Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Vritra Savage, the muscle of the Khaos Ring, was planning to gain new height here in LAW, which explained why she wished to fight in qualifier matches in order to put herself within the competition for Openweight title. The blonde Amazon was in her signature white leotard, her face adorned with face paint. The brawny woman was here to show everyone that her dominance was a foregone conclusion, and no one could stand in her way to become an unstoppable monster here in LAW.
Vritra Savage
Making her entrance, the muscular woman made her way to the ring, receiving boos and jeers as she did so. Still, she sneered, showing her disregard to these people's opinions. Soon, she entered the ring, and she stood tall, showing off her figure for all to see. And then, she would wait for her opponent to arrive. Her opponent for tonight would be Luiza Ishikawa. She was planning to dismantle this Luiza and show it to everyone that she would crush anyone who stood in her path, no matter who they were.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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Vritra watched as Luiza made her entrance, and once the other woman joined her in the ring, she went ahead and got right up into her chest, which amused her a little. She chuckled as she looked into Luiza's eyes, smirking instead of replying to her words. And then, Vritra looked down to study the other woman's delicious body, and she couldn't help but lick her lips in anticipation, certainly looking forward to have her hands on this woman.

Soon enough, the match started, and Vritra would quickly make her move. The moment the bell was rung, Vritra decided to try attacking Luiza with a surprise short-arm clothesline, smashing her arm right across her upper chest. And due to her own strength, she was certain that Luiza would be feeling the impact of the attack on her.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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Luiza thought she was on guard... She figured she had done enough to make sure that Vritra was well scouted and that she knew what to expect from the other woman.

But all of that went out the window when the much bigger woman came at her, it was as if her life is flashing before her eyes as if she would be flipped into the air due to the force behind the other woman's clothesline move. 'Uughhh' Luiza would groan out, laying face down and her backside sticking up for everyone to see. Letting out a whimper as her feet are kicking the canvas, as she is already off to a bad start... And it was just the start of the match and she is in a lot of trouble already.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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Vritra had displayed quite a marvelous feat of strength as she managed to cause Luiza to flip in the air after hitting her with her clothesline. Turning around to see Luiza on the mat, with her backside sticking up in the air, Vritra let out a chuckle as she would approach the other woman. She rolled the shoulder of the arm that she used to clothesline Luiza earlier as she closed in to her.

"What's the matter? Can't handle a simple clothesline?" Vritra asked, taunting Luiza as she would heave her right arm up before she swung it down, looking to give Luiza a hard spank to her butt. Then, she would bend down to pick the other woman up, planning to hoist her up before slamming her down into the mat with a body slam. Like the clothesline before, a simple body slam could be deadly if done by someone like her.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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It feels like she just got hit by a truck. Luiza would even mumble out the words to the ref while looking at the striped shirt woman with a look of confusion and panic in her eyes. 'Please call her off.... I want to leave right now,' she begs the ref. But the female ref knows better... she saw how brutal Vritra is with her opponents and other refs sometimes, and she has no plan of being a part of that at all as she shakes her head and quickly leaves the ring leaving the older woman to her fate.

'AAAAAHHHHH' Luiza would cry out, feeling her body lurch forward from being smacked on her backside. As she would try to crawl away and escape but is grabbed and lifted up into the air by the stronger blonde... before being slammed down hard to the canvas with a loud thud. Her back throbbing in pain as Luzia arches her back off the mat and whimpers.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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There would be no one who could save Luiza from anything Vritra had in her mind now that the referee had left. Vritra found it hilarious, and she thought that she might as well enjoy this to her heart's contents. After body slamming Luiza into the mat, Vritra would pick her up by her hair roughly, forcefully taking her back to her feet.

"No one's going to save you now..." Vritra purred as she would bring her other hand to one of Luiza's breasts, giving it a squeeze. Groping the breast a bit, Vritra would then proceed to yank at the side of the upper part of her opponent's leotard, looking to rip it off and expose her breast. "For a loser like you, you sure have some great milkers."

Right after that, Vritra would drag Luiza towards the nearest turnbuckle, planning to leave her disoriented by slamming her head first into the top turnbuckle before putting her there, draping her arms over the top ropes and her legs over the middle ropes, forcing the other woman to spread her legs, leaving her in an embarrassing position.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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Luiza's face falls after seeing the ref shake her head and leave her in the middle of the ring with the big brute. As she was grabbed by the other woman and forced to her feet by her hair, her hands trying to grab at Vritra hands and try to make the other woman let her go but it is like an ant trying to push a mountain for the good it is doing as she is forced to stare up at her tormentor.

'Please stop... I submit already just let me KKKYYAAAAA' the older woman would scream out as her tanned orb would be groped and squeezed by the other woman. But her suffering isn't finished as the other woman would rip her leotard up as both of the woman's breasts flop from being tightly compressed in her outfit, her nipples start to harden from being exposed to the cold air in the ring as she tries to cover herself but can't due to the other woman's tight grip in her hair and drags her over to the corner turnbuckle. 'No... No...' the older woman would whimper out.

Before having her head slammed into the corner turnbuckle, the blow almost knocks her out as she slumps forward leaning against the buckles but Vritra isn't done with her as Luiza feels herself being placed on the middle rope with her legs spread out wide... showing off her crotch and breasts for everyone to see her like this... Helpless and exposed due to the Savage woman in the ring.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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Having brought Luiza to the turnbuckle, smashing her head into it before draping her there, having her arms draped over the top ropes and her legs over the middle ones, Vritra smirked. She sure loved what she was seeing, and of course, she thought that she needed to torture the woman some more.

"Hmm? What's the matter? Are you afraid?" Vritra asked, staring straight into Luiza's eyes. "Well, you should be, because I'm going to ravage you." Bringing a hand onto Luiza's exposed breast, she would give it a hard squeeze before she went to pinch her hardened nipple, hoping to hear her reaction.

After that, Vritra decided to continue dealing more damage on Vritra, hitting her with a massive chop. With her strength, Vritra had no doubt that the damage would be tremendous, and she wasn't even content with just one strike. She would hammer her chops a few times, looking to brutalize her opponent's breasts with them.

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Re: Vritra Savage vs. Luiza Ishikawa - Apex Qualifier Match

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The crowd is enjoying themselves seeing shat is happening to the older woman, seeing the former champion helpless and alone in the middle of the ring with someone who has been known to make even the strongest woman surrender in fear or pain.

As Luiza looks up into the eyes of a monster who is squeezing her bruised orb to the point that it feels like it might pop, she bites her lip refusing to answer the question that she knows Vritra wants her to say.

"Aaahhh' a small cry is heard coming from the stubborn woman's lips due to her nipple being pinched. But even she had to give in to screaming due to the powerful chop to her breasts that makes them flop around from the impact. Not one would have been enough... But Vritra wasn't down as the woman kept chopping Liuza's breasts

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