Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Completion will count to each participant's required Apex Qualifier matches.
Once again, LAW had come to Los Angeles. After the promotion had landed in Long Beach for Fight the LAW the year before, the appetite of wrestling fans throughout the city had been whet for more action - and now, with the worldwide tour of LAW Apex and its qualifier matches, the time had come once again. This time, the event would be taking place in the heart of downtown LA, and the stands of the arena were filled with throngs of LAW's faithful. The chance for stateside fans to see LAW's biggest stars once again was a draw in and of itself, but this time, the fans were buzzing with excitement for the LAW Apex match to headline the card - which would feature an appearance by none other than one third of LAW's Tag Team Champions, Kat Hart.

At last, the time had come for the main event, and the fans sat in hushed silence as the ring crew brought out the judges' table to herald such an occasion. But when the curtains parted, it wasn't Kat or her opponent who would be the first to arrive on the scene - it would be Cynara Morgan, a local icon among those knowledgable in wrestling lore for her honored status as the first Apartment House Wrestling US Champion. And, as it so happened, Kat's opponent tonight was scheduled to be a new face debuting in LAW - Mina Morgan, who was none other than Cynara's daughter.
Cynara made her way toward the judges' table, where the spotlight fell on her as the ring crew began setting up behind her. The sight of the former champion welcomed a few cheers from the audience, something that Cynara faced with a smirk. The last time she had wrestled, it was only for a small select audience of wealthy patrons and the press. This time, though, she had a whole arena's attention, and she was loving every bit of it.

"Ah," she remarked, looking over the stands, "let me tell you, even when you've been out of the business for years, you never forget cheers like these! Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor tonight to introduce you to our main event - one third of the SWAT Cats in singles action against a rising star, making her first appearance not only in LAW but in professional wrestling as a whole - my own daughter, Mina Morgan. This is just one entry in the ongoing saga of LAW Apex, but for all your sakes, my dear viewers, we want to make it a night to remember."

"And, tonight, it's an honor to announce that - as a former champion and an old hand in the business - I will be serving with distinction on the judges' panel, to determine if these two women have what it takes to be World Openweight Champion material!" After a pause for cheers, Cynara continued. "Now, I know what you're all thinking, and allow me to put your concerns at ease - although Mina is my client and my own flesh and blood, I won't be in her corner tonight. Rest assured, though, that I know my daughter well, and I have faith in her to handle things all on her own! But it just wouldn't be fair if I was serving as both judge and manager - and on a night like this, with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at hand, it is my duties as judge that will have to come first. I solemnly swear that, no matter what relationship I have with Mina, I won't allow personal bias to stand in the way of my decisions. It's up to these ladies to show me they belong in the title scene, and to that - let the best woman win!"

Cynara bowed her head, giving the fans another chance to cheer the news, before the next word came out of her mouth. "I also must announce, now, that - due to the all-too-familiar concern of Los Angeles traffic - the other judges who were supposed to be here for this match haven't yet arrived. But if there's anything we know in this town, it's show business - and, as the saying goes, the show must go on. We know what you folks came here to see, and we're not going to keep you waiting any longer! Until the judges get here, I will dutifully hold down the fort, and preside over the match in their stead! It won't be easy, for sure, but they don't put champions like me on the panel for nothing."

Indeed, the streets outside the arena were a maze of bumper-to-bumper traffic at this hour. It wasn't surprising that the other judges would be held up. But some more insightful minds were beginning to wonder if foul play was involved. The backup had begun at a civic center a few blocks away, where a press conference was being held to celebrate LAW's return to the city, spearheaded by Danny Easton, a prominent publishing executive in the world of combat sports coverage - who also happened to be Cynara's husband. Not to mention, those who had followed Apex week-to-week would notice that the judges' table was being set up especially close to the ring compared to how it had been arranged at previous cards. Considering that Cynara's daughter was in the match, everything seemed to add up to suggest that the former champion was setting up the perfect situation for her to influence the match, free of the interjections of other officials. But whatever the case might have been, she maintained an air of dignity and respect throughout, treating her position with the dignity it deserved.

"Without further ado, I'd like to introduce the first of our competitors to the ring - a woman already known and loved by many in the wrestling world. She's wrestled across the world, made appearances all over the media, and she boasts one of LAW's coveted titles - but tonight, she's out to get her foot in the door for an even greater prize! Everyone, put your hands together for the Super Kitty herself, representing the Swat Cats - KAT HART!!"
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Many LAW wrestlers were still getting used to the idea of flying to and wrestling in cities all around the world. The premiere wrestling company was taking the world by storm and many of the staff and many of the members of the roster capitalized and helped continue to put LAW at the forefront of the world of pro wrestling by establishing the promotion in every major city possible. And today, LAW continued cementing its status at the top with a main event at a show in Los Angeles! A main event featuring names that had etched their name into wrestling history like Cynara Morgan, names that established themselves among the very best wrestlers in the world of pro wrestling today like Katherine Hart, and names that could very well be the future of the sport and the future of LAW like Mina Morgan!
Katherine Hart
Entrance Music

Cynara had ended her explanation of tonight's main event by introducing Kat Hart with gusto, a privilege that Kat, herself, didn't know she'd be entitled to! With Cynara's signal, The Super Kitty's theme song began playing on the speakers all around the stadium! Pyro heralded the appearance of the famed heavyweight luchadora at the top of the entrance ramp!

Having been one of the competitors in this match, and having been as diligent as she was, Kat had come to the arena along with the staff that set up the venue. After lending a helping hand to the production crew and the stagehands, she had plenty of time to prepare for her match by studying up on Mina. It never occurred to The Super Kitty that the obnoxiousness of downtown LA's deadlocked traffic during rush hour would have factored into Cynara's plans. In fact, as Kat would soon make clear, it never occurred to her that Morgan would leverage her prestige and status at LAW and in the world of wrestling to stack the deck against her before the opening bell was even rung!

As the crowd sang along to her theme song, Kat posed at the top of the ramp with one of the world tag team belts in hand. She'd hit a confident stride as she made her way down the ramp. A welcoming, assuring smile was practically plastered onto The Super Kitty's face as she stopped a couple times to high-five and hug some of the fans in attendance as they called her name! You could feel the energy in the arena as the atmosphere came alive in anticipation of this Apex Qualifier now that Kat Hart had arrived!

The Super Kitty finished jaunting her way down to the arena. She hopped onto the apron in a swift, athletic motion! The brawny, busty masked woman held her golden belt up high, drawing further reactions from the crowd! She turned to the ring as if to enter it, but suddenly, she hesitated.

Kat turned towards the crew at ringside and descended from the apron. Hart would leave her belt on the apron and politely ask for a live mic. She put both her hands together as she asked and some of the same staff that she had helped earlier were happy to oblige! The moment she got the mic, Kat looked around for just a few seconds before calling out.

"Loooooooos Aaaaannnnnngeeeeleeeeessss!!!!" Thunderous cheers followed! Enough that Kat would have to wait for them to pass.

"It's been a few years since I've been here. And now that back and wrestling in this town again, I'm taking solace in the fact that I have the same exact goal tonight as I did several years ago when I wrestled here in the indies!"

"To have a match that's almost as good as the food and the people here in this great city!"
Another pause for cheers followed as she looked around. After a moment, Hart's gaze settled on the judge's table, a table occupied solely by the esteemed Cynara Morgan! Kat approached the woman slowly the cameramen followed her. Anticipations rose!

"Cynara Morgan!" Kat would declare as she placed a hand on the judge's table and locked eyes with the older woman to set a tone of tension, only to break said tension immediately!

"I have to thank you!" The Super Kitty said to her with a smile.

"See this is one of the many reasons I love working for LAW. When I started running the ropes about 12 years ago, I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that I'd be getting announced to the ring by the one and only Cynara Morgan!" Kat would say as she leaned her thigh onto the table seating a portion of her lower body on it as she continued.

"There's a match to wrestle. A pretty big one, at that. So I'll keep this brief. I'm sure there are a lot of people in the arena that have the expectation that I'd be abrasive with you or antagonistic toward you. But that's not what's going to happen. You see, just like I feel pride and feel honored of having someone with your presence and your legacy announce me to the ring, I feel fulfilled and it feels surreal to have you oversee my match with a client of yours! And your daughter, no less!"

"I look forward to putting on an amazing match with Mina Morgan and to being a part of yours and Mina's journey toward the Openweight Title in LAW's Apex Tour!"

"I recognized that you haven't always been on the straight and narrow throughout your entire career and your life
but who among us can say that they've always done the right thing in life...?"

"I want you and everyone in the building - everyone watching worldwide! I want you all to know that I don't hold any biases against Cynara or harbor suspicions about her."

"I welcome the chance to take on Mina! I don't mind that you're the only acting judge. You and your husband are undeniably and indisputably significant figures in the history and practice of this great sport whether it's between the ropes or on the mats in the apartments! And I respect that with every fiber of my being!"

"So until I'm given a reason otherwise, I respect you, and I trust you to call this down this middle! And I'll say it again because I wanna drive home that this is genuine! No sarcasm! Cynara Morgan...thank you!"
Kat would finish and place her mic on the table before extending a hand to Cynara for a handshake.

If and when Cynara took her hand, Hart would grip it firmly but not oppressively and smile as the manager reciprocated her gesture before getting up and sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. The Super Kitty would collect her title belt and hand it off to the referee. And as she did and as the cheers reigned down for the impromptu promo and for the anticipation of this Apex Qualifier, all eyes turned to Cynara with the expectation that she'd introduce her client in much the same way she introduced/announced Katherine Hart!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Ava Rose - Apex Qualifier Match

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Now that she'd said her part, it was time for Cynara to watch Kat arrive on the scene. She turned to the entrance ramp, and while she'd been happy to hear the cheers of those fans who had stayed faithful to her all these years, the luchadora got an even greater ovation. Cynara rolled her eyes a little, but she couldn't take things too personally. She understood that, as a well-established star in the wrestling world who had had cameras on her for years, Kat would get plenty of cheers from the younger fans who hadn't been around to witness the heyday of Cynara's title reign in a sport only glimpsed by the public through its coverage in the magazines. She could live with that, for now. She'd be able to see things through in time.

What she hadn't seen coming was that Kat would take the opportunity to ask for a microphone, saying a piece of her own! Her eyebrow raised as Kat began to address the crowd, going through the usual routine for a fan favorite playing to the crowd at whatever city they were in. But it particularly caught her attention when she approached the judges' table, locking eyes with Cynara herself. The veteran was perplexed by this, leaning back in her seat to preserve her personal space. Her eyes widened, and her back stiffened. For a moment, a concerned thought crossed her mind. Had Kat figured out her plans?

But she was soon set at ease, when instead of accusing the former champion of sabotage, Kat instead seemed downright honored to have Cynara call her to the ring! She blinked a few times, unsure what to think. But soon, a smile crossed her face. It had been some time since she'd enjoyed the praise of those in the industry, and she was especially eager to hear it from someone her client would be facing off against. Despite the fact they might not have seen eye to eye, Kat was willing to meet her with honor and thank her for all her contributions to the wrestling world. It spoke to the size of Kat's, well, heart that she was able to look past such things. She was naive. Almost childishly so. For a moment, Cynara almost felt bad for putting her up to what was about to happen! But she was quick to remind herself that Kat's lack of suspicion would also make her especially vulnerable to her plans. If the time came for her to step in...she'd never see it coming.

Returning a smile and a nod, Cynara took Kat's hand to give it a hearty shake. "What a pleasure it is," she said, "hearing such fond words from one champion to another! Ms. Hart, I welcome you to the ring. There's a good reason you have the credentials you do, winning the gauntlet to be crowned as LAW's inaugural tag team champs, and you've only grown stronger since then. I have no doubt about it that you'll give a good fight, and do everything you can to prove to myself and the other judges that you have it in you to wear the World Openweight Championship around your waist - and I know that everyone else in this arena is just as eager to see it!" A cheer broke out from the fans, confirming Cynara's statement, as Kat slipped into the ring.

Then, though, Cynara turned back to the entrance ramp, holding out her arm with a dramatic flourish. "And so too do I have no doubts that we'll see just as much effort and dedication from your fellow challenger - a woman who is, of course, near and dear to my heart, but who I know well enough to be confident in putting her up to such a task! She's a woman who made her name in the world of modeling, but proved she was more than capable of competing in the ring as well, clawing her way up to the top every step of the way - something I know just as well myself, I must say, and I can tell you all it's no easy task! She's uprooted herself from her old life and thrown herself headlong into this one - but she's never looked back, and I've been proud to watch how far she's come with my own two eyes! Tonight, though, is the night she puts everything to the test against the Super Kitty herself - and without further ado, let us all welcome Ms. Hart's opponent tonight! Making her jump to the pro scene for the first time, my prodigy and heir, the one and only MINA MORGAN!!"
Last edited by CaptainL on Fri Dec 23, 2022 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

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It was at the crest of Cynara's announcement that the music began to play, and lights suddenly came on to shine down on the ring. The curtains parted, and out stepped LAW's newest signee. Mina Morgan wasn't quite a household name. She had a respectable history to her name in apartment wrestling, though one that was marked with brutality and bloodshed, as she had earned a fearsome reputation for the unstoppable assaults she put her opponents through. When she was the daughter of a legend in the sport, it was hard not for the press to be drawn to her. But she had never tried her hand in prostyle wrestling...until now.
Dressed in a sleek black long-sleeved leotard, Mina descended the ramp with a sense of composure and grace. Her back was straight, her head was held high, and she didn't deign to so much as look at the fans to either side of her at ringside, let alone her opponent. A few fans cheered her - some were fans of her work in the apartment circuits; others were less familiar, but the fact she was taking on Kat Hart herself in the main event for a shot at the World Openweight Title told them that whoever she was, she had to be important. Others booed her, some objecting to her tactics, some to her haughty demeanor, and others simply favoring Kat instead. But Mina paid no heed to any of them. This was her match, and no one else mattered.

With a huff, she stepped up onto the apron, brushing back her blonde hair before she climbed over the ropes. She looked her opponent up and down, and the contrasts were clear, with her slimmer build hardly matching Kat's bulkier physique. But even still, it didn't mean anything to Mina. As she finally set her eyes on Kat, she betrayed the first sign of emotion she had shown since her arrival. She smirked - and it was the sort of bloodthirsty, manic smirk that told Kat that, despite her composure, she had every intention of tearing her limb from limb as soon as this match started.
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

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As Cynara hyped up the entrance of her client, all ears listened intently, and soon all eyes turned to the entrance ramp!

As Kat took her place in her corner in the ring and used the top rope to stretch, Mina Morgan made her appearance! Cynara could certainly talk up a client! There was weight to her words. Not just because her client tonight was her very own daughter, but because the effort she had put into this was echoed in her passionate tone of voice! Blood relative or not, if Cynara was managing her, the girl had to have talent. Enough talent that she felt comfortable lobbying to get her an Apex Qualifier Match with LAW's very own Super Kitty!

Kat would perk herself up as Mina made her appearance and made her way down the entrance ramp. It seemed that only the savviest fans in attendance recognized Mina right away and reacted. There was a noticeable dichotomy between these fans, where some cheered Mina's presence and others booed.

Kat had her ear the to ground in the world of pro wrestling. But only so many murmurs about the waves being made in the apartment wrestling circuits of today had made their way to her. Everyone knew the big names out there like Cynara Morgan. But when it came to Mina, Kat, much like most fans in attendance, only knew her to be Cynara's daughter. She stopped her stretching and observed Mina carefully as the blonde daintily made her way into the ring.

From the body language alone, Hart could sense that Mina was carrying herself with purpose. She could feel Morgan sizing her up. And although Kat wasn't yet wise to Mina's unbridled bloodthirst and sadistic tendencies in her matches, the smirk that the smaller woman flashed to her did help the brawny luchadora pick up on one thing: that there was undoubtedly more to this girl than what meets the eye!

"Heh...nice to meet you, too!" Kat would return Mina's smirk with her usual confident, toothy grin.

Normally, she'd offer her opponent a handshake. But the vibe didn't quite warrant this, it seemed. Mina's smirk told Kat that much.

The referee took the initiative and checked with both women to make sure they were ready to start the match proper. This was the part everyone was waiting for, after all! Kat could feel Mina's gaze. She could feel Cynara's scrutiny of the match, amplified by the fact that she was the one and only judge presiding. The commentators went over the known wrestling history of both women. The announcements were made. When the stage was finally set, Kat looked Mina in the eye.

"You know, Mina, one of my favorite things about this sport is that when you share a ring with someone and it comes time for the bell to ring, without a doubt, they show you exactly who they are...!" The Super Kitty's grin widened in excitement and anticipation!

"Show me who you are...! Mina Morgan!" Kat would roar as the referee called for the bell!

By this point, the tag champ realized that if she didn't take the initiative, her opponent most definitely would! She began to gallop such that she could circle the ring at a swift pace. Her gaze sharpened. Kat raised her arms as she got ready to either close the distance or grapple with Mina if she did the same. But the sound that followed was something she couldn't have possibly foreseen! It wasn't the sound of the bell, but rather, the sound of entrance music! And from the very last person that anyone could have expected!
Entrance Music
General Manager of LAW, Dan DeFranco
It took only seconds for the music to be cut. A man in a black suit emerged with a microphone in hand. And in just ok one simple sentence, the air of tension and competitiveness emanating from the ring dissipated.

"Cynara Morgan.... Katherine Hart...this Apex Qualifier Match is hereby canceled."

Shocked and disappointed reactions would immediately fill the arena! Kat would stand up straight in shock and look towards the ramp with an expression that made it look like she was insulted beyond all measure! Cynara was at ringside and therefore the closest to the mic. She'd be the first to be able to respond to DeFranco. But Kat wasn't about to let this go uncontested, either! She'd be ready to piggyback on Cynara's words when she inquired and likely protested the General Manager's decision here!
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

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This would be Mina's first time setting foot in the squared circle, and yet, from the look on her face, she wasn't the least bit worried. She was up against a woman who easily dwarfed her in size, and who had more prostyle experience than she had been wrestling period. But between the successes she'd had in the apartment world, and her mother talking her up, it didn't even seem to register. Kat didn't stand a chance - victory was already assured.

She folded her arms, still standing tall and focused with her vision locked onto the luchadora. Kat was all smiles, greeting her with a friendly cheer - which only made Mina all the more convinced that she was hopeless. If there was one lesson she'd taken to heart in her training, it was that nice girls finished last. There was no room for friendship and kindness in a competition of bodies and wills. Victory would only go to the most determined to take it, and she wasn't going to let anything hold her back. Her smile only grew wider, and she chuckled under her breath as she leaned her head in toward her opponent, all while her mother looked on from the tables aglow with pride. "Eheheh..." Her eyes suddenly flashed with a crazed look, as though she couldn't wait to throw herself headlong into what was sure to be a crushing defeat for Kat Hart. Raising her hands, she bent at the knees, sinking down into a stance. "I'll show you plenty, alright!"

Mina only bent lower to the ground as she prepared for the bell to ring. The muscles in her legs tensed, ready to propel her strides forward, and her fingers curled at the ready to grab onto Kat's. Her heart was pounding with excitement; she knew that as soon as the match began, Kat wouldn't even see her coming. But it was the following announcement that Mina didn't see coming - when suddenly, everything ground to a halt when Dan himself appeared to cancel the match!

"WHAT!?" Mina spun back around toward Dan with a glare, her teeth clenched and her eyes narrowed in a piercing look of pure hate. This was supposed to be her big night, debuting in LAW, and not just that, but against a champion and a world-renowned name like Kat Hart! It was a match that could only cement her in the annals of LAW history. And in just a second, her dream was over before it began! The fans quickly began booing at the mention that the main event, one that was to feature an Apex qualifier and an appearance by one third of the tag team champions, wouldn't be happening.

But perhaps no one was more disappointed than Cynara Morgan herself. A glare quickly crossed her face as she looked up at Dan, and she planted her hands against the table, shoving herself up to her full height. It didn't intimidate her in the slightest that she was dealing with the GM. She had engaged with plenty of wealthy and powerful men in her life, and she'd always walked away feeling in control. She wouldn't let anyone tell her what to do now!

"Mr. DeFranco," she announced, her voice firm and commanding, "What, exactly, prompted this? I would think that a businessman like you would have enough sense not to cancel the main event seconds before it began. Do you truly not care that these people get what they paid to see?"
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

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This wasn't just anticlimactic, it was downright souring. Seeing a match like this canceled before it could even begin caused the arena to fill with a chorus of boos! And yet, DeFranco wasn't taken aback. The man stood firmly. He was stone-faced. He stood by his decision. And though he did stand by it, he, of course, expected contention.

Cynara was the first to speak up. She spoke with a certain confidence, her vast experience somehow echoed in her words. She remained composed in her questioning. Fans even began to cheer. After pausing for their reaction, Dan raised his mic and spoke up.

"What prompted this...?" The GM asked rhetorically with a raised eyebrow.

"You did!" The man pointed.

"Listen, if you want to voice your displeasure to anyone, voice it to the person with the obvious agenda."

"An Apex Qualifier where somehow there's only one judge and it's one of my top talents is set to take on that sole judge's daughter?" DeFranco stepped forward, though he remained on the entrance ramp.

"This match reeks of a set-up. Maybe you'd have gotten away with it if it was any other match. Maybe it's not the best business decision. But do you wanna know what I value more than turning a profit or giving people this match? The integrity of the LAW Apex event that will crown an Inaugural World Openweight Champion. The safety, the longevity, and the prosperity of my wrestler's careers-"

"Boss, boss, boss hold on. Please, hold on, let me stop you for a second." Kat cut in. In the time that DeFranco had explained himself, Kat had prompted the officials at ringside to hand her a mic.

"I'm not blind. I know more than anyone that this match was probably a trap. I wanna do it anyways." Katherine explained.

"Call me naive if you want. Call it a boneheaded move. Cynara has been a part of this business probably for longer than I've been alive? I know her hands are far from clean...."

"But I also know that she's had an impact on the business that extends far past just the apartments she's wrestled in. She had a legacy in this sport. Quite literally, I'm sharing the ring with a second-generation talent right now because of her. I'm sure there are other ladies on this roster, on your dime, that have been inspired by the things she's done in her career. She certainly has her fans here in her hometown."

"A-And you think that means I should just look past everything and let this match happen?"

"No, I don't."

"I think it means that I'm a woman of my word and when I said that I'm going to trust Cynara until she gives me a reason not to, I meant every word. I'm not backing out of the match just because I think she might pull something."

"DeFranco, how much money have you made by holding me to my word? How much has LAW grown from it? The SWAT Cats Tag Title Open Challenges? The past few pay-per-view main events? Why stop now?! Let me keep betting on myself! Give me the match I wanna wrestle! Give the people the match they wanna see!"

The GM would nod as he thought it over for a few seconds.


"Okay, but you won't do it in a LAW ring."

"We'll put your words to the test. We'll put Cynara's character to the test. Let's see what lengths you'll both go to in order to make the fans happy."

"Provided Cynara states her terms right now, Kat Hart, you will wrestle in tonight's main event in a match against an opponent of Cynara's choosing, in a match with stipulations she defines. The match can take place anywhere she wants. The parking lots, the locker rooms- doesn't matter. But if you want me to sanction the match, it won't take place in that ring."

"The staff will be at your disposal. The match will be recorded and broadcast for all to see, including the fans here. A panel of Apex judges selected by myself will review the match afterward."

"So if you're so bent on giving the people what they want, let's hear it from Morgan, herself."

"So Cynara....what'll it be?"

After a series of twists and turns, somehow we ended up here. All eyes turned to the apartment wrestling legend as she was given the power to shape the match to her and her daughter's liking!
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by CaptainL »

Cynara could hear the cheers calling out for her, and it was enough to send a shiver down her spine. Since she had retired from active competition, she had almost forgotten what it felt like - that special, undeniable sensation that was hearing your name called, and knowing that everyone had come, some from miles away, just to see you and your exploits in the flesh. She knew what it was, of course - she could never forget that impulse that had her addicted from the moment she felt it for the first time. But it had been decades since she had last felt that for herself - and now that she was feeling its tingles again, her smile grew wider across her face. She missed it.

Of course, those feelings would soon be soured when Dan refused to budge. Worse yet - he threw Cynara's own plans back in her face. She had tried to arrange this to give her as much plausible deniability as possible. Of course she and her husband would travel together. And it was only to be expected that traffic in one of the most notoriously congested cities in the country might pose an issue. The fact that her client and daughter was in this match wouldn't matter; it would be the same if it was anyone else. Yes, Cynara wanted Mina to win. She knew that her daughter not only winning an Apex qualifier, not only doing so in her first-ever prostyle wrestling match, but against a reigning champion at that, would skyrocket her career, and elevate the family name. She was perfectly willing to do whatever was necessary to ensure such an outcome. But she had taken precautions - precautions that meant absolutely nothing, when the CEO himself saw through everything!

It all hit the former champion like a slap in the face. She stood, staring blankly back at Dan through wide eyes as her mouth hung open even wider. Her entire plan had unraveled, and she was speechless. She didn't know what she could say to that. It was much too public for bribery to work, and lying was hopeless when Dan had already seen through her carefully crafted plan. It was Mina who would take action - and she wasn't the least bit pleased about these revelations. Her teeth clenched in a snarl as she stormed toward Dan, leaning over the ropes to focus a piercing stare into his eyes. "You...do you even KNOW how much this match means for me!? You get in here and I'll show you that myself-"

But Cynara raised her hand, and just like that, her daughter fell silent. "Mina," she said, "that won't be necessary." As though nothing had happened, Mina cleared her throat and stood back up straight, the bestial snarl on her face turning to a flat look of disinterest. Cynara was not interested in her daughter making a scene here and now - after all, Kat was about to say her part. And it was news that pleased her - even knowing it was an obvious setup, Kat was determined to have the match anyway!

Smiling, Cynara took a step back, giving the masked woman the floor. She nodded her head, taking every compliment Kat passed on to her with pride. She even snickered a little more when Kat brought up the exact same concerns she had raised; it fed her ego to know that Kat felt the same way. When Dan announced that the match couldn't take place in a LAW ring, Mina crossed her arms and looked off, grumbling with annoyance. But Cynara only smirked with a self-assured nod of her head. As a matter of fact...this just made things even better. In taking the public attention off of her, in giving her free reign to arrange the match as she saw fit, Dan had just given Cynara the perfect opportunity to arrange a match Kat would be hopeless in.

"First of all, Mr. DeFranco, let me just say...I'm touched by your generosity. I know this match means a lot to all of us, and the fact that you're putting in the work to make sure it happens is a great honor. If I am to name the stipulations, then that's a duty I will humbly accept. I have a few requests I'd like to make."

"First of all, the opponent. I believe we can go ahead and keep Mina involved. This is a big night for her, and for Kat here as well. It would be a pity to deprive any of them of that, and I know how busy you suits can be, so I'm not about to belabor you with needing to find a replacement at the last minute."

"Next, the question of the venue. If we can't have it in this ring, I believe the answer is obvious. The parking lot would be much too unseemly for a match of this importance. Another building would require us to rent the space on short notice, which rarely works out, I can tell you that. But Mr. DeFranco...we're in Los Angeles. I might split my time between here and Manhattan now, but this will always be my hometown, and I have a penthouse suite in the city that I'm more than willing to lend to these purposes. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't even be my daughter's first time wrestling there. The biggest concern is how many cameras we can fit in, but if Dave's people could make it work, you can too. All I ask is that I be in attendance. Even if it's not as a judge, I'd like front-row seats to a moment like this - and I know Kat here would want it too."

"Next, the type of match. Well...I see that our friend the Super Kitty is quite intent on making this happen,"
Cynara added, leaning in closer toward Kat. "From the way she talks about it, I'm confident that she would have no issue with raising the stakes. I want to see just how far she's willing to go to hold to her promises, and to put that to the test...I'd like to suggest a no-disqualifications match! Sure, sure, there's more risk involved, but...that will only make whatever efforts the champ puts forth all the more meaningful, won't they? If they're done in the face of danger? Besides...if you still don't trust me, why don't you see for yourself what I'll do if I'm given the opportunity to do as I will? Perhaps it'll pleasantly surprise you."

"All in all, Mr. DeFranco, I should hope those specifications are to your liking..."
She then looked over at the champion, all the more eager to see how she would respond. "And of course, to yours, Kat, honey..."
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Re: Kat Hart vs. Mina Morgan - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by winner3 »

Katherine's appeal to the big boss worked better than she hoped it would. It worked well, too well, in fact.

In her efforts to be respectful to one of the greats that paved the way forward for women in wrestling, and in her efforts to give the fans what they wanted, Kat stuck her neck out for the Morgans. And in exactly no time at all, Cynara jumped at the chance to capitalize at Hart's expense!

Veteran instincts died hard. Despite it being eons since the woman had appeared in a wrestling arena, let alone received cheers and attention on this scale, she made no wasted motions! Kat stood there across the ring from Mina. All eyes and focus shifted from her back to DeFranco, who had made his decision. And his ruling called for the focus to come back to Cynara. Hart was no stranger to falling victim to the diabolical plans that many of the more unsavory characters that LAW would hatch, specifically with her in mind. But she was The Super Kitty for a reason. Surely, Cynara wouldn't go for the jugular right off the bat, the moment she was given the metaphorical knife here?

"You got it." In so few words, Dan signed off on the terms Cynara had laid out.

The crowd reaction that followed was a mix of cheers and boos. Cheers in anticipation of the match. Boos for the obvious conspiring against The Super Kitty. Regardless of the types of reaction, the one thing beyond question was that they were loud!

The main event for tonight was set. Apartment style wrestling match, no disqualifications, Cynara's penthouse suite, Cynara Morgan present, her daughter - her legacy, Mina Morgan vs Kat Hart.

If it was obvious that this was a setup before, the pretenses were blatantly cast aside now! When Cynara addressed Kat directly, Kat could only raise both eyebrows and blink at Cynara in disbelief. Forget the jugular, Cynara aimed right for the heart! Even if Kat wanted to, she couldn't back out now! Before she could even form words, Dan began to walk off, offering a parting message of his own.

"Good luck, champ...."

To which, Kat could only react with a resigned expression. Her cheeks puffed. She formed a small o shape with her lips. And long, deep, exasperated exhale left Kat's lips. Eventually, she finally left the ring to join in on helping the staff make the necessary preparations. Kat was normally a chatty one. But even she was at a loss for words here.

Kat Hart knew she was up the creek now. And right now, all she could do was make do and paddle in whatever manner she could.
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