Title: The Midnight Agent
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 114lbs
Nationality: English
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music
Solo: Aquarium by Camille Saint-Saens
w/Manager Princess Charlotte: Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens
Wrestling Information
Style: Balanced fighter who is mostly a technical wrestler.
Preferred Matches: Any
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 3/5
Speed: 4/5
Defense: 3/5
Technique: 4/5
Finishing moves:
Midnight Sunrise – A variation of the tequila sunrise
Ange and her Girlfriend/Manager Princess Charlotte
Past/History: Ange Collins and Charlotte Winston have been best friends since childhood. They met in Primary School and bonded over their love for classical music and streampunk fantasy. Ange has always been a great athlete, while Charlotte was more into the arts. It has always been Ange’s dream to be a champion athlete in whatever field she can get into. She’s been involved in gymnastics, track & field, volleyball, and other sports, but wrestling has always been her best sport. Ange was a champion amateur wrestler in high school. After high school, Ange decided to become a pro wrestler after high school. Ange tried to get into a few promotions, but never could sum up the courage to follow through on anything. Seeing Ange struggle, Charlotte decided to put her own dreams of being a music composer on hold to help Ange. Charlotte became Ange’s manager, and made sure she got into LAW.
LAW Information
Crushes: Princess Charlotte
Manager: Princess Charlotte