Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight Type: Standard
Winning Condition: Pin, Knockout, Surrender or Tapping

In the locker room before the fight, Jenny was thinking, after that fight against Liger..... things had gotten better, that rookie she liked a lot, hellen and now that girl.... Barbara, all of them had shown Jenny that the rookies seemed to be very similar to her in their first fights, entering the ring and giving all their skill, but Jenny had already gone through that, she had cried, smiled and now she could be in these fights in the opportunity to fight for the belt with the most prestige, her mother had entered since she wanted to prove herself, but Jenny wanted that too, and so with all her effort to prove that she was no longer just a girl, but that she was the tiger of the gym, she would be ready, so when the staff called for her to go, her theme song would begin, and when the time finally came, at full volume and appearing under the lights of the Arena, Jenny would point her finger at the Sky!!
the screams of her fans were obvious, and so as she advanced and high-fived them, Jenny would finally climb into the ring, standing at the top of her corner looking excitedly around the place, and then she would come down and wait for her opponent.


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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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Lily can be seen stretching as she ready herself, getting ready for her big event, she would ready to join as she hop up and down slightly, before she would put on her boots and gloves, wearing her usual light white dress. She would take a big breath as she ready herself. She is fighting Jenny who she had seen before, maybe she can put what she know of her to use as she saw Jenny's entrance before she would ready herself.
She would hear her own theme as she ready herself before start hopping toward the ring, waving at her fans with a smile on her face. She would slide into the ring before smile and nod at Jenny "Hello~ Saw your match before, big fan" She said in a friendly tone as she want to start this off as friendly as it can be.

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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Jenny was ready for a tough and mean Opponent, and when she saw her Opponent arrive, her mind immediately thought of someone like Emaline, though the words of that girl made Jenny think twice, hearing a nice greeting from her, Jenny would ask her

Jenny Rodouko, nice to meet you..... And excuse me if I ask, but which one of all? Let's not say that I have few fights, but anyway, I hope we have a great fight, although I warn you, I will not lose, these fights are so important that I will not leave this ring until I am with my body unable to stand up or with Victory!!!

Would say Jenny so waiting with her body ready and her mind ready for everything.

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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"Ahhh I saw your debut, I like it very much" She said with a smile before decide to focus "And This fight is important to me too, so I won't back down too" She said with a smile before decide to make her way toward Jenny with a smile "So I'm gonna warn you too, I'll do whatever it takes to win this match" She said before extend her hand as she offer a friendly handshake before the match would start

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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Jenny blushed when he mentioned her debut fight, it really wasn't a pretty good fight when it comes to how she did that time, but at least she's happy that someone liked that fight, so she when she heard everything, she nodded and said to Lily.

Well Lily, I love to know that, and likewise, but no cheating, or you might regret it.... hahahah!

so Jenny would accept Lily's handshake, now that she was excited, she was ready to start the fight.

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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"Hehehe, Don't worry, we'll fight fair and square" She said with a smile as she saw the other girl accepted her handshake. As the bell ring, Lily would make the first move as she charge toward Jenny, bring her arms up as she attempt to slam her into a clothesline as Lily make the first move

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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Jenny realized that Lily would be a fun way to start this, so she excitedly got ready and when Lily tried to do the clothesline, Jenny would duck almost immediately, throwing a foot sweep to counter that attack.

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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Lily would let out a surprised yelp as she stumble toward the rope, lucky enough to not fall face first into the mat before use it to bounce back, charging toward Jenny as she hop up, attempt to give her a drop kick to the face

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

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Lily would let out a surprised yelp as she stumble toward the rope, lucky enough to not fall face first into the mat before use it to bounce back, charging toward Jenny as she hop up, attempt to give her a drop kick to the face

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Re: Jenny Rodouko vs Lily Harper

Unread post by Lederface »

Jenny, although the first part of her plan went well, soon realized that Lily didn't quite fall to the mat, so when she came back and kicked Jenny in the face, she fell to the mat in pain, exposing herself to a fresh attack from Lily.

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