Age: 20
Eyes: brown
Hair: green
Nationality: Lima,Peru
Alignment: Heel
Twitter handle: @NatureMaribel
Entrance Music:Misty Rainforest
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Avoid real wrestling , and just stick to erotic wrestling
Preferred Attacks: Stinkface , Jumping Hip Attack , Various Smother Holds , Kissing , Tribbing , Wedgie , Brunco Buster ,
Preferred Matches:Outdoor , Messy , Smother , Hentai , Humiliation , Strip ,Beach and bed. Will try to avoid having to actually do any real pro wrestling.
Endurance: 2'5/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 4/5
Finishing Moves
Green turnaround (backwards flip kick)

nsfw finishers
Rainfall lock (bodyscissors after she forced her opponent to lay face down as she got no top , and would then finger her pussy)

Blooming Flowers (Camel Breasts Clutch)

Blooming Flowers (Camel Breasts Clutch)

WElcome to the jungle

An old promotion ad

An old promotion ad

street clothes

wrestling attire




Special occasion or holidays





Special occasion or holidays

While she may care for the environment, and nature it not the real reason Maribel is an activist for protecting it. As all she really care about is hearing other people say she is an good person.
As the greenette is an total narcissist, obnoxious, social media obsessed social butterfly who is willing to do anything if it means she will get loyal followers who listen to every word she says.
Maribel grew up as the single daughter of an at the time unknown parents who were into protecting the rain forest. As it was not until she was in elementary school that her parents became somewhat local celebrities.
As the protests they lead had caught the attention of the nation. Since they had managed to convince the local government to try and stop illegal deforestation. So as an result, Maribel was also placed in the spotlight of the press and she loved it.
As she began to join her parents on protests in an attempt to garner more attention to herself. So with the permission of her parents who though their daughter was into saving the rain forest she began to speak at their rallies.
Still this was not the case as she was just interested in the game. Thinking it would be an easy way into becoming a celebrity, and getting sponsors so that she could get what she wanted. At first it worked like she thought, but then things went wrong when she bought stuff from the wrong companies.
This caused one of her fans who was studying to become a journalist to start investigating her even more ,and what she found shocked the country. As the companies she endorsed would be revealed to be some of the most polluting companies in the country. An that was just the tip of the isberg as that bitch would reveal scandal after scandal as Maribel's world would crumble around her as in the end her parents were forced to act.
As they would publicly force Maribel to donate everything she earned from those deals to the family fondation , and once she was penniless was kicked out and cut off as her father hoped this would cause her to chance her ways. However the greenette had no intention of doing that as she would find her way into celebrity game shows as she tried to use what celeb status she had left to get back to the sweet life.
However when she was 19 Maribel would get a chance at revenge. As the bitch who had ruined her life would end up on the same show as the two girls clashed constantly as they would end up in catfights during filming. However this made the two rather popular as the fans hoped both teens would end up showing the goods as they refused to vote them out. Near the end of the season it finally happened as both girls would end up in a catfight as they stripped each other naked , and were finally voted off as LAW would approach the girl.
As they offered Maribel a fresh start in Japan , and offered to train her. Unaware that they would try to sign the reporter as well to be an backstage worker as they hoped to get the two girls to clash in the promotion once they were trained to become actual wrestlers.
Not that the greenette had any interest in that as she got an taste for the more erotic matches in law , and would try to only compete in them if she could as she hoped to rise to the top of the hentai division as soon as possible.
Fun Fact:
LAW Information
Number of matches:1
Wins: 0
Loses: 1
Draws: 0
Match History
1 Maribel would have her debut match against Berserk Liger , but it ended in her defeat by pinfall