humiliate them with an over the top crotch smother, jumping and rubbing her crotch on her foe’s face until they are smothered out.
Grace From The Great Aurelia!: After some theatrics, Aurelia will start running to the ropes and rebound off of them, sending herself flying at her opponent! She will thrust herself ass-first at her opponent’s face, and grace them with the honor of being knocked out by her superior rear!
Aurelia's Main Attire

Enjoy yourselves with these perfect and beautiful photos of me!

Aurelia's Hentai Attire

Naughty naughty~ But I can't fault you for wanting to see me!

Happy Easter!

Photos from her modeling career

Surprise? I, Aurelia Bucur, will always look perfect in anything!

Her arrogant and cocky attitude can put her off as someone people would normally dislike, but when someone gets to know Aurelia, they realize she does in fact have a heart of gold (when she’s not busy boasting about herself). She firmly believes that in wrestling, the most important thing is having fun and pleasing the crowd. She also has a great love for theatre, which is why she’s always over-the-top in matches. While a handful, Aurelia is always willing to help her friends, even if they insist they don’t need, forcing herself on to them. She also has an obsession with beauty, and is seemingly able to find beauty in everyone, no matter how nasty someone is. She can be rather spoiled though, coming from a wealthy family, but that spoiled side of her is what gives her a child-like charm.
History: Aurelia Bucur was born to be perfect ever since she could walk. Aureila was born to a famous Hollywood actress and a very successful businessman. Given she was born to a successful couple, it was no surprise her parents spoiled her very much. Any toy she wanted, she got. Any food she wanted, she got. Any new clothes she wanted, she got. Any place she wanted to go to, she got. Anything she wanted, she always got. As she grew older, she developed interests in many things; piano, singing, dancing, drawing, basketball, swimming, baseball…basically any hobby a kid would be interested, she fell in love with.
Now, most people would immediately think, with all those hobbies, she must’ve been one of those typical selfish brats who simply dropped everything they used to love just go do what interested, and to those people who think that, they’re wrong. Aurelia was actually a very enthusiastic girl who absolutely loved everything and did everything, and her parents certainly did not mind paying the expenses as long as she applied herself.
From being a local singing idol, to competing in piano competition, to playing sports on amateur teams, Aurelia did it all. She was the “Golden Child” of her home. While she had a love for many things, her love for wrestling came when she was in high school.
Aurelia had moved to America when she was 15 because of her parents’ work; her father was leading a new business plan while her mother was starring the leading role of a new movie. Of course, she was the talk of the school she attended; perfect marks, flawless beauty, the dream of every boy, Aurelia was the Queen. But she was far from being an obnoxious queen. While she did have her moments, those moments tended to have a charismatic effect on people. And when she did go on her rants, she always complimented everyone.
One day when she was going on one of her usual rants about how flawless she is, something had caught her attention. From a window, she was able to see into the gym where her high school’s wrestling team was practicing in. She immediately become fascinated and asked one of her groupies what they were doing in the gym. When they explained to her they were wrestling, Aurelia immediately knew what she was going to ask her parents that night.
That night at the dinner table in her family’s luxurious pent house, Aurelia had asked her parents to sign her up for wrestling lessons. Her parents were surprised at first, but they agreed to. Her father thought it would certainly help build character like the other sports she played, and her mother thought it would be good for her daughter’s beautiful body.
From then on, Aurelia took wrestling lessons after school and on the weekends. Going through a rough training regimen, she managed to keep a positive and cheery attitude, even when her instructor was hard on her, claiming it’s beautiful how hard they are trying to teach her! Finally, after a few years of training, her instructor believed she was good to wrestle at a professional level, which was a wish she only shared with him!
So the night after her graduation, Aurelia had told her parents what she wanted to do and not too surprise, her father already made the necessary calls to get her a job as a professional wrestler! Aurelia was extremely ecstatic about it but she also gave them another surprise…that she was first going to work as a model for her father’s modeling branch and as an actress like her mother! Those words had brought tears of joy in her parents eyes as Aurelia is now a professional model, actress, and soon to be a professional wrestler once she enters LAW!
History in LAW
1. Aurelia's debut match against the heroic Kamen Moon! It seems she will be the villain of this play! Now who will win? The Heroine of Justice or the Pinnacle of Perfection, Aurelia Bucur!