When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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Originally, Tiki Lowell wasn't even going to do Apex. She was a belt chaser, yeah, but the explanations for Apex qualifications and the Openweight belt had all been so long winded and had so many rules and caveats that Tiki considered material to fall asleep to rather than something she would seriously consider entering.

But eventually, some people who wanted her to enter put it simple enough for her. If she fought in 3 matches specifically fought as qualifiers for the main Apex tournament, win, lose or draw, she would be in the main tournament. She could also skip two matches and get in with just one if she ever got that Middleweight title shot she'd been bugging LAW for.

Tiki's opponent today was Niko Tomiji. a short, busty girl who just straddled the line between light and middleweight. Regardless, that meant she was still considerably smaller than Tiki. Less skilled as well, if her record and reputation were to be believed. Normally Tiki wanted stronger opponent's than this, but today she welcomed a breather after the brass knuckles incident in her match with KRR.
Tiki's Music
Tiki's music came on and she exited backstage dressed in a red bikini. It was common knowledge that Tiki often wore bikinis in matches against opponents who often wore bikinis themselves, but the stick and watermelon she had with her were new. But Tiki had a plan for them. She felt like putting on a bit of a show for her introduction to Apex.

Tiki walked down the ramp until she got to the base of the ring. She held up the stick and watermelon as if she was going to turn the fruit into a piñata. But instead, Tiki tossed the stick aside and put the watermelon between her legs and... "Hrah!" completely crushed it between her thighs without breaking a sweat. Tiki cleaned off her legs with a towel, before discarding it along with her white jacket and pink sash, and entered the ring to wait for Niko to appear.
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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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"Hmmm hmmm hmmm mhmmmm!" Humming happily, completely in contrast to the seriousness of the match ahead while backstage was one Niko Tomiji. The girl's pink hair bouncing along as she hummed to herself while tightening her bikini to make sure it wouldn't come loose during her bout. That was honestly her only real concern about this match.
Sure it was for the Apex thing or whatever but Niko honestly had no real idea about it, she was just told that if she agreed to this match she would be paid DOUBLE. Well that and something about how she needed to try and last more than a few minutes, that part had been hammered in, but as far as she was concerned that would be on her opponent and not herself. Either way it was time to make her entrance!

Skipping up to the entrance ramp as her music began playing Niko would hop out posing for the crowd with a bright smile on her face. Clearly she wasn't aware of the severity of who she was facing or the match itself. Even if it was only a qualifier. None the less Nike had quite the raucous reaction to her appearance, her chest bouncing every which way as she skipped down the ring likely having something to do with that.

But as she made it to the ring and climbed the steps onto the apron she was about to outdo herself. Swinging leg over the middle rope Niko would hold onto it with both hands, looking behind her shoulder to make sure the camera was pointing at her Niko would wink before shaking her ass wildly. After a moment of doing so Niko would slide the rest of her way into the ring where she would finally meet her opponent, a much taller, much stronger looking lady than Niko had expected.

Neither of which being things she really took to heart in any serious way. "Hiiiii you must be Taki right?" She asked playfully, genuinely unsure exactly of what the woman's name was, just that it started with T, but she didn't particularly care. Not like such a thing ever bothered her before.

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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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When Tiki saw Niko come out from backstage and start towards the ring, she could tell that she wasn't particularly invested in this match. The look on her face, nonchalant as she skipped towards the ring, bouncing her chest every which way as she did so. Or at least if Niko did care about winning, she didn't seem to care as much as Tiki.

It made sense though. Niko wasn't participating in Apex. For her, this was just any old match. Now granted, Tiki didn't have to care to much about winning either. Qualifiers were qualifiers for the Apex tournament, win, lose, or draw. The only rule was that the match had to last long enough to be a real fight, and not just some squash.

But Tiki still wanted to win tonight. Even if a loss was acceptable to move on, Tiki still wanted to show especially strong in her buildup to such a huge tournament. And that meant taking caring of the woman in front of her, who was currently winking and shaking her jiggly but at the cameras. Then a thought crept into Tiki's head, Am I going to have to carry this girl to make the time limit?

But that thought had to be pushed aside as Tiki was greeted, incorrectly, by Niko. "That's a new one. It's Tiki," she corrected. "I've had people call me 'Chiki' before, but I'm pretty sure I've never been called 'Taki" before." Tiki didn't really care all that much though. It was just one letter, a simple mistake, surely.

When the bell rang, Tiki would give Niko the first move. She wanted to gauge what she could really do, to see if she really was as weak and uncaring as she presented herself as. Tiki would start out going 100% as she always did, not wanting to take any chances, but if Niko truly was so far below her level, the veteran may end up having to adjust.
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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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Niko hummed happily while rocking back and forth on her heels in her corner, waiting patiently for the match to begin without much complaint. In truth she kinda just wished they could do a bikini contest or something instead of a full on match. After all both Niko and the lady across from her were dressed for such a thing, so it wouldn't be a stretch.

Speaking of however... it appeared Tiki had taken notice from Niko's greeting and corrected her about the name. "Ohhhhh I see. Pfft here I thought you were named after a gross corn ship haha." Niko said jokingly while scratching the back of her head.

Clearly she still wasn't taking this remotely serious, but what could anyone expect from her? Even if she knew the full gravitas of this match she'd likely still be the same. Afterall what would she do with a belt as gross looking as the one being offered at Apex? Ewww. Or at least thats how Niko thought.

Thankfully for likely both however before a full on conversation could start, the bell rang before Niko could bury herself with her loose lips. Squaring her shoulders back Niko locked eyes with Tiki, attempting to put on the most determined look she possibly could against the green haired woman... though it was about as effective as a newborn puppy attempting to snarl and be intimidating... which is to say she wasn't.. at all.

But Niko was the only one that didn't know that. As such she darted forward, running at Tiki with as much speed as she could muster. An action that got loud cries and cheers as she did so for... two very obvious, very bouncy reasons. As she approached the woman Niko would jump up, trying to put all her speed behind her small size and frame as she turned midair and popped her hips!

If successful Niko would attempt to hit a running hip attack on Tiki!

Key word being attempt. But despite Niko's best hopes... she really wasn't even running all that fast. Barely getting up to the speed most lightweights could average, let alone those who did highflying on the regular. Likewise she had jumped far too early, and turned around without realizing it, not even taking into account Tiki's height. In truth Niko would be lucky to even hit the bottom of the woman's stomach, let alone with any force to do anything besides inconvenience Tiki!

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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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"Corn chip?" muttered a confused Tiki. She couldn't say that she had heard of whatever product that Niko had been referencing. As Tiki looked at Niko, the lightweight certainly didn't cut the image of a serious wrestler. She seemed to be more worried about joking around, and every movement she made seemed to come with a couple of choice bounces.

But that didn't mean that Tiki could just write Niko off. What she did before the match wasn't what mattered. Tiki had no way of knowing how Niko might shift or what she would do once the bell rang until it happened. But Tiki wouldn't be made to wait long before she would get to see just what Niko was capable of.

The bell rang. Niko's face changed from joking to ready to fight, even if her war face was cuter than it was intimidating. The lightweight broke into a headlong charge at Tiki at a speed that didn't appear slow nor fast to the veteran. They were still a rather sizable distance when Niko turned her curvy hips towards Tiki and took off towards her.

Either she misjudged the distance or thought I would come forward. Either way, it's my gain, Tiki thought as Niko's leap was clearly going to come up short. Tiki crouched and stepped forward as she caught Niko in her descent, wrapping her arms around the lightweight's petite waist. Then Tiki lifted Niko up, and then threw her straight down onto her leg, with Niko's crotch landing directly onto the hard and bony part of Tiki's bent knee. It was an atomic drop that would be more accurately described as an atomic slam.

But even with such a devastating attack, Tiki had only just begun a combo. Tiki would again grab Niko around the waist before she fell off of the greenette's knee. Tiki then snapped Niko back with a thunderous German Suplex that would bounce Niko off of the mat and into the air before she landed back down on the floor. Tiki would then pull Niko up by her pink hair, where she would then judge whether or not she needed to start holding back on her.
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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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Niko was running as fast as she could, cute yet determined face showing her resolve and jumped with all of her might to come charging in at Tiki with everything she had! ...Well that's what Niko was thinking internally, her own mental judgement of what she was doing being far more grand than what was happening in reality.

So naturally when her body came within reach of her opponent it was a surprise to no one but Niko herself when her high expectations for what would happen was cut dreadfully short. "Wait what?!" Gasping in shock as her waist was grabbed Niko flailed for a second as she was lifted up before being dropped down onto Tiki's knee!

"Yeooooooooooch!!!" Eyes watering immediately and releasing a shrill scream Niko's hands immediately went to her crotch, trying to clutch at it due to the utter agony surging through her! In fact she probably would have fallen clear down to her side as a result but her opponent had other plans...

Being lifted up Niko's eyes would widen in utter shock as she realized what was happening. "Whoa! No hold on! Wait wait!" GAH!" Niko's begging was cut off as she was slammed down into the mat, the thunderous impact causing the ring to reverberate with the force. Legs hanging over her head Niko was left motionless, already somewhat out of it from those two moves alone.

So as she was forced up by the air to a kneeling position before the older woman Niko's face would similarly match the state her body was already in. "Blehhh..." Is what Niko would say to Tiki, clearly dazed and in pain still from those two moves alone, her tongue even hanging out from how out of it she was.

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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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Tiki knew that going all out on Niko was probably a mistake when the pink haired girl was begging before the veteran even landed her second attack. Tiki was powerful, and the atomic drop was a massive hit, but nobody who could actually fight on Tiki's level would be reduced to that level by a single blow and the threat of a follow up.

That was only made more certain once Tiki lifted Niko up by her hair and saw that she was already out of it. In fact, if she wasn't careful, the ref may simply call the match. Tiki would have to begin holding back to a great extent if she wanted this match to last long enough to count as a qualifier for Apex. Niko was like an egg that Tiki had to handle without breaking.

Tiki would move behind Niko and hook her arms underneath her opponent's, pulling Niko's arms high up over her head and locking the lightweight into a full nelson. Tiki would then pull Niko back down to a seated position and wrap her legs around Niko's waist for a bodyscissor. But neither move would have much power behind it. Just enough to come off as real to the crowd.

With her head now in a convenient position, Tiki would whisper into Niko's ear. "Sorry if I went too hard on you. I went all out because I didn't want to take any risks," she explained. "But since I'm pretty safe at this point, I'm plenty fine to simply carry you until this match reaches the necessary length.
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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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Niko had been rocked. That much was very clear just from the vacant expression on her face as she was lifted up by Tiki and the limp state of her limbs. But such an expression or state wasn't uncommon for those who were familiar with the pink haired girl given the kinds of opponents she had been against and how... Thorough some of them could be.

Luckily for Niko however Tiki wasn't as brutal as some of the other opponents that Niko had been pitted against in the past. Or maybe it was just because the green haired woman needed to pad the time out for the match. That in particular was something that came to the forefront of Niko's mind when she finally got to regain her senses... while being locked in the full nelson and brought to a seated position at least.

Struggling lightly in the hold and unable to escape despite it being the bare minimum of a hold Niko paused when she heard Tiki's words. 'Wow a easy match for once!' Niko thought to herself and was about to wholeheartedly agree before pausing. After all.. Tiki needed this match to be long right? For Niko it was no biggie if she tapped out even in this pathetic hold? So why would she agree to make this match longer just cause her opponent needed it?

"Whats in it for me?" Niko asked back with a weasley grin stretching across her face as she looked behind her. "Cause I can just tap out right now if I really wanted too." Niko threatened, making it clear she wanted something out of this little set up between the two women.

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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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Tiki was beginning to feel full on remorse for how badly she'd blasted Niko with her opening combo. The veteran was going out of her way to put as little strength into her full nelson as she could get away with, yet Niko's struggle were clearly weaker still. The only thing Niko's struggles did was make her chest bounce as she pulled and strained in vain against Tiki. In fact, with Niko's arms raised up above her head, and her body leaning forward from the hold, Niko's breasts were even more prominent than the usually were.

Then a ping of doubt entered Tiki's mind once Niko began to leverage the one advantage she did have: the clock. Win, lose, or draw, Tiki would get credit for an Apex qualifier match. But only if the match lasted long enough, much longer than the match Niko was currently threatening to end if Tiki didn't provide some form or compensation. And since Niko wasn't in Apex, she didn't care if this counted as a qualifying match.

But Tiki did have a rebuttal for this. "I'd argue that it's not what you have to gain, but what you have to lose from tapping early," said Tiki. "If you tap early, management will surely take away your bonus pay for the match. And the wouldn't book you for any future Apex matches, which is even more money."

Tiki admittedly felt that her argument was a bit frail, in the sense that if Niko was willing to risk the extra Apex money, she could have Tiki in a real pickle. She did not want Niko to do this and prove that it works to the rest of LAW, or else Apex as a whole could face some serious issues. If worst comes to worst, Tiki may end up having to let Niko use her leverage in the match on her, to avoid that leverage spreading beyond this match and into others.
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Re: When the Clock is a Resource: Tiki Lowell vs Niko Tomiji (Apex Qualifier)

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Despite the full nelson hold being weak and relatively light in terms of effectiveness Niko would continue to struggle in a manner that befitted the weaker hold. But now she was doing so with the full intention of just making it look good so as not to draw suspicion on what was happening between the two in the ring... or the fact that the two were talking right now. Something that would look quite bad if people were to catch on.

Naturally however Tiki was quick to try and turn things around on Niko and convince her that losing tapping early would be much to her own discredit in the long run. Something that Niko didn't buy for a second as she just chuckled while turning over her shoulder to flash a smarmy grin to her green haired opponent. "Please they know I'm always quick to tap out, so I doubt they'll care. Besides even if they do, there's no way they'll keep me from being in future Apex matches. I look WAY too hot losing." She said, quickly countering against the woman's words.

As she did so Niko would teasingly rub her but against Niko's groin, as if just to prove her point. "So here's my proposal." Niko said as she looked behind her into the green haired woman's eyes. "I'll hold out with all your moves, as long as you promise to hold back on all of them. AND you HAVE to let me get in offense against you so that I can look good beyond just taking you're moves!" Niko said smugly, giving her best grin of superiority to the woman behind her. "But ya know, if thats too much to ask, I can always just tap out now and save us both the trouble." Niko said sarcastically, knowing that Tiki really wanted, and probably needed the win.

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