But eventually, some people who wanted her to enter put it simple enough for her. If she fought in 3 matches specifically fought as qualifiers for the main Apex tournament, win, lose or draw, she would be in the main tournament. She could also skip two matches and get in with just one if she ever got that Middleweight title shot she'd been bugging LAW for.
Tiki's opponent today was Niko Tomiji. a short, busty girl who just straddled the line between light and middleweight. Regardless, that meant she was still considerably smaller than Tiki. Less skilled as well, if her record and reputation were to be believed. Normally Tiki wanted stronger opponent's than this, but today she welcomed a breather after the brass knuckles incident in her match with KRR.
Tiki's Music

Tiki walked down the ramp until she got to the base of the ring. She held up the stick and watermelon as if she was going to turn the fruit into a piñata. But instead, Tiki tossed the stick aside and put the watermelon between her legs and... "Hrah!" completely crushed it between her thighs without breaking a sweat. Tiki cleaned off her legs with a towel, before discarding it along with her white jacket and pink sash, and entered the ring to wait for Niko to appear.