Little Dollie

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Knows The Ropes
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Little Dollie

Unread post by Flamintree »

My favourite things are friendship, hugs, and crushing anyone that gets in my way!

Name: Shelby Marwood
Stage Name: Little Dollie
Age: 19
Hair Colour: Pink
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Cup Size: C
Alignment: Heel
Nationality: American
Entrance Music
Wrestling Information

Strategy: Shelby puts on the act of being a cute, innocent girl way out of her comfort zone, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. She acts easily embarrassed and cutesy to fool others into underestimating her, but she's deceptively strong for her size, a trait that she uses to her advantage whenever she can. Against heavyweights and other enemies that she has no chance of overpowering, though, she tends to try and slip around them to tire them out. More than that, though, she's not afraid to play dirty, more than willing to cheat if she thinks that she can get away with it. When she steps into the ring, victory is all that matters, legitimacy and fairness be damned. More often than not, she tries to steer fights into a sexual direction since it's what she's best at. That said, she's not stupid. She doesn't cheat if she thinks she might get called out on it by the referee, since that risks tarnishing her precious reputation with the fans.

Type: Sensual Grappler
Preferred Match Types: Hentai
Attitude Towards Hentai: It's her favoured format for her matches.

Strength: ★★★★★
Speed: ★☆☆☆☆
Endurance: ★★★★☆
Defence: ★★★☆☆
Techniques: ★★★★☆

Striking: ★☆☆☆☆
Submission: ★★★★★
Aerial: ★☆☆☆☆
Power: ★★★★☆
Counter: ★★★★☆

Favourite Moves
  • Bearhug
  • Stopper Hold
  • Grapevine Submission
  • Bar Leg Hold
  • Crotch Hold
Trapping her opponent in a grapevine hold, Shelby pulls a weak foe into her breasts and smothers them either into submission or knockout.
Taking advantage of a weakened enemy, Shelby slips behind them and pulls them to the ground. In the meantime, she wraps one of her arms around their neck while twining one of her legs around her foe's. Her other leg distracts them by pleasuring their groin while she uses her deceptive strength to choke them into unconsciousness or submission.
Shelby latches on tight to her opponent, trapping them in a tight bearhug with her strength. From there, she'll bite, scratch, and deliver an onslaught of attacks in order to push them into submission or to weaken them enough that one of her other moves can finish the job. A risky technique, given that it leaves her open to her opponent's retaliation, but a part of her enjoys the risk.
Psychological Profile
Though she's got a reputation for being pure and cutesy among her fans, other wrestlers will soon come to find that this doll has a dark side. On the surface, Shelby seems to be a fairly pleasant person, usually appearing to be cheerful and optimistic about most things. She appears to take losses well, as well as being approachable and happy to help others out. She's very sexually open, not afraid to make suggestive comments and teasing jabs at others regarding their bodies, which is her official reason for largely keeping to hentai matches. The only downside to most people is her seeming airheadedness that leads her to get into trouble from time to time. After all, a cute little doll like her wouldn't want to get hurt for real, right?

In truth, she's far from the friendly mask that she puts on. Selfish and sadistic, her only goal is cold, hard, cash. No matter the scandals she might risk or the lives she might ruin, she'll do what it takes to get that bag. In matches, she's known to turn fairly violent even in formats that aren't supposed to have that kind of fighting if she feels like she's in trouble. Very few people come out of matches with her without at least a couple scratches. Those that know the real her know that the whole good sportsmanship show she puts on when losing is a facade, and that anyone who beats her had better be ready to experience a long and spiteful grudge. She rarely forgives, often pursuing those that defeat her, undeterred by a continual streak of losses to them, until she can finally beat them and rub her victory in their face.

To her credit, at least she's determined, though she tends to be cautious with her unsavoury actions, knowing that her reputation among the fans is important. It also helps that she's not actively malicious. She'll do terrible things to get her way, for sure, but she won't go out of her way to cause trouble or hurt people unless she thinks that she serves to benefit from it. It's fairly cold comfort for anybody who runs afoul of her, but it's something. She sometimes even hesitates before exploiting the people she considers friends! Won't stop her from doing it, but hey, at least she feels a little bad about it.

Shelby's airheaded nature, too, is an act. She's actually pretty smart, but likes to obfuscate it for the same reason she obfuscates her strength - because it gets people to underestimate her. She's willing to play dirty outside of matches too, such as breaking her arm and accusing other wrestlers of being responsible for bullying her outside of matches. Of course, she knows she can't throw such accusations around willy nilly, but she'll do it in a heartbeat if she thinks she can get away with it. Above all, she's cautious, making sure she can take someone before unveiling her true self around them. Around those that she doesn't think she stands a chance of defeating, she tends to act cutesy as she does to the public, because while she may be cruel, she's far from reckless. She still dreams of defeating those people, but she knows that she needs to bide her time for that kind of endeavour.

Shelby was born to a pair of wealthy socialites, the youngest scion to a relatively big company. As the youngest child, though, she wasn't really expected to inherit the family, and so seeing little use in her, her parents largely neglected her for most of her childhood. She was raised more by the seemingly endless cycle of maids and butlers than she was her own mother and father, and over time she grew starved for attention. She had always had a bit of a bratty streak, but it only seemed to worsened as she did her best to act up and draw her parents' attention. Eventually, though, her troublemaking would get her in real trouble with the law after she got into a fistfight with one of her classmates. She won, of course, but that didn't matter much to the police or her parents. Fortunately, her opponent's parents didn't press charges on account of the hefty payment that Shelby's parents sent them to bribe them off of it, but it was the first time her parents had truly disciplined her.

She had finally captured her parents' attention, but it was nothing like what she wanted. Suddenly, the maids that her parents assigned her were noticeably stricter and more suffocating. Shelby was nothing if not adaptive, though, and she quickly developed the early drafts of the cheerful ditz mask that she wears today. Thankfully, due to the fact that the rotating wheel of servants only reset once ever couple of weeks and her parents barely knew her, it didn't take long for her to convince the servants that she had changed for the better. She quickly grew bored of the peaceful groove that her life settled in to, though, and began to pick up several martial arts to try and shake things up. While she had some talent in them, though, none of them caught her interest and she quickly dropped them. The art of wrestling, though, did catch her eye, and she began to do some basic training.

Given that her parents were really only interested in seeing their older children, who were expected to one day inherit management of the company, succeed, that meant that it wasn't really hard to convince them to let her go to a wrestling school. Her father remarked that it might not be the wisest choice, but given that they were not particularly invested in seeing her thrive, they allowed her to go anyway. At the wrestling school, Shelby quickly rose to become one of the premier lightweights in her cohort, though frustratingly she could never reach the coveted number one spot, or even second place. It was here that her bratty personality morphed into something more spiteful and cruel, evolving into the dark side that she sports today, always stuck at third place.

Though she wasn't the top dog at her school, though, her performance was still fairly impressive, more than enough to catch the attention of LAW. When they approached her with the offer to join up, she accepted, hoping that it would provide her with an opportunity. She had not forgotten the way her parents had tried to leash her with her allowance. Fueled by ambition and spite, she now strives to make her own living without her parents' support, heading to the top of the earnings board from her starting point of the very bottom. It'll be a long and arduous journey with no guarantee of success, but she knows that she'll never be able to live herself if she doesn't take the plunge.

Warm Weather Outfit
Cold Weather Outfit
Birthday Suit
Pawn- I mean, friends!
  • Neptune "The Heroine"
    Following a long and arduous duel in the arena, which Shelby managed to win, she's become friends with Little Neptune.
  • Kokomi, the Divine Mermaid
    What with the insults that the pair have exchanged as well as the more violent direction that their last Hentai match went to, neither of the women are particularly fond of each other.
Enemies To Be Destroyed
It's complicated.
Win-Loss-Tie Ratio:
  • [4 Wins]
  • [0 Losses]
  • [0 Ties]
Act I: Rising Star
Outmatched in Oil

Out of Character
Available for matches both on the forums or on Discord! PM me on here if you're interested in a Discord match
Hentai matches are heavily preferred when it comes to Shelby, though any kind of match is negotiable.
Last edited by Flamintree on Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:53 am, edited 41 times in total.

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