Name: Reina Hojo
Nicknames: The Gaming Doctor
Age: 20
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Black
Height: 5'3" (1.61 m)
Weight:109lbs (49.4kg)
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Babyface
Entrance Music:
Personality-Reina believes in nothing more than having a world of pro wrestling full of people that fans can look to for a hero or trailblazer. She believes that when she takes a role in being Someone a little girl or boy looks up to, she needs to be bigger than life. Whether that mean being more aggressive in victory, or desperate and hurt in situations near defeat. Her disposition should show signs of a chance that she could flip and play a much more serious, no nonsense role. Only when put in situations of desperation. However, her heart is always for the art of the sport and is always looking to seek ways into making it bigger than it was before.
Wrestling Information
Style: High Flyer
Preferred Attacks: Hurricanrana, Arm Drag and Knee Strikes