Queen Geedorah

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Queen Geedorah

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Queen Geedorah! Take me to your leader!
Full Name: Yolanda Young
Nicknames: Yo-Yo, Queen Geedorah
Age: 19
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blue
Height: 5”2’
Weight: 111 lbs.
Birthplace: Newark, New Jersey

Entrance Music:

Alternates between different beats for her to rap to as she comes down to the ring.

Wrestling Information
Strategy: Attack, attack, attack!

Yo-Yo throws herself headlong into the opponent, eschewing all caution and technique and going for wild offense. This wouldn't be the worst strategy if she had the muscle and speed to back it up, but alas, Yo-Yo doesn’t have the body to back up her mouth and her charges often fall flat once her opponent regroups. She’s a decent fistfighter but subpar elsewhere, and has to rely on dirty tactics to get any headway against more vital, more skilled foes.

Style: Back Alley Brawling
Type: Anything-Goes Striker

Attitude to Hentai: “Queen Geedorah! Take me to your leader!
Leave ‘em worn on the mat like brand-x sneakers
And you know that hentai is part of my plan
‘Cause I get more ass than Onlyfans!

Preferred Attacks:

Strikes. Strikes all day. Strikes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack. There is a hint of technique in her moves, as she can execute some moves that you wouldn’t expect some random youth to do, but she’s entirely self-taught and lacks the experience to pull them off with solid timing.

Preferred Matches:

Prefers anything with no disqualifications.
Specialty Match
Graffiti Match: A match where you can only win by submission (hentai or regular) after you’ve fully covered them in spray paint.
Physical Statistics

Endurance:★★★★★ - The only stat she really excels with. Is used to taking a beating.
Strength:★★- Stronger than she looks, but then, she doesn’t look too strong to begin with.
Speed:★★★ - Can strike pretty quickly when she gets whipped up.
Defense: - Never met a punch she wouldn’t take.
Technique: - Nonexistent.

Wrestling Statistics

Strikes: ★★★ - About the only thing she can do half well, though she lacks refinement.
Submissions: - Does punching someone until they give up count as a submission move? No?
Powerhouse:★★ - She’s skinny one. Could lift someone around her size, but it would take much effort.
Aerial: ★★- Has been known to leap off tall things to punch people more effectively.
Counters: - Nope.

Signature Moves:
The Lookaway
Yo-Yo pretends to look at something behind her opponent, then hits them in the face when they turn to see what she’s looking at.
Finishing Moves:
Frog Punch
Yo-Yo ducks down, then springs up and hits her opponent in the face with both fists at once. It’s actually a devastating blow…if it connects, which doesn’t happen often.
Personal Information
People can figure out Yo-Yo’s biggest problem after speaking to her for five seconds - she has a big mouth. Her fast-talking ways serve her well as a freestyle rapper, but in conversation, she has a habit of speaking before she thinks, making big boasts, and ticking people off with her brutally honest nature and trashtalking.

She’s all about image, and wants to show the world that she’s top-tier talent. To that end, she’ll seize any opportunity to show off and get her name out there, even if it means putting herself into bad situations, and showing an unhealthy confidence in her abilities.
Growing up, Yo-Yo showed a lot of talent in various things. A creative sort, she gravitated to arts, showing a talent for painting and poetry, the latter of which grew into musical talent as she sought to be a rapper. As she grew older, she developed her talents as a musician and came up with her own, unique stage persona.

Unfortunately, she grew a bit of an ego to go along with her skills, one that got her into trouble more often than she would’ve liked. Though she was a scrappy fighter, her taller, stronger cousin had to come and bail her out of fights more often than not. As annoying as it was for her cousin, the experiences did bring them them closer together, and the two would grow up more like sisters.

When her cousin went off to follow her dream of being a wrestler, Yo-Yo decided to tag along, too, wanting to use the wrestling business to further her music career. The two would go on to make a moderately successful tag team, with her cousin doing most of the work while Yo-Yo handled the promo work. It was her mic skills that got the attention of LAW, who wanted to infuse the promotion with some ‘hip hop talent’. Though her cousin warned her that she wasn’t ready for the big leagues, all Yo-Yo could see was dollar signs, and she was on the first plane to Japan.

Regular Outfit
Hentai Outfit
=Fun Facts=

+ Her rapper name, Queen Geedorah, is a nod to the rapper King Geedorah, also known as the the late, great MF Doom, of whom she is a big fan. She also loves Godzilla movies, though she’ll deny it if asked.
+ Does know some yo-yo tricks. She’s not a master, but it seemed weird to have the nickname and not know how to do a few things.
+Loves hot dogs with a burning passion.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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