Noire (the elegant angel)

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Noire (the elegant angel)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Weight:125 pounds
In ring name:”little miss Elegant”

BG:Noire is the daughter of Daniella, from a young age she was taught to be prim and proper, however when she ended up meeting Neptune she felt like she could, let a bit loose, have more fun and such, with her and Neptune basically being best friends and her having learned judo at a young age, Noire was practically brimming with excitement to go and see her best friend and mother again, even though her and her mother don’t really talk that much she still was happy to see dear mommy dearest again

Personality:Noire is very elegant, prim and proper, the basic princess archetype but she was quickly told to be down to earth and respectful of others, when she is around Little Neptune, Noire will end up relaxing but she will still have that same princess energy

Signature: “hookline and sinker”

[Noire will hug her opponent while they are disoriented, slightly confusing them before delivery a good old right hooker to the opponent’s stomach, and flipping them over her shoulder judo style (if they are in a similar weight class too her)]

Finisher: “the princess’s kiss of death”

[Noire will walk up to her opponent and kiss them on the cheek softly, in an attempt to confuse them, while confused Noire will flip them over her shoulder and pull them into a tight headlock in an attempt to make them tap out, or make them pass out]

Preferred matches:

Boxing matches:”I have been practicing boxing and I want to see if I wish to see how far I’ve come since I’ve started a month ago”

Submission matches:”my finisher would probably be best for submission matches anyways, of course I could always make something new in the ring while-“
(Noire ended up taking to herself for a solid five minutes after saying this)

Attitude towards hentai:” I mean...I’m willing to try”





wresling outfit:


“Mom this is SOOO embarrassing!”:


Study buddies:

Last edited by DarknessMaster on Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The flames will not harm you unless you intend to harm them, remember if you get hurt, the flames do not attack without reason


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