Match: Standard - Apex Qualifier
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Count out or DQ
The crowd rose to their feet when Sophia Wolfe's music hit the PA system at near deafening volume, cheering for the experienced wrestler who continued to have a thunderous impact on LAW since being acquired from the now defunct Full Metal Wrestling Federation. The crowd were on their feet knowing it was another Apex Qualifier match. So far into Sophia's entrance music, smoke began to billow and pour upwards from the entrance ramp, concealing any view of anything. Soon enough however, it began to clear away.

Slowly she stood up, making a disciplined motion from her training before making a few air strikes with her fists and with vicious looking kicks. Fireworks began to pop as she did so, making for quite the display which only got the crowd going more. Soon enough she began to walk towards the ring, adjusting her wrist straps on the way. Though popular amongst the fans she did not give them much attention save for a few curt nods here and there. She ignored outstretched arms desperate for a tag, not being one to play up to the crowd or her fans. By now the fans were used to it, knowing she let her wrestling do the talking rather than her actions.
Sophia entered the ring, climbing through the ropes as the crowd continued to chant her name, keeping an eye towards the ramp where she knew her opponent for tonight would soon be entering from. She was aware her foe tonight was a specialist in the Hentai department, which naturally had given her some cause for concern. It was becoming a known notion that Sophia did not fare so well against those specialised in Hentai, and even though this was not Hentai stipulated match, LAW was quite lax with its rules, allowing groping and other unsavoury tactics without much punishment. It was becoming an issue, as many were taking advantage of it against Sophia who had been exposed more than once.
This Asp was a newer addition to the roster, but already she had been making waves. Hopefully the German would be able to lock her down and prevent her from using such tactics against her. Sophia approached the nearby corner, kneeling down and seemingly meditating as she waited for her opponent to make her own entrance.