Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

Unread post by Devastated »

Standard Match

Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission or K.O.
Rules: Standard
Attire: Standard
Stipulation: The Match is an Apex Qualifier bout. Completion of this match counts towards the Characters Required Matches

Before coming to Japan Isabella had of course done a bit of research. She had learned a fair bit about some of the talented wrestlers that this corner of the world had spawned. One of those women was Kamikaze rose, a legendary wrestler who stood head and shoulders with some of the best combatants the squared circle had ever seen. Unfortunately for Isabella she wouldn't be able to face off with a woman of such mythical reputation as it was a bit before her time...however...there was another.

Reiko Hinomoto - The daughter of Kamikaze Rose, the Zero Fighter had built up quite a reputation of her own and when Isabella had learned that her manager had been able to set up a match with an icon like that. Well let's just say that Isabella wasn't about to turn down that challenge. The Flame Tyrant prepped herself in her locker room, making sure that everything was perfect as she slipped on her attire and adjusted it. She was a meticulous person when it came to preparing for battle. Much like a gallant knight preparing to go out to war, she wasn't about to have her gear be a hinderance to her capabilities.

The blonde made her way out onto the ramp as her power rock theme began to play over the speakers. The Flame Tyrant got a modest reception of cheers from the crowd. Still new in this part of the world and not some established icon she knew that it would take a while before the crowd warmed up to her. Soon though, they would be bowing before her.

Isabella climbed the steel steps and slid in between the ropes as she would walk to the center of the ring. Raising her arms over her head and striking a pose as those hands of hers entwined. Legs somewhat spread as she showed off her perfect body for a moment, to the crowd's approval. She then turned and walked to her corner. Settling into it as she would await her foe, much like an arrogant knight awaiting a jousting partner, she took a languid pose in the corner.
Last edited by Devastated on Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire

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It was game time for the Zero Fighter.

After going down a bad path in life, she was ready to turn things around for herself as she was back to her iconic orange and black attire. Her hair was back to being her natural color as she was finishing up her routine backstage, stretching out her body and psyching herself up. Slapping her face as she sharply inhaled, her theme began to play.

She would appear on stage, back in the spotlight as the crowd let loose their cheers. There in the ring she saw her opponent of the night waiting for her. Making her way down the ramp, she was focused on getting back on the right path as she walked up the stairs, stepping through the ropes and entering the ring before standing across of her opponent.

"Hello there, Let's have a good match."

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire

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Isabella heard the music of Reiko Hinomoto hit the speakers and would from there step out of her corner. She stood firm and tall now as she would see Reiko make her way down to the ring. It seemed she had returned to the more traditional outfit which she wore back in the day. Perhaps she had grown out of whatever phase she was in when she adopted that biker girl persona of hers many months back.

As Reiko entered the ring, Isabella would make her way towards the center of the ring to meet and greet her. " Greetings. Reiko Hinomoto, I'm sure we will have a good match. That is....if you can live up to your reputation." Isabella said with a slight smile on her face. Placing her right hand on her right hip as she would stare Reiko down for the moment.

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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The two competitors faced off with each other in the center of the ring, her opponent shown her the same courtesy as her so that was already a good sign. There was no more need for words as Reiko was determined to let her actions shout for her as the bell would soon sound as Reiko would back off. She would begin the match by circling around Isabella across the ring, sizing her opponent up before bringing her arms out.

Looking to gauge her opponent she would lunge in while throwing her arms out, looking to start off with a collar and elbow tie up into the blonde to start pushing!

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Seeing Reiko back up, Isabella would do the same. They entered a bit of a silent staredown as they waited for the bell to ring. When it did, both of the wrestlers started to circle one another. Reiko to the right and Isabella to her left. The blonde watched her opponent, spying her movements with hawk-like eyes as she was trying to see if there was a weakness that could be easily exploited. So far none could be see, but in time she believed she would find it.

When Reiko raised her arms like that and began to move towards her. Isabella would answer in kind. She raised her arms up and lunged in! Locking horns with Reiko Hinomoto as she went into that collar and elbow tie up. Grunting a little as she began to push against her foe, the blonde would quickly try and take the initiative in the lock up! Looking to take a big step forward and try and force Reiko backwards, marching to make headway in this struggle between them as she shove her body against Reiko's. Pushing her generous rack against the Japanese girls' chest.

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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The two girls locked up as they matched up strength against each other as they locked arms. Growling out Reiko sunk her weight down and dug her feet into the mat as she tried to push Isabella back, but her opponent would have the literal step over her, stepping in deep towards Reiko and gaining the momentum needed to push Reiko out of her rooted stance after she was forced straight.

Her opponent's body came pushing into her as their breasts mashed into each other as the red tint washed over Reiko's face as she was forced to back. Having difficulty in regaining her balance, Reiko attempted to jerk to the side to try and pull Isabella off balance and force a reset in the hold before attempting to take advantage and shove hard into Isabella!

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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The lock up was going her way right from the start. Isabella was more than willing enough to show how bold she was in this lock up. Taking that big step in right away as she forced her way into an advantageous position. Letting Reiko know from the first second that she was not someone who went into things half-heartedly. She figured that was the best way to send a message in the match. That she was the type of wrestler who would try and dictate the pace. That she was a Tyrant in the ring. Ruling the match with an iron first.

Reiko though didn't seem to let that deter her. As she jerked Isabella to the side and forced her to step along with Reiko's direction. Throwing off balance it was then the Zero Fighter who pushed the Flame Tyrant back. Forcing Isabella back a step before the blonde managed to root her feet firmly down against the canvas. A slight smirk formed on Isabella's lips as she was impressed by Reiko. Yet, she wasn't about to let her foe get her way that easily. Trying her hand at it again, she would shove forward. Mashing her chest into Reiko with a lot more force as she tried to force the Japanese fighter back yet again...! As she aimed to bully her fellow red clad opponent straight to the ropes.

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Tossing Isabella to the side, Reiko quickly tried to get the advantage before her opponent could resettle her balance as she was successful in pushing back the blonde. But her opponent was no slouch, she was disciplined and did not fumble under pressure as she quickly reaffirmed herself and locking herself into the mat.

Reiko continued to try and shove Isabella back but it was clear that the blonde wasn't going to be moved unless she willed it, retaliating by bursting into Reiko and beginning to push the Zero Fighter all the way back to the ropes! Having difficulty in regaining her footing, Reiko was on the back foot as she was forced quicker and quicker towards the ropes.

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Pushing back Reiko step by step now as she was practically bullying the Zero Fighter towards the ropes. Yet...she wasn't about to let Reiko reach the ropes! Isabella had other plans as a few steps before she had managed to push towards them. Isabella would suddenly change her tactics. Trying to keep Reiko on her toes and with the Zero Fighter pushing against her with such force, Isabella thought to use that against her.

Suddenly throwing herself backwards and pulling Reiko along with her. Isabella would try and push her foot up into Reiko's abs and try and throw her overhead with a monkey flip! Hoping the change in tactics would take Reiko completely off-guard.

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Re: Isabella Brandt Vs. Reiko Hinomoto - Skies on Fire (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Shoving against Isabella to try and jostle her off balance, Reiko took a deep step in as she threw all of her weight forward. But Isabella was quick to react and punish the Zero Fighter for her over eagerness as she leapt up into the air, planting her feet into Reiko's hips. The Zero Fighter's eyes widened as her upper weight went forward with her lower weight was being pushed back, forcing Reiko to flip up and over!

Her back crashed against the mat, crying out as she winched, arching off of the mat and tucking her shoulder blades back before dropping to the mat, the wind knocked out of her!

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