Age: 28
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 106 lbs.
Hair: Lavender
Eyes: Purple (via contacts)
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: Bulgarian
Entrance Music:
Wrestling Attire

Casual Attire



Fighting Style:
Zora's style can best be described as brutally efficient. Stiff strikes and devastating throws aim to debilitate opponents in decisive fashion- And when she really wants to make a point, she can throw in an effective submission hold or two there to firmly establish superiority.
Preferred Matches:
Standard, Hardcore, Prisoner of War
Attitude Towards Hentai:
"Perhaps, if you pay me enough... I won't break your bones for asking such a ridiculous question."
Twist of the Knife


Zora's heart is cold to the touch. Between her usual lack of facial expressions and bored, borderline monotonous voice, most assume her to be a near-emotionless killer- A suspicion that isn't entirely unfounded thanks to her scarily effective work in the ring. But even with such a reputation, Zora isn't entirely devoid of morality- In fact, there's a few personal codes she follows devoutly.
Of course she doesn't share them with just anybody, you got to earn than privilege.
Zora Malevsky's past is the subject of many a rumor in the locker room. It's impossible not to speculate honestly, with that strange, almost enchanting air of mystery surrounding her. Some understandably assume her to be a former government agent- With some of the more paranoid members of the roster believing she still is. Others swear by the theory that she use to be associated with a Russian crime syndicate in some way, usually a sort of 'legendary' hitwoman. There's even been a notion that she's actually some sort of serial killer, who evaded capture and escaped her homeland of Bulgaria without ever being caught by police.
The fact nobody can stick to just any one story proves that Zora was very good at her job.
Whatever she had done in her life, Zora was very quickly climbing the ranks as she proved to that world that she was a prodigy, destined to reach the top fast, and stay there for a long time. That is, until she suffered a debilitating injury that forced her into an early retirement. Hurt and humiliated, she drifted aimlessly for a few years as she healed, unsure what she should do with herself now...
And that's when she discovered the LAW. She was immediately enraptured with the what she saw, especially the physicality and tenacity of the stars. She felt a fire light in her heart- This was a place where she could regain her footing, and prove that she was still as capable as she was before.
Without hesitation, she set out to LAW, and (after some "persuasion" that's best left unexplained) started the next chapter of her life- One she would not end until she was champion.