Sex: Female
Age: 20
Eyes: Red
Hair: Purple
Height: 5'15"
Weight: 120 lbs
Nationality: Italy
Alignment: Face (for now)
Entrance music:
Strategy: She dances around her oppnents with her sick moves and hits them with powerful strikes when they don't expect it! But when She Is in Deep trouble She becomes... More wild...
Style: Rythm Fighter
Type: Striker/grappler
Preferred Attacks:Rhytmical strikes/submissions
Preferred Matches: Any But in hentai Anna is more...."Wild"
Endurance: ★★★★ - Has a good endurance, but can improve.
Strength: ★★ - She needs training on that
Speed: ★★★★ - Very Good speed
Defense: ★★★ - Good defense she can cover most of her parts easly
Technique: ★★★★★ - She is good with grappling!
Strikes: ★★★★
Power: ★★
Agility: ★★★
Counter: ★★★★
Signature moves:
Kimura lock


Curb stomp


Personality:Anna is a fun loving woman just out of college that had found a calling of sorts while going to conventions. Walking around the events, Anna would say to herself, "I could totally do that better." Examining the outfits that men and women alike would wear to these events would spark Anna's calling. Using her skill in crafting to finally make good on the degree she had for Fashion Design. Finding her calling with making outfits would make her happy. Focused on pleasing her audience wherever she goes, Anna will always stop to give autographs or pose for pictures whenever she possibly can.
History:Anna was born in Milano, Anna had gone to school at the Milan Gallery. Studying in Fashion Design, Anna would graduate with a Fashion Degree and had no plans to continue on with her education as she would find her calling in designing cosplay outfits and wearing them to conventions along with other gatherings. Gaining a level of fame, Anna would find that she had found a level of financial success with the selling of prints along with appearance stipends from various events.
Anna had found herself wearing down from all the constant working and had taken a hiatus from the scene for about 6 months or so. During this time, Anna would train herself in boxing, kickboxing, and other various cardio routines to increase her stamina. Finding a new method to monetize herself, Anna would appear similarly to how an actress playing a bit part would in scenes of movies and shows along with various live performances as well. Anna would develop a love for wrestling when she was asked to be the ring announcer for a local promotion. Keeping her fitness level up, Anna would start training with the wrestling talent and begin to learn basic moves. Over time Anna would even find herself in the ring as a competitor from time to time.
Anna was a skilled dancer too, and liked to move with rythm too when she fights.
With her popularity rising again now that she had regained the spotlight, Anna was given an invitation to the big time. A representative from LAW in Japan would give her the opportunity of a lifetime. Not only would she be provided a stipend for continuing her costume design, but LAW was willing to give her a contract to become a regular wrestler within the organization. Not wanting to rest on her laurels, Anna would negotiate her own training area where she could continue with her boxing. The mention of which seemed to draw some ire from the representatives who had approached Anna. Seemingly only interested in wrestling talent, Anna would seek to improve her abilities during her time in LAW.
Wrestling Attire:



LAW Information
Record: 4-0-0
Win against Phoenix Vandrake:viewtopic.php?p=337297#p337297
Win against Ash Daniels:viewtopic.php?p=337229#p337229
Win against Louise Bèlair:viewtopic.php?p=358073#p358073
Win against Aina Winchester: viewtopic.php?p=365595#p365595