Lucy Grange - The Herald of Destruction

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Lucy Grange - The Herald of Destruction

Unread post by Deus001 »

Name: Lucy Grange.
Sex: Female
Age: 17th March 1996
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown (Dyes it blonde.)
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120 pounds
Nationality: British
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Entrance music: Love, Fury, Passion, Energy by Boy Hits Car

Preferred Matches: Standard, No DQ, KO

Syle: High flyer/Submission (Uses wrestling moves taught by her Father on top of her own personal style.)

Strategy: Uses strikes to attack parts of the body to weaken them, she'll then try to use submission moves to gain a victory.

Strengths: Her small size and agility means she can get hits in quick, also a pro at high flying.
Weakness: Compared to her Brother Ryan she can't take as many hits, she can't really do heavy lifting either.

Endurance: 3/5 = She can take a fair amount of punishment, but nowhere near as much as Ryan or John.
Strength: 3/5 = Can give her punches and kicks some "Oomph." but can't really lift heavy foes, anyone over 200 pounds really.
Speed: 4/5 = Real nimble, was always first at the start of a running race.
Defense: 2/5= Can block a punch or kick but that's about it.
Technique: 4/5 = Skilled with gymnastics, also can do rather impressive submissions.

Strikes: 3/5 - She can hit people where it hurts if it's "Mitts" out
Submissions: 4/5 - She can bring on the pain here, Ryan can attest to that.
Powerhouse: 2/5- Lucy's not one for power based moves, but her old man did teach her how to properly bust out a DDT.
Aerial: 5/5 - If Lucy could fly then not even the US air force would catch her
Counters: 3/5 - She can dodge and block most punches and kicks, grapple attempts as well.

Finishing moves:
The web (Octupus hold. Lucy stands behind the opponent and hooks a leg over the opponent's opposite leg. Lucy then forces the opponent to one side, traps one of the opponent's arms with her own arm, and drapes her free leg over the neck of the opponent, forcing them downward. Lucy places all her weight onto the opponent and pulls back onto the opponent's arm that she trapped, she called it the web as she sees it as rather intricate.)

Shiv (Back stabber. Lucy goes behind her foe and pulls both of her hands on the opponent's shoulders. She then pulls them downward with her knees driving into the opponent's back.)

London Bridge (Shiranui. Lucy's favourite, she puts her opponent into a three quarter facelock. While holding onto her foe she runs up either the turnbuckle or the ring ropes. She then safely lands face down onto the mat, her foe is driven down back first hard onto the mat.)

Unchained: Ultimate disable (Lucy delivers a swift kick to the back of one of her opponent's legs to force them to one knee, she then fires a karate chop to their neck. As they hit the mat Lucy wraps it up with a dropped heel to either their neck or forehead.)

Personality: Lucy tends to be a jovial sort of girl, one that seems like your average British teen girl. She can come off as a bit of a spoiled ditz due to her upbringing, however it can be noted that she shows far more intellect than she lets on. No doubt a little trick given to her by her old man. Although she sometimes has trouble being on her own, so she can be rather clingy to those she forms strong bonds with. Also she hates drugs such as cocaine, as things like that led to her Mother being an addict and thus being unable to take care of her.

Now in the ring however Lucy is the most unstable of her group, the most inclined to flagrantly break rules in the ring. Often doing so with a devil may care attitude, as she decides if she'll do what it takes to win she might as well take some joy in it. That said outside of the ring she's perfectly friendly and easy to get along with, that is until the bell rings and all bets are off.....

Past: Lucy is not the actual child of John Grange, rather the child of his best friend. The two were involved with gangs before John went to college, however they had not done any major crimes. But a rival gang didn't know that and they didn't care, John's best friend was gunned down before his very eyes. Around that time was when Lucy was born, her Mother had a mental illness that prevented her from looking after her child.

It was then that John swore to help Lucy, to give her the best future he could in honor of his friend. When John had become rich thanks to his job he gave her the best education, he also gave her wrestling lessons to be used only in self defence. Lucy knew that John wasn't her real Father, but she knew that her real one would be damm proud of how the two of them were doing.

Then Erica had met John and was employed as his maid, not long after Ryan was taken in by John. They all travelled the world, after turning 18 Lucy got herself stuck in with the indie wrestling scene alongside Ryan and the pair would strike out on their own and recruit John Carnaby into their fold as they became the UK Elite. Overtime however when Ryan was injured following a political rally the group returned now called the Warriors Without Borders. Lucy always had a dark streak to her, kept constrained by her Brother's morals. Now however she could unleash her anger and just enjoy it all~

Allies: Ryan Knight, John Carnaby

Last edited by Deus001 on Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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