Name: Irina Kozlov
Age: 21
Birthday: February 2nd
Nationality: Russia
Occupation: Circus Performer/ Wrestler
Entrance Music:
Likes: Snow, beautiful people, climbing
Dislikes: Strictness, prudes
Height: 5'4
Weight: 117
Personality: A vivacious and carefree woman who enjoys pleasing the crowd more than actually winning matches in the ring, something that only highlights a percentage of her hedonistic lifestyle. Irina loves giving the crowd what they want and works to ensure that at the end of the night, she is the one that is best remembered while using her opponents to create the spectacle at their expense.
Bio: A multi-year veteran performer since childhood, Irina has always enjoyed being under the spotlight and has highlighted numerous circus shows across the world as she showcased her acrobatic feats and contortionist talents in artistic spectacles. Yet not many know that Irina is also trained in the arts of Sambo and kickboxing as a means to defend herself while on travel as a beautiful woman like herself was often the target of her more overzealous fans. Her fighting ability came to light when she started appearing as a valet for wrestlers in promotions and would compete on occasion in the ring. Many of her opponents were often surprised by Irina's strength and while she was often on the losing end, quickly gained a cult following. It wasn't long before Irina was given more invitations to compete in the ring where Irina started to experiment with her agility and testing her limits.
She would eventually start to become a regular within the Valkyrie League as a sort of wall for newcomers to challenge. Irina's uses of the League's four sided ring often confounds her foes and leaves them stunned as she basks in the limelight.
Wrestling Information
Fighting Style: Acrobatic Sambo
Strategy: Trickster
Info: Never the traditionalist, Irina utilizes her acrobatic talents to her advantage, reacting more than defending as she slinks around her opponents attacks before countering with a powerful grappling move. Irina's biggest strength is her "educated legs" from which derives the bulk of her move set. She can wrap her legs around her foe and deliver a variety of attacks from seemingly any angle from frankensteiners to scissor holds while also pummeling them with a variety of kicks.
Preferred Matches: Anything but Hardcore
General Stats
Power: 5/10
Technique: 7.5/10
Endurance: 4/ 10
Submission: 7/10
Speed: 7/10
Aerials: 9/10
Signature Moves
Spider Suplex:
Phoenix Splash:
Friends: Achilles
Allies: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Crushes: N/A
Random Trivia:
Current Record: 0/0/0
Debut Vs. Hangaku: Standard Match
Result: Pending