Win via Submission or KO
This match is an Apex Qualifier bout, completion will count to each characters' required matches
The Dragon, Ryu Hiroshi, found himself in the ring once again against the Ace of Berserk Misaki Toyoda. After their previous grueling encounter in their ironman match, the two Japanese wrestlers found themselves once more on the opposite side of the ring but in a more standard submission wrestling match. Ryu's pride was slightly damaged due to his loss in the last match but he was looking to avenge it in a more high stakes setting now that this was an Apex Qualifier bout. He was going to use this opportunity to beat one of the best wrestlers in Japan and LAW, using the Apex tournament as a stepping stone for his own career.
Ryu Hiroshi
He would jump up on his heels while shaking his arms loose, stretching his neck from side to side with a focused look. This time he would be ready for her after their previous encounter.