Lilith Chaslin:The Firehawk

120lbs/54.5kg and below
Posts: 1280
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2021 11:14 pm
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Lilith Chaslin:The Firehawk

Unread post by Ovrlrdalex »

Lilith Chaslin
Born:texas usa



Alignment:Heelish face

Likes:A good fight,brawling,maya,sirens,a stiff drink,purple candy.getting paid with weapons and money

Dislikes:losing,people plucking her hair

Personality:Arrogant,sadistic,cocky,impulsive but a good team player

Bio:While a texan,lilith has greek blood in her through her ancestry,her grand mother told her stories about witches in greece known as sirens,named after the folklore of greek mythology beings, and that her marks were a sign.

Lilith however didnt pay mutch attention to theme as she was more interested in is to fire a weapon with her dad or,sucking on a hard purple candy ,or her favourite pass time,fightimg,she tooking wrestling classes as an excuse yo cut loose,,boxing and archery, while she has a decent reputation at school and collage she had a arrogant attitude that gont under people's skin.

Her attire showed her rebellious streak as she got into adultgood and,sometimes her she purposely lower her pants a bit to show her ass a bit

When want to enlist in the army her dad knew that the attitude would hold her back so he gave her a job with him as a mercenary.

She would travel with her dad across the world before he would retire and pass the business onto her,he forst job by herslef was giving by steele of the atlas corporation but in reality was a lure to form the siren sisterhood

Lilith decided to join out of action along side amara and Steele's right hamd,maya.

Maya found the red head alluring as they traveled and perfromed missons together

Lilith's rough temper caught maya's eyes,as the two fell in love maya wamted to cool lilith's temper a reckless nature

After four years the siren sisterhood were looking to take a break from their jobs and took amara and Steele's suggestions and went into pro wrestling

Preferred matches:hardcore,last women standing,ni dq,steel cage

Strategy:when not cutting the ring in half with her team,she her strategy simple,hit and hit Harding,she using dirty tactics like choking,eye gouging hair pulling to wear an opponent down

Signature moves:

▌ Phasestomp
- Lilith sidesteps her opponent in a smooth, agile manner. Then she violently stomps on their foot from behind.

▌ Venomous Bite
- Lilith latches onto her opponent's back and proceeds to bite any available skin.

▌ Shocking
- Lilith will perform this on both clothed and nude opponents. She makes the "shocker" hand gesture before performing it on her opponent from behind.

▌ Phoenix Rising
- With her opponent downed, Lilith will climb the turnbuckle and stand up straight. She will then spread her arms out from her sides like wings before quickly launching herself in a Flying Frog Splash.

▌ Phase Strike
- A decisive and strong-handed knockout punch.


Entrance theme:

General Statistics
Endurance[4/5] ★ -
Strength[2/5] ★ -
Speed[4/5] ★ -
Defence[4/5] ★ -
Technique[3/5] ★ -

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes 5/5 ★ -
Submissions[3/5] ★ -
Powerhouse 2/5 ★ -
Aerials[4/5] ★ -
Counters[3/5] ★ -
Last edited by Ovrlrdalex on Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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