Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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POW Match
Loser becomes the winner's property for one evening
APEX Qualifier

Tonight's match was a very special one for the woman known as Sha for a number of different reasons. The first was that this was a a qualifier for the APEX round of matches to determine who ultimately would become the first Open Weight champion of LAW. The second was that it was also a POW match, meaning that whoever lost would have to endure whatever the winner desired from them for an entire evening. But it was the third reason that truly made Sha interested in this match, and that was who her opponent was: The karateka Sophia Wolfe.

Sha had crossed paths with Sophia in the past when her sister Nha, the other half of their tag team the Ancestors of Isis, had faced the woman in her first singles match. Through deadly submissions and sensual teasing, Nha tortured Sophia in ring for her own amusement, despite Sha's warnings to finish her off proper. Her sister of course brushed her off and as a result Sophia managed to rally and turn the match around. Nha was on the brink of losing when Sha decided to step in and put Sophia down hard. Ironically, this ended up costing Nha the match by disqualification anyway. The twins then picked up Sophia and hauled her away for more punishment, which they meted out with such zeal that by the end they had left Sophia a half-naked, broken mess of a woman.

But it hadn't ended there for Sha. The Egyptian bodybuilder often found herself thinking of the platinum hared woman, remembering their time together fondly. Remembering the sweaty, exhausted face of Sophia as Sha had crushed her in her bearhug made the red twin flush in the face. She often wondered if maybe she could see Sophia again.

Her prayers were answered when the LAW officials came knocking and offered Sha a shot at the Open Weight Title, with her qualifier match being against none other than Sophia Wolfe! Though secretly happy of the thought of crushing the Wolfe again, Sha had one condition: the organizers make it a POW match. That way the red twin could have the entire night with Sophia in a way that didn't involve outright kidnapping her. The organizers agreed but apparently there were conditions of their own; namely that her sensual sister Nha stay as far away from the match as possible. Apparently, they didn't want another interference debacle ruining an APEX Qualifier match.
Wrestling Attire
Now Sha found herself walking out onto the ramp to the cheers and jeers of many a person in the arena. Remaining stoic throughout, Sha would make her way down the ramp towards the ring in a non hurried pace. She climbed up and in once she reached the ring, the set herself up in her own corner with no flare of showmanship. She hadn't come to entertain the masses; she had come to get her hands on Sophia. Smirking at the thought, the Egyptian would wait for her opponent to arrive...

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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The crowd rose to their feet when Sophia Wolfe's music hit the PA system at high volume, cheering for the fan favourite. Smoke began to fill the entrance ramp, concealing any view of anything. Soon enough however, it began to clear away, revealing Sophia Wolfe herself
The crowd noticed quickly however that Sophia was not donning her new LAW Purple attire, but instead had her more classic red Full Metal Wrestling look. Her midriff was noticably covered, and Sophia herself was not performing her usual antics when it came to wrestling. She looked much more reserved, standing upon the ramp amongst the smoke with her eyes looking towards Sha who waited for her in the ring. The crowd continued to cheer loudly, but it was clear something was a little wrong here. Given the rumours and reports it was easy to guess. Sophia was intimidated by Sha... especially with what happened during their previous encounter when Sophia took on her sister.

Slowly the German began to make her way towards the ring, whilst the usual antics of fireworks and smoke launchers went off. Sophia tagged no hands on the way down, and her approach seemed to take some time as she adjusted her gloves and make some final checks. Soon enough she began to walk towards the ring, adjusting her wrist straps on the way. In truth Sophia had not wanted this match. She knew it was for the qualifiers for the Openweight Championships... something she had set her sights upon when it was announced.... but to go against Sha? She still had no memories of what happened later that fateful night when she found herself prisoner to the twins... and to now discover it was a POW match? Sophia wanted nothing more than to shy away from such a match... but she could not look weak in front of her fans. She had to accept it... but not before she made a condition of her own.

Nha was not allowed to show herself. Even if she appeared it would be an instant DQ for Sha, one twin was nightmare enough for the German. With that stipulation however, it allowed for other alterations to the match. One being that she would have to become Sha's prisoner of war for three days if she lost to her. The notion was a nightmare in unto itself... but Sophia had a reputation. She was the good guy... if she turned down Sha's challenge, it would send the wrong message to her fans and hopefuls who might want to follow her ways. Now... here she was... standing before Sha once she entered the ring. After climbing through the ropes, Sophia looked a little bit on edge, as if half the battle had already been won by Sha for just standing there.

In Sophia's head she wanted to say a thousand things to Sha that had been brewing in her mind all before she even made her entrance. Now that she stood before her enemy... Sophia did not know what to say. She had nothing... and all the beautiful but scarred German could do was take a corner, and prepare herself for what was about to come. Sophia did not scare easy... but Sha had her intimidated like she had never felt before.

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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It taken a lot of shady deals in order to get Sha and Sophia into the ring together, but it would be worth it for the Egyptian to see Sophia again. Sha couldn't deny it any longer; she was crushing hard on the karateka. Sophia was, of course, a beautiful woman with a no nonsense personality, all on top of being a fierce warrior; traits that were often used to describe Sha herself. But it was more than just that for Sha. The red twin had seen Sophia when she was at her most vulnerable. When she and her sister made the German their plaything, Sha had seen the hard shell slip away to reveal the tender woman hidden underneath. Seeing the scarred fighter in such a state had awakened something in Sha that had not gone away since. It was what bade her to return to tend to Sophia after she and Nha had their fun....

Remembering that moment fondly, Sha would soon hear and see the woman in question begin her descent down the ramp. As she watched the German make her way to the ring, Sha noticed a difference in Sophia's demeanor compared to when she had entered into her match with Nha. She seemed much more subdued, barely paying any attention to her braying legion of moronic fans. In fact, she seemed to be taking her sweet time getting to the ring. It was a far cry from the proud warrior she had first laid eyes one. Then again, after what she and Nha had put the woman through, it was expected that Sophia would have some lingering fear about facing one of the Ancestors again.

Sha smirked to herself as Sophia climbed the ropes. She looked like a lost lamb rather than the 'little Wolfe' that Nha had so affectionately named her. If this was to be Sophia's state then this match would be much easier than Sha had thought. The red twin was confident she could have taken the German on at full strength any day of the week; now she was certainly going to flatten Sophia.

With both contestants now in the ring, the match was just about ready to get underway. Sha would step out of her corner in order to meet Sophia in the ring's center, where they would face off against each other while the ref went over the rules. The Egyptian's dark eyed gaze would bore into Sophia the entire time, hoping to catch the German's eyes with her own. "Hey there," Sha would greet with an amused smirk on her face. "Remember me....?" Taking a page out of her sister's book, Sha would start the mind games early right before the bell would ring!

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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When Sophia last encountered Sha, she was a lot more reserved and stoic than her sister, who openly got under the German's skin in every way possible. However... there was something different about Sha tonight. The manner in which she looked upon her, as if there was desire within her eyes, along with a smile she was not used too. Sophia folded her arms around her chest in a defensive manner, holding onto her own arms as she could feel Sha drinking in her appearance. Even more clothed than before, it did not seemed to stop the Egyptian twin.
"How could I forget?" Sophia responded. Granted, she had forgotten a good portion of that night. There were loose memories of when she almost came too... loose visions of seeing Sha with her upon the bed. No sign of her sister... She wondered what had happened... but she did not even dare ask because Sophia knew she would not like the answer.

"I don't know how you managed to swindle such a stipulation... but it will not matter after I defeat you. I have already defeated your sister despite your efforts to sully that victory." Sophia spoke, her voice sounding as stern as ever, and her expression looking serious. Unfortunately her body language spoke a different tone despite how confident she spoke. The bell would ring, and all but betraying her real thoughts, Sophia took a step back, noticeably making some space between herself and Sha. The German was normally more cerebral than that, often kicking into action or at least standing her ground. This time she gave ground, and though she took a stance, it was clear Sophia was intimidated by Sha.

Even now, Sha stood with a devious smile upon her face, no doubt amused by what she saw. The crowd began to give mixed reactions, clearly concerned for Scar the fan favourite. The memory was still fresh on what had happened, many of the fans had been there when Sha and Nha both took Sophia away, and less than subtle hints on Twitter all but painted the picture of what happened that night. Naturally the fans understood, but wondered what was in store for Sophia if she did not get it together tonight. Given the stipulation, if she let Sha get into her head, it was a certain thing Sha would be taking the German home with her tonight.

Sophia slowly came to terms with this reality herself, and finally she would advance upon Sha, looking to start things off with a strong front kick... that was all too easy to telegraph given how far she approached from!

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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When Sha had last seen Sophia, she was a broken shell of a woman after she and Nha had gotten through with her. Nha was content to leave her in her beaten state, but unbeknownst to her sister, Sha had stayed behind afterwards for a little one-on-one time with the karateka. Though Sophia was only barely conscious, Sha had continued where she and Nha had left off, . Driven by feelings she was only now starting to recognize, the red twin had continued to squeeze and caress Sophia with her strength in a variety of ways, with the German only giving quiet moans in response. When she was done, she had carried Sophia off to the infirmary for care, dropping her off before either she or the staff could see her. From the way Sophia reacted to Sha it was clear that she had little to no memory of their private encounter.

At Sha's sly greeting, Sophia responded with her trademark sternness, sounding as firm a ever desfpitethe history the two of them shared. But Sha knew better, though. The Egyptian had seen Sophia at her best and what was standing before her was not that. The confidence and determination she had seen when the German woman faced off against Nha was all but absent. In fact, if her body language was anything to go by, Sophia looked rather intimidated standing across from Sha.

That feeling was all but confirmed when the bell rang and the German practically leapt away from Sha, apparently wanting to put quite a bit of distance between her and her opponent. It made Sha smirk in amusement. If this was to be Sophia's state of mind the entire match then winning it would be a piece of cake. Then....Sophia would be all hers. "Nha indulged herself too much as always," Sha informed the karateka with a smirk. "You'll find that I'm a lot more focused...." Raising her arms at the ready, Sha prepared to herself to begin her attack on the German woman.

But it would turn out Sophia would make the first move! The platinum blonde would lash out at Sha would a kick that to the untrained eye would look incredibly fierce! But The Egyptian knew better. Sha could see that Sophia's attack was sloppy and rushed; delivered out of recklessness rather than technique. It was easy for the red clad twin to reach out and grab Sophia's leg before her kick would connect, stopping it in its tracks. Sha would then give Sophia a smug smirk before she would pull the woman in close by her captured leg, reach under her armpit, then throw both her and her opponent backwards for an exploder suplex!

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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Sophia realised all too quickly the error in her own ways... but not quickly enough. Though her kick was fierce and bearing the weight of her deadly prowess... it had little all else beyond the strength. Sophia was normally much more calculated then this, but her emotions were already getting in the way. She might as well have wound up her arm in a comical manner such was the obvious nature of her attack. Sha saw it before the German could even throw it. The Egyptian moved in swiftly, making a small adjustment to her approach to side step the kick before a strong arm captured it. Before Sophia could comprehend what was going on, Sha already had the beautiful German where she wanted her... up close and personal! Sophia's natural instinct was to leap and kick with the other leg, finally coming to her senses as her sharp mind began to compensate for her rookie misjudgement.

Again however... it was all too late. Sha moved with haste to lock Sophia down, grasping her with her other powerful arm from under her armpit before a counter could come to fruition. Sha was quick to pull Sophia in against her own form with a powerful and awkward embrace, keeping Sophia's leg and body close. Within a split second, that dangerous strength came to full display. As if Sophia was weightless, Sha was able to hoist her form upwards before using explosive power to launch the German over her head. Sha's entire form fell backwards, carrying with it more strength and momentum to send Sophia sailing through the air as she executed a exploder to perfection.

Everything was right.. the swing, the fall and the amount of power. Sophia Wolfe had a talent to be able to flip herself through power moves and land on her feet, but everything in this move was against her. There was no way she could flip herself without doing more harm to herself, and as such she had no choice in those few fractions of a second but to take what was coming. It was all an early lesson, and Sophia grunted out loud as her form clashed against the ring neck and shoulders first before the rest of her body followed. The German near bounced from the impact, as the watching crowd could not help but gasp out loud upon the sheer display of power from Sha.

Sophia managed to scramble upwards to her feet, her movements uneasy as the pained expression upon Sophia painted the full picture. Sha had caught her good, it was only because Sophia was fresh that she was able to get to her feet in the first place, but she was hurt. Her left shoulder took the brunt of the fall, and Sophia briefly clutched it as she tried to recompose herself. The focus shifted from the German... and despite all her own warnings to back off and recover, Sophia's nerves and something of a panic took over. She rushed towards Sha! Pain was still dominating her senses, making her movements sluggish. Despite her speed, it was clear with her tell that an attack from her right would be coming. No doubt Sha noticed the brief pain, but Sophia was not thinking straight as she tried to spring into a deadly strike towards her chest... The crowd could see something was wrong here... This was not like Sophia Wolfe at all.

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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Maybe it was Sha's vast experience in hand to hand fighting or the fact that she had seen Sophia fight before this, but either way she could tell that the German was off her game. No matter how much Sophia tried to hide it from her, the Egyptian clearly had her opponent completely rattled with their past experience together. It was why the kick Sophia sent her way was so sloppy and easy predict, easily allowing Sha to catch the blow before it could connect, a costly mistake on the German's part that Sha was more than happy to take advantage of in the form of an exploder suplex. With the mighty sound of Sophia's back impacting the mat, Sha had secured herself the first successful attack of the match.

Almost immediately after delivering the thunderous attack, Sha would be rolling to her feet in order to get a good look at the damage she had inflicted on her opponent. Though Sophia had gotten up relatively quickly as her, both of them being fresh into the match, the red twin noted that her opponent was forcing herself through the pain. Though clearly suffering after that hard slam, Sophia was already attempting another attack, rushing at Sha with a kick that was almost as sloppy as the last one. It was clearly going to impact Sha's right side. That is, if Sha would allow it to get that far.

When Sophia's easy to see kick came at her, the red twin would again move in the path of the blow before it could connect, raising her arm in order to block it. Though Sha would succeed in this, she would still wince slightly upon taking the hit, for even in its sloppy form Sophia could still deliver one hell of a strike! Nevertheless, the Egyptian would be able to weather the kick, leaving her opponent terribly exposed; a fact Sha would take advantage of by clenching the fist of her free arm and sending it colliding like a wrecking ball straight into Sophia's hard stomach. Even the karateka's hard stomach muscles would be tested from the strength behind such a blow, probably causing her to hunch over. At least, that's what Sha intended for.

If that was indeed what happened, the red twin would be quick to follow up on her punch. As Sophia hunched over from the blow, Sha would quickly move to wrap her arms around the German's waist from above, pulling her in tightly. Sha would then display her impressive strength a second time that evening by lifting Sophia off the mat by her waist, wrenching her off her feet and throwing her backwards for a gutwrench suplex to slam her back-first into the mat a second time!

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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Sophia gasped out loud when Sha's fist rammed hard against her stomach. Though Sophia was conditioned to an olypmic level, as hard as her abs were when tensed up, nothing could really soften the blow of such a devastating punch. Sha's arm carried through, virtually lifting Sophia off her feet for a moment as she was near impaled upon her fist. The wind was knocked right out of her lungs, as Sophia coughed out and choked from the thunderous strike. Sha moved dangerously quick, knowing despite her strike landing true, Sophia was surprisingly resilient, and a quick recovery was certainly a possibility with Sophia up close, knowing she favoured strikes from any ranges or even throws. With that in mind, Sha had a throw of her own in mind, wrapping her arms around Sophia whilst her body was hunched over, before lifting the woman upwards with frightening ease!

In a fluid motion, Sophia was tossed back, her world once more turning upside down as gravity worked against her. Once more the German Karateka slammed against the mat, a little harder than last time. Still... there was plenty of life within Sophia as she managed to move with the momentum... but instantly even the crowd could see her recovery was more sluggish this time, a lot slower. Where Sophia tried to advance before to try and keep an element of failed surprise, this time she backed away. The German beauty tried to down play the impact of the slam again, her alluring features remaining stoic with a look of focus within her eyes... but the tells were more evident then before. She backed away, and it was clear by her posture that the slam had hurt her. There was a slight hunch in her stance, no doubt her abs still stinging whilst the pain of the slam was still running through her stunning form.

Sophia's top had also been lifted from the slam, exposing some of her amazing midriff, which could be seen straining a little. Sophia was quick to pull her top back down, clearly much more reserved in this fight against Sha... Given what happened against Nha, the watching crowd could guess why Sophia had arrived in more clothing this time. She began to circle Sha, her guard raised. The German was becoming more reluctant to advance now, after two failed attacks that resulted in her being tossed around like a rag doll. Sha was already winning this match before it had even begun, and the crowd began to do their best to rally the fan favourite, seeing that the poor woman was struggling to get it together. Chants of Wolfe began to fill the air, whilst Sophia herself kept her sight upon Sha... Her breathing increased a little, her nerves getting the best of her knowing what was on the line. The thought of being Sha's prisoner frightened Sophia Wolfe... she had no memory of her time with Sha alone, but she was all too aware nothing good would have happened after what she and her sister put her through before she passed out.

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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Sha's punch managed to find its mark, slamming into the abs of the German woman with enough force to make Sophia leave the mat momentarily. Though her opponent's abs held firm, no one could take a direct hit from Sha like that without consequence. As a result of her blow, Sophia hunched over just as Sha had hoped, leaving her nice and defenseless. Immediately, Sha would wrap her arms around that damaged core and yank the German off the mat, hurling her backwards in another suplex; one that again showcased the sheer might that Sha was bringing to bear against her karate trained opponent. Practically deadlifting Sophia off the mat, Sha sent her sailing back for another hard impact to the mat that had the crowd groaning in unison.

The red twin let out a huff from the exertion of tossing the German, but other than that and the bit of sweat that started to accumulate on her brow, Sha looked like she was only just getting started. Twice now Sophia had made a rushed attempt at an attack, and twice Sha had countered the attacks with thunderous slams, leading many to confirm (including Sha herself) that the karateka was not in the right headspace. Though Sophia recovered quickly from the suplex again, this time she kept her distance from the Egyptian....almost like she was scared to try another attack.

This behavior had Sha slightly torn. On the one hand, she relished a good fight in which she could pit her strength against a worthy opponent. From what she had seen of Sophia, she definitely fit into that category. On the other hand, Sophia's current state made her defeat all but certain, meaning the Egyptian bodybuilder could claim her prize for the evening all the quicker; the prize being Sophia herself. The thought of another evening with the German all to herself brought another rare smile to Sha's face. One that Sophia would no doubt see as bad news; especially as Sha began to approach again.

"What's wrong?" Sha would ask as she would slowly advance upon the wary karateka. The small smile never seemed to leave her lips. "Scared?" A woman of few words, Sha preferred to let her actions do the talking for her, so she would move in to grab the German hopefully before she could react! Aiming to go for a simple collar and elbow tie up, Sha would try to grab the back of Sophia's neck with one hand and one of her arms with the other, holing her in place. If Sha managed that, she would immediately begin to pour her considerable power into the lockup, trying to overpower Sophia and force her to her knees!

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Re: Seeing Red - Sophia Wolfe vs Sha

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An expression of anger befell Sophia's beautiful features when Sha began to openly taunt her. Normally the more silent of the two twins, it seemed Sha could no longer help herself, all too aware Sophia was fighting a battle within her own mind, trying to conquer what was actually fear. Yes... she was scared of Sha. Sophia could not deny that. Both the sisters had attacked her and tortured her, only to essentially drag her backstage, and further humiliate her, picking up where they left off but stripping Sophia down to naught but her small clothes as they did so. The memories were still fresh in her mind, as she had tried to hold onto a semblance of pride by not submitting to the duo.

Everyone had a breaking point though, and both Nha and Sha managed to find Sophia's, forcing her to openly surrender to them. The worst part was that it did not make a difference. Sophia submitted in hopes of getting mercy, but their tortures only got worse. Then there was whatever happened afterwards... when Sha decided to stay with her. The dread had been present before Sha challenged Sophia to this match, now it was beginning to take over. Sophia was struggling to formulate a plan, her reckless attacks only brought herself damage as Sha read her like an open book. It was time to change the game... but even then her mind was racing.

"Nein.." Sophia declared, though little tells would suggest a different story. She looked agitated, but there was definitely a hesitation to her. Her stance was a little more guarded, and as Sha began to approach, she fell back, losing precious ground as she shuffled her feet along the mat. It put her with her back to the corner... and that's when Sha attacked, knowing she could not so easily slip by and evade. Too late Sophia realised her mistake, her half closed eye widening as she had edged herself into the corner without realising. In desperation she tried to throw a quick jab towards Sha's jaw... but once again it was so telegraphed she might as well have thrown a script of her game plan at Sha's chest.

The stronger of the two twins was able to slip through the punch, allowing it to hit nothing but air. The strike was so obvious it made Sha look like a speedster, moving like a lightweight wrestler when she finally got in and grappled with Sophia. This was not where the German wanted to be! Instinctively she grasped onto Sha’s arms and shoulders, engaging in a lock up with the powerhouse, fighting on Sha’s level! Sophia was not slouch when it came to strength, she could suplex anyone all day as if they were weightless... but she was not an outright powerhouse wrestler like Sha... and it was showing. She couldn't match Sha in such a struggle, and with a loud gasp and grimace, Sophia's straining form began to shift backwards... before she was forced down to one knee right before the stronger of the Ancestors of Isis. Sophia was trapped in this position, biting on her lower lip as she could not overpower someone as strong as Sha, becoming vulnerable to further attack!

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