Smothering a Shooting Star; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Grace Moore

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
Smother Princess
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Re: Smothering a Shooting Star; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Grace Moore

Unread post by Arista »

All while Grace was watching her plan fall perfectly into place, Gil was none-the-wiser...! She kept up the good fight, and with a quick and crafty maneuver, was able to catch Grace between the legs and send her soaring into the corner onto her knees!

"...Phew... Hah..." Gil puffed her chest out a little further, taking a second to gather herself and her breath. Grace had through it all put on a heck of a show, and showed real talent in her onslaught, either that or Gil was just that susceptible to fall to humiliation...! Either way, it was water under the bridge at this point...!

"...Alright, girlie, get that booty up..." Gil took her foe by the hair, keeping her on her knees as she forced her to crawl toward her a bit, pressing Grace's face against her crotch, then throwing her free arm to the sky, flashing a peace sign to the audience as they roared...! She let the moment linger for a moment, before she tucked Grace's head between her legs, wedging her leotard up her backside, but that didn't give the crowd quite what they wanted, so she did the same with those bottoms Grace wore over them, flashing Grace's moon to the crowd! "...Nighty night...!" Gil then suddenly dropped to her knees, and busted Grace's face against the canvas!

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Re: Smothering a Shooting Star; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Grace Moore

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

With little to no resistance, the Shooting Star played her part and was brought along for quite the ride as Gil dragged her by the hair and placed her head between her warm, soft, curvy thighs, feeling her cheeks squishing against the supple skin of the horned wrestler's legs. She could feel the woman wedging her own leotard and trunks up after Gil raised up her's. Moans escaped the Shooting Star's lips, but her efforts to plea and fight back were futile in the grand scheme of things as her exhausted displays only made Gil seem like a more dominant force as the masked wrestler begged for mercy. Unfortunately, all she would be met with was her face being given an intimate introduction to the rough surface beneath her and Gil as her head was brought down to the ring's canvas with a mighty boom.


And so, upon impact, Grace's lights were out as the Shooting Star gave nary a moan or a grunt, eyes faded and dazed as her hair slumped and covered up a majority of her face while her body laid flat face-down against the canvas beneath the ass and body of the spectacular goat-themed grappler, ready to be pinned as she was suitably finished off and weakened to the point of submission.
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Smother Princess
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Re: Smothering a Shooting Star; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Grace Moore

Unread post by Arista »

As Gil dropped suddenly to her knees, a thud echoed throughout the arena! Gil stayed placed on Grace for a moment, sitting herself down on the back of her head and grinding Grace's nose against the canvas for a short moment before she raised herself back up onto her feet.

She flipped her foe over onto her back and knelt beside her, looking into her eyes with a content and smug grin...! "...Looks like I'm about to win, So I'll take my celebratory kiss now..." Gil giggled before pulling Grace up, and pulling her into a deep kiss! She wanted to dish out what she had taken, and claim this victory with style, and for all she had been humiliated, she wanted to let Grace know that she was just as good at playing that game as well...! After a long and drawn-out kiss, Gil let Grace back down onto the mat before rising back to her feet...!

"...And, just in-case that wasn't enough to put you out, I'll just seal the deal right here...!" Gil climbed up onto the nearest turn-buckle, standing high with her legs spread and a double peace sign flashed to the crowd! The roaring only grew louder as Gil squatted low, tucking her knees to her chest then lunging from the top of the ropes, her aim perfectly placed, a Dew Drop of epic proportions, her ass ready to make the final blow against Grace's poor little face, followed by a smother to finish the job(ber)...!
Last edited by Arista on Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smothering a Shooting Star; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Grace Moore

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

As Grace stared into Gil's eyes after being flipped over, she could see that passionate fire in them once again. This was one of the perks of being a jobber, being able to have someone's eyes light up with joy and wonder as they were finally able to showcase their skills and shine, and Grace got to experience it all firsthand as she was turned into the horned wrestler's plaything. Then, the Shooting Star was pulled right into a kiss, her eyes widening as she melted into it, humming and moaning, feeling a wave of arousal washing over her. She grabbed hold of Gil and clung onto her for as long as she could, enjoying and savoring the moment for all that it was worth. After it was done, Grace fell onto her back gently, too stunned and out of breath to fight back, and clearly prepared for this inevitable defeat as there was no chance of a comeback, no chance at a miraculous second win, the crowd was all cheering Gil's name on as she climbed up to the top of the nearest turnbuckle, positioning herself perfectly, tucking down, and then LEAPING from the top, soaring above toward Grace's position and landing on the Shooting Star's face with her plump ass, SLAMMING down on it with a heavy -SMACK- nearly rendering Grace unconscious upon impact, her last moments of clarity filled with the soft skin of Gil's ass and thighs smothering her until she finally passed out, lips pressed against the horned wrestler's perky bottom, submissively smooching her cheeks as a way to pay fealty to the superior wrestler who came out on top tonight.
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Renee Winters:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Smother Princess
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Re: Smothering a Shooting Star; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Grace Moore

Unread post by Arista »

It was almost instantaneous, Gil's contact landing down onto Grace's face and the bell ringing, just a few seconds of buffer between the two, the smother may have been the nail in the coffin, but Grace's bed was made with the force of 100 butts crashing down into her face!

The crowd grew louder than they already were, Gil stayed atop Grace's face for a moment, not sure she was hearing things right, never before had the impact alone been enough to knock someone out! But it seemed Gil possessed more strength in her backside than she was giving herself credit for...!


Gil rose up, she knew not to gloat too much, she was, after all, a good sport, she wasn't about to both literally and figurately rub it in Grace's cute face...! She threw her hands up to celebrate! Dancing in a circle and blowing kisses to the crowd, she wanted to thank Grace for a job (Ba dum tsss!) well done, but she would have to catch her later, it seemed the shooting star was off to dream land for the moment, and so, Gil took this one home, a big smile on her face as she exited off the ramp, knowing that the first of her APEX qualifiers ended with a victory...!

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Re: Smothering a Shooting Star; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Grace Moore

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Winner by Knockout: Arma-Gil-O
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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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