Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp
Match: Standard - Apex Qualifier
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Count out or DQ

The crowd rose to their feet when Sophia Wolfe's music hit the PA system at near deafening volume, cheering for the experienced wrestler who continued to have a thunderous impact on LAW since being acquired from the now defunct Full Metal Wrestling Federation. The crowd were on their feet knowing it was another Apex Qualifier match. So far into Sophia's entrance music, smoke began to billow and pour upwards from the entrance ramp, concealing any view of anything. Soon enough however, it began to clear away.
Once it cleared, Sophia Wolfe was present in the centre of the top of the entrance ramp, kneeling down in a near meditation like manner. She remained on her knees for a moment as the crowd began to roar out their support, her eyes closed, finding calm despite the riot of approval beyond. Sophia was clad in her black unique Gi outfit with the top loose and draped behind her from around her waist. She was clad in her newer attire, wearing a purple and black designed sports bra like top with that left her entire midriff bare, revealing her well-tuned body and alluring figure. She was barefoot, with wrist straps around her forearms.

Slowly she stood up, making a disciplined motion from her training before making a few air strikes with her fists and with vicious looking kicks. Fireworks began to pop as she did so, making for quite the display which only got the crowd going more. Soon enough she began to walk towards the ring, adjusting her wrist straps on the way. Though popular amongst the fans she did not give them much attention save for a few curt nods here and there. She ignored outstretched arms desperate for a tag, not being one to play up to the crowd or her fans. By now the fans were used to it, knowing she let her wrestling do the talking rather than her actions.

Sophia entered the ring, climbing through the ropes as the crowd continued to chant her name, keeping an eye towards the ramp where she knew her opponent for tonight would soon be entering from. She was aware her foe tonight was a specialist in the Hentai department, which naturally had given her some cause for concern. It was becoming a known notion that Sophia did not fare so well against those specialised in Hentai, and even though this was not Hentai stipulated match, LAW was quite lax with its rules, allowing groping and other unsavoury tactics without much punishment. It was becoming an issue, as many were taking advantage of it against Sophia who had been exposed more than once.

This Asp was a newer addition to the roster, but already she had been making waves. Hopefully the German would be able to lock her down and prevent her from using such tactics against her. Sophia approached the nearby corner, kneeling down and seemingly meditating as she waited for her opponent to make her own entrance.

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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Aspasia El-Shenawy - called Asp by her friend and people who simply couldn't be bothered to pronounce her full name - watched Sophia’s entrance from the gorilla position, and she couldn't help but smile at the sight. Unlike her previous opponent, she was actually somewhat aware of this woman, having seen her from time to time on Full Metal Wrestling. She was every bit the serious woman she remembered her to be, so driven, so focused as she made her way to the ring. There was this quiet intensity that Asp loved to see, knowing how fun it would be to make her unravel, and with a body like that, there were so many possibilities…

The wolf and the snake. The metaphors practically wrote themselves. ”Yes, yes.” She hummed to herself and brought one of the snakes encircling her arm up for a quick kiss, calming them down. ”She’ll do. Perfect, in fact.”

Wolfe’s entrance had been utilitarian, straightforward, bold, and direct, in keeping with the woman’s personality. Asp’s would do so as well, with her music starting up as she came through the curtains.
Beauty Beats
The crowd looked on and cheered as she made her way down to the ring with her signature dance, her snakes slithering around her body as she moved. It was a show, quite different from just about anything any other competitor did on her way to the ring, but it wasn’t even for them, really - this was the way she stretched and prepared her body, focused mentally and honed herself physically. By the time she was through undulating and gyrating and twisting and turning, she was aware of every muscle in her body and knew they were primed for the battle ahead. An especially important thing, today.

Asp laid her pets to rest in front of the announce table, then slide in under the bottom rope, coming in near Sophia. She rose to her feet and looked over her shoulder towards her meditating opponent as she made her way across the ring, taking note of her lovely form and smiling her way. She would’ve liked to say something, as well, but she supposed there was no need - after all, they would be spending no small amount of time together, quite soon.

She was content to simply watch for now. She made her way to the opposite corner, feet sliding along the canvas as she walked, and leaned against the turnbuckle, which is where she would stay for the time being, waiting for the bell to ring with bated breath.

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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Sophia slowly rose upwards onto her bare feet when Asp took her corner. Though she had been seemingly meditating, the German had taken a quiet note of her opponent as she walked down towards the ring. Asp seemed to embrace her nickname, moving almost serpentine like with her dance moves, donning pet serpents. She was an exotic woman to behold to be certain, though Sophia already had her concerns over what kind of wrestler she was up against. After Asp relieved herself of her serpents, she was soon in the ring, moving in a purposely seductive manner.

The gaze Asp had upon Sophia did not go unnoticed, putting the German a little at ill ease, especially seeing the woman up close. She was clad in so little, her midriff left so exposed that even her under breasts were visible during certain movements. Her long legs and feet were completely exposed, showing off her dangerous yet captivating legs. Asp was beautiful to be certain, her hair a deep red contrast from her green attire, her eyes seemingly hungry and longing and her figure well defined and perfectly shaped. The crowd enjoyed her presence and her entrance, cheering for her during the entire theatrical display, and even now it was clear there was mixed reactions on who should gain the most support in this match. It seemed both wrestlers had a good mix of fans.

Sophia rolled her shoulders, her eyes stoic despite one being half closed where the scar ran down her eye from her forehead. Even scarred as she was, Sophia herself was also a beauty to behold despite being the more conservative of the two attire wise. She took a deep breath, before the bell began to ring out to signal the start of the match. The German's alluring face shifted suddenly, looking more focused as Sophia took up a guarded stance. The crowd began to cheer loudly as Sophia wasted little time, closing in the distance towards her exotic opponent. Sophia was ever a patient fighter, opting to always test her foes before really engaging.

However... she still felt unease against Asp and her potential nature, feeling her eyes drinking in her appearance and form. It was becoming widely known that Sophia did not fare so well against more hentai style of wrestling. This was not a hentai match to be certain, but LAW still took some liberties, allowing for certain things to pass, such as certain amounts of touching and even kissing. After her encounter with several wrestlers... Sophia was feeling less confident these days, and it was causing her to make mistakes she never would have done in Full Metal Wrestling.

This time was no exception, as she advanced a little too hard and quickly, over committing to a kick as she tried to plant her barefoot straight towards Asp's midriff after a quick rotation! If she missed this, Asp would have an early opening!

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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In the precious few moments before the bell rang, Asp tried to make sense of the woman she would soon be exchanging blows with, and she had to say, she found her to be rather intriguing. Even as wrestlers went.

Visually, the two of them couldn't have been further apart, and she doubted that was wholly a coincidence. She wasn’t an expert on booking, but the idea of putting together two disparate fighters spoke for itself. Asp looked to entice with her look, as much as she could while still remaining, opting for an outfit that laid her body out for all to see, but still maintained some allure. The woman they called Scar, however, wore the garb of a fighter, of a karateka. There was little flair here, no time for theatrics, and that translated to her movements, as well. A staunch face, focused and determined, with no wasted movement in sight.

This would be interesting, and Asp could hardly wait to engage with Sofia. It was good, then, that Sofia seemed to be of a similar mind.

Asp rose as the bell rang and found her with a rapidly advancing opponent, coming her way with no shortage of purpose. As had only taken a couple of steps before her foe moved into striking distance and brought her leg up for a kick, and while Asp would never claim to be a martial master, even someone with a comparatively short fighting career such as herself could anticipate such a telegraphed move.

It also helped that the blow came at her midsection, which Asp could manipulate with ease. She bent backwards and dropped to her knees, letting the leg pass her by overhead, but she wasn’t done with it by any means. Instead of avoiding the attack altogether, she grabbed hold of the ankle, wrapping it up with both of her arms.


Asp threw her own leg up and put her body into a cartwheel, one that forced Sofia’s trapped ankle to come along for the ride, making the rest of her body follow suit and put her into a tumble. It was an attempt at a dragon screw legwhip, and she intended to keep hold of that leg afterwards. She had plans for it.

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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Sophia cursed herself mentally. The German beauty was aware of her own mistake the moment she committed it, but it was far too late. Normally so sharp and precise with her movements, this time she had all but given Asp a book to read that revealed her intent before she could do it. At least that was what it felt like, and Asp wasted no time acknowledging this as she outwardly spoke how predictable her attack was. Sophia's bare foot struck naught but air when she finished the motion of her deadly attack, with Asp proving to be deft on her own feet.

In a fluid and smooth motion, Asp snaked her arms around Sophia's legs the moment her failed attack finished, before she motioned with her own alluring and long legs, propelling her into an impressive cartwheel that took Sophia's trapped limb with her. Beyond the flash of the movements, it ended with a basic dragon screw... but Sophia was all too aware with experience how deadly the basics of wrestling could be. She crashed down to the mat, grunting from the impact. Normally Sophia was fast. She was durable as much as she was strong, and often, especially early in a match, she was capable of tanking big strikes, able to dance up to her feet and reset to regain a better vantage.

The problem this time was that Asp still had her ankle within her arms, making a quick recovery all but impossible. Cursing under her breath in German, Sophia tried to bring her leg in whilst she was downed, hoping to bring Asp closer towards her, before she attempted to throw her leg back in an effort to try and get her off. It was not exactly graceful, but Sophia's mind was still not in the match yet, feeling somewhat imposed by the Hentai fighter. As such, the effort was strong, but Asp was just as fresh as Sophia was, and her kicking motion might not have been enough to shift her serpentine themed opponent!

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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The crowd marveled at Asp’s move, oooing and aahing at the flourish and even giving her some small smattering of applause, but the truth was that their fanfare was uneared. It was, at the end of the day, a dragon screw. Hardly that impressive of a move, and even with her relatively low knowledge of the sport, she could say that it had finished precisely zero matches in history. It put her off to a good start against Sofia, but that was it. The Wolf would rise.

But, that being said, there was something to be said for starting off strong, and something even more to be said about doing so with a limb in your hands. She had Sofia’s secured, and had a fair number of ideas on what to do with it.

Sofia seemed to realize the danger she was in, as her first move was to kick her legs forward in an attempt to knock Asp away. It might not have worked on bigger, sturdier opponents, but the Water Serpent was well within the lightweight class - when she kicked there was no way to stop herself from getting knocked back. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t without options.

Instead of simply falling back, Asp rolled with the kick, using the momentum and turning it into a backflip, one that carried her away in an elegant whirl of motion. She came to her feet, bounced her back against the ropes, then dashed forward once more, heading towards Sofia at full speed. When she was in range, she leaped towards her opponent, tucked her legs in, and flew at the rising woman with both knees, looking to hit her with a Meteora and plant her right back down to the mat.

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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Sophia kicked the woman backwards, but Asp was once more able to wow the crowd as she converted the momentum into an elegant back flip. Not only that, but she took advantage of Sophia's eagerness to rise, using the same momentum to propel herself towards the ropes in unison with Sophia who curled her form up in order to kick flip herself right up to her feet. Whether it was by chance or by design did not matter, it all worked perfectly into Asp's favour. The moment Sophia was up on her feet, her eyes went wide, seeing Asp sail through the air.

There was no time to react, to counter or even dodge, and the crowd cheered loudly at the display as Asp impressively managed to plant both legs into Sophia's chest. Sophia felt the air leave her chest from the impact as both Asp's long and bare legs managed to clash into her, catching her torso and shoulders. Sophia's form fell back, landing hard against her shoulders before the rest of her body followed suit. Asp herself fell with Sophia, making the impact all the harder, as she came crashing down upon her chest, knocking more air from her lungs as Sophia grunted out loud in pain.

She was stunned briefly from the move, gasping and coughing out loud as Asp settled upon her chest. The ref eyed the duo, looking ready to initiate a pinfall attempt, but given the LAW rules it was something that had to be initiated by the pinner themselves. With Asp not initiating a signal, she held back. Sophia grimaced, feeling Asp settle upon her chest, straddling over her for the time being.
"G... get off of me!" Sophia gasped out in her unique German and English mixed accent.

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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So athletic, so fast, so strong. Asp had to admire Sofia’s form as she came down on top of it and felt all that power beneath her. As much pride as she took in her own body, there was simply no comparing her frame to a woman like this. Even now, as she settled on top of her, she could feel the muscles working, the strength in every twitch and twist. Truly strong, truly powerful.

All of which made mounting her that much more satisfying. It reminded Aspasia of the wild horses her father took her to ride on her uncle’s ranch, magnificent beasts with bodies like art. But, lovely as they were, even they had to be broken first and put to heel before they could be controlled. She had the feeling that Sophia was much the same.

”Nein.” With the German accent, Asp could help but indulge in a taste of the language. She had always loved Germany - the people had a reputation for being so stuffy, but she found them to be rather warm, despite their country itself being a rather frigid place.

Instead of getting off, Asp stayed on Sophia’s form and stretched her leg out to the side, doing a full split on the woman’s chest and letting hips rest there with her full weight behind them. With a warm, soothing smile, she ran a hand over the German’s beautiful face, gracing it with the lightest of touches.

”Your scar.” She breathed deep, exhaled, and let her hot scent flow over her foe’s face. ”It adds a rough beauty to your features. Tell me, how did you come by it?”

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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Sophia was about to sit up, but felt Asp press down against her, her long legs deftly shifting to either side to put her in a splits position right upon Sophia as she sat upon her midriff just below her chest. Since Asp did not declare or signal for a pinfall, no attempt by the ref was made, allowing for Asp to have her reign upon the more stoic German beauty. Sophia gritted her teeth, about to shift and throw her shoulder to try and scramble from below Asp, though it seemed her opponent had other plans for her. Catching her off guard, Sophia gasped in alarm as she felt her hand slowly caress over her face. Her touch was soft, as if taking in the details of her angelic features, as one of her fingers ran over the scar that traced down from her forehead over one of her eyes.

"W... what are you doing?!" Sophia grimaced, feeling Asp settle down more upon her. The sight of the two in the ring was quite a thing to witness, as Asp's movements were slow and sensual, no doubt playing against the mind of the more serious German wrestler, before Asp would begin to tease her with personal questions, going straight for the origins of the scar that Sophia felt marred her look. Taken aback by the line of questioning, as well as the caressing of her face, Sophia began to struggle below her... Normally she would have no trouble throwing a woman off from her chest in such a dangerous position, such was the level of her training and tenacity... but Asp was already utilising her own talents, a form of wrestling that was known to really get in the head and throw off Sophia Wolfe.

"I... I do not want.. My scar is not up for discussion! Th... this is supposed to be a wrestling match!" Sophia declared. Where it would have made sense to bring her legs up and potentially catch Asp, Sophia was already thinking more erratically. Her only plan of action was to separate herself from Asp, get out of her reach and reset things. She hated this style of wrestling; the stoic German beauty struggled to deal with such tactics, becoming easily frustrated which in turn made her make mistakes! Even now, she twisted and writhed her stunning form, trying to get from below Asp's thighs and throw her off!

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Re: Too Close For Comfort [Sophia Wolfe Vs Asp] - Apex Qualifier Match

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In truth, Asp had almost forgotten about that little, eccentric rule with the pinfalls, a quirk that was unique to LAW. It made sense, however - she was hardly the only wrestler who liked to be in this position, and it would allow for such intimate moments without the fear of a pinfall interrupting things. The three-count might have snapped some sense into Sophia, and that would be a shame, truly. She would’ve been robbed of such a wonderful seat.

Asp enjoyed the feel as Sophia struggled beneath, grinding her hips against the muscular woman with every twitch, moving her hips in time to adapt to her every movement. It made for an alluring sight, and no doubt made her seem more in control of things than she really was. In truth, Sophia could’ve dislodge her with ease. She was the heavier woman by no small margin, stronger by far, and Asp’s ‘pin’ was hardly good enough to be called as such. She could already tell that this wolf was chained by her own indecision, a slave to her emotions. It was a weakness she had seen before, but rarely in such an otherwise disciplined individual.

”I am wrestling.” As the struggles grew too powerful, Asp planted her hands on the mat above Sophia's head, then kicked her legs straight up. Her body went rigid into a handstand, perfectly balanced for a moment, before she flipped forward and landed on her feet, one more coming out in a stylish flourish.

She could’ve followed this up in so many way, applied the pressure and forced her way back onto her opponent. Instead, Asp stalked around her fallen foe with a slim smile across her fair face, wagging a finger her way as she strode. ”I am simply not wrestling in the way you would prefer. But that is your problem, not mine, little cub.”

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