Harmonia had seen things much, much tigher as Aella ever had. Harmonia knew that now. For Aella, Harmonia was just a brat that needed to get silenced. Not more. But this hurt Harmonia deeply and she needed to get answers. It would make her crazy when she could'nt tell Aella how she felt. So she stayed at her side, holding her hand while all these thoughts went through her head. She had done it. She had gone up against a veteran and had come out victorious, but the price the Blonde had to pay was a big one nonetheless as she looked down on her knee. She would be out for a month and just because she was lucky. But this meant she had to use the time to intensify Mollys training. One door closed, another opened so to speak.
The beautiful Austrians big blue eyes blinked a few time as she felt an reaction and heard Aellas words. Then when she heard the Queen of the Sky speaking, Harmonia gasped and quickly hugged her. "Midori-san, thank god!", she said and held her tight before gasping again and leaving her. "Entschuldigung...", she apologized and looked onto her folded hands in her lap.
The overconfidence and energy had been left with her ringpersona and here was a young woman, seemingly shaken on the verge of tears as she looked up. "I...I know I already apologized for what happened but I wanted to let you know that I have the utmost respect for you. When I lost to you that summer on the beach, it really hurt me. I thought I was ready to take on every challenge, beating everyone in my way. But you showed me that this way was still a long one to go. Without you I never would have consulted Dana and became as strong as I am. I wanted to thank you Aella that I was worth your time, even if you just wanted to shut me up. You gave me and LAW a match they want forget. I learned much from fightint against you, you are truly one of the legends and I just wanted to thank you and offer you my friendship. ", she said with tears in her eyes as she offered her hand to Aella. "It would mean much to me to know that the Queen of the Sky is there to help me out with some advise on my way and maybe showing me some of your awesome submissions.", she smiled.
Harmonia Edelstein vs Aella Midori Last Woman Standing Match
- RedShinigami
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Re: Harmonia Edelstein vs Aella Midori Last Woman Standing Match
Waking up with a bit of a headache Aella was quick to put together that she had lost her match against Harmonia. A fact that, while disappointing wasn't heart breaking. Over the course of said bout they had come to.. some form of understand and moved past where they had been. She wouldn't exactly call them friends, but they at least weren't on bad terms, and Aella could respect Harmonia and the feat she pulled off tonight. However that didn't prepare the older woman for seeing her former opponent at her bedside, let alone nearly burst into tears at seeing her awake.
So naturally she wanted answers and was content to lay back and allow Harmonia the chance to answer them. So answer Harmonia did, going into the full details of what she was thinking which was... quite a lot more than Aella had been expecting initially. 'Wow.. no idea this was how she felt.' Aella thought to herself as the Austrian woman continued speaking, actually putting forth some admiration towards Aella that definitely flattered her a bit.
Taking a moment of silence to process the information that Harmonia had given her Aella would take a deep breath in thought before looking into the blonde girl's big blue eyes. "Well... Its no secret we each had our issues." Aella said addressing the elephant in the room first before continuing. "But we've both apologized and addressed that in the match so I won't speak further on that." Aella said in a almost stately way before giving the blonde's hand a squeeze. "That all being said... I deeply appreciate the concern you had for me, as well as the kind words, and I am genuinely happy I had a positive effect on your career, even if it was a rather negative catalyst." Aella said, even chuckling a bit. "So it'd be an honor to accept you're friendship, and if you are serious about wanting to improve your submissions, my door is always op-"
Knock knock
Before Aella continued a pairing of knocks sounded off on the door. "Hey mom I came to check on you are you awake?" Nodding in understanding at the sound of her daughters voice Aella raised her finger up to Harmonia to ask for a moment while she cleared her voice. "yes honey just give me a moment, I was just finishing up with a different guest it'll just be a second." She said before turning to Harmonia with a sheepish smile. "Maybe you two should talk as well." Aella said suddenly to Harmonia while gesturing to the door. "Rivals are always good, and Alizeh hasn't met many on her level that are her age so it'd be good." She said, thinking on it for a second before adding. "Though, do be sure to get off on a better foot this time around." Aella said with a joking tone to her voice.
So naturally she wanted answers and was content to lay back and allow Harmonia the chance to answer them. So answer Harmonia did, going into the full details of what she was thinking which was... quite a lot more than Aella had been expecting initially. 'Wow.. no idea this was how she felt.' Aella thought to herself as the Austrian woman continued speaking, actually putting forth some admiration towards Aella that definitely flattered her a bit.
Taking a moment of silence to process the information that Harmonia had given her Aella would take a deep breath in thought before looking into the blonde girl's big blue eyes. "Well... Its no secret we each had our issues." Aella said addressing the elephant in the room first before continuing. "But we've both apologized and addressed that in the match so I won't speak further on that." Aella said in a almost stately way before giving the blonde's hand a squeeze. "That all being said... I deeply appreciate the concern you had for me, as well as the kind words, and I am genuinely happy I had a positive effect on your career, even if it was a rather negative catalyst." Aella said, even chuckling a bit. "So it'd be an honor to accept you're friendship, and if you are serious about wanting to improve your submissions, my door is always op-"
Knock knock
Before Aella continued a pairing of knocks sounded off on the door. "Hey mom I came to check on you are you awake?" Nodding in understanding at the sound of her daughters voice Aella raised her finger up to Harmonia to ask for a moment while she cleared her voice. "yes honey just give me a moment, I was just finishing up with a different guest it'll just be a second." She said before turning to Harmonia with a sheepish smile. "Maybe you two should talk as well." Aella said suddenly to Harmonia while gesturing to the door. "Rivals are always good, and Alizeh hasn't met many on her level that are her age so it'd be good." She said, thinking on it for a second before adding. "Though, do be sure to get off on a better foot this time around." Aella said with a joking tone to her voice.
- RedShinigami
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Re: Harmonia Edelstein vs Aella Midori Last Woman Standing Match
Harmonia listened to Aellas calm words but still sniffed a bit. After all that happened Aella proved to be a class act and Harmonia appreciated every word. A big smile creeping onto her face when the Queen of the Sky confirmed their new friendship. "Thank you so much Aella. From this bottom of my heart, thank you.", she smiled and when the older woman offered Harmonia to show her some things, the Blonde was all ears, excited of the prospect to learn some of the Doctors powerful submissions!
Then a voice interrupted them and Harmonia looked up. Was it? Could it be? The Blonde turned around and her eyes went wide. It was her. Alizeh Midori. Like Harmonia one of the big talents of the middleweight division, intent to rise to the top. Alizeh started out at LAW before Harmonia and the Blonde made no secret out of it that it was an honor to meet her.
She listend to Aella and then smirked. "Ok..." She said her goodbyes and waited outside, leaning next to the door. When Alizeh exited her mothers room Harmonia spoke up. "Hey.", she smiled and bowed. "Harmonia Edelstein. What has happened between me and your mother has... Gotten a bit out of hand. Please don't judge me on some mistakes I made.",she smiled and then reached out her hand to the greenette. "I finally have the chance to talk to Alizeh Midori. Care to join me on a cup of coffee? My treat.", she smiled.
Then a voice interrupted them and Harmonia looked up. Was it? Could it be? The Blonde turned around and her eyes went wide. It was her. Alizeh Midori. Like Harmonia one of the big talents of the middleweight division, intent to rise to the top. Alizeh started out at LAW before Harmonia and the Blonde made no secret out of it that it was an honor to meet her.
She listend to Aella and then smirked. "Ok..." She said her goodbyes and waited outside, leaning next to the door. When Alizeh exited her mothers room Harmonia spoke up. "Hey.", she smiled and bowed. "Harmonia Edelstein. What has happened between me and your mother has... Gotten a bit out of hand. Please don't judge me on some mistakes I made.",she smiled and then reached out her hand to the greenette. "I finally have the chance to talk to Alizeh Midori. Care to join me on a cup of coffee? My treat.", she smiled.
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Re: Harmonia Edelstein vs Aella Midori Last Woman Standing Match
It wasn't out of rudeness that Aella had turned Harmonia over to Alizeh after their little moment. No she meant what she said, it was good to have rivals, from here on Aella would consider Harmonia as one for herself, and she would be keen on facing her again someday, but for now, Aella sensed that Harmonia would make for a good challenge for her daughter. Someone that would make Alizeh strong. So after giving a brief nod to her daughter to assure going with Harmonia would be ok, she would lay back down on the bed to rest, and see what would happen between her daughter and Harmonia
Alizeh meanwhile would raise an eyebrow in confusion, not expecting to be met by her mother's opponent outside her room, but here she was. Closing the door as Harmonia exited Alizeh would blink at the rather formal reply from Harmonia before offering a sheepish grin and a raised hand to show all was good. "Hey sometimes matches can get heated, besides my mom and I made a pact to try and not get involved in each others business too much, so no harm no foul." Alizeh said, hoping that would placate Harmonia a bit and break the ice.
Though that apology didn't seem to be all Harmonia was after. Rather she was also wanting to discuss something with her, or maybe getting to know her? Either way it sounded like there was a free coffee involved so with a shrug Alizeh would offer a small smile to Harmonia. "Sure, I could use a dose of caffeine." Alizeh said jokingly before tilting her head to gesture for Harmonia to lead the way.
Alizeh meanwhile would raise an eyebrow in confusion, not expecting to be met by her mother's opponent outside her room, but here she was. Closing the door as Harmonia exited Alizeh would blink at the rather formal reply from Harmonia before offering a sheepish grin and a raised hand to show all was good. "Hey sometimes matches can get heated, besides my mom and I made a pact to try and not get involved in each others business too much, so no harm no foul." Alizeh said, hoping that would placate Harmonia a bit and break the ice.
Though that apology didn't seem to be all Harmonia was after. Rather she was also wanting to discuss something with her, or maybe getting to know her? Either way it sounded like there was a free coffee involved so with a shrug Alizeh would offer a small smile to Harmonia. "Sure, I could use a dose of caffeine." Alizeh said jokingly before tilting her head to gesture for Harmonia to lead the way.
- RedShinigami
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Re: Harmonia Edelstein vs Aella Midori Last Woman Standing Match
Harmonia waited for Alizeh, excited for the chance to meet the younger Midori too. Harmonia loved wrestling and she loved LAW and to get know all the different and wonderful woman that shaped this company, making it one of the most entertaining sports companies of the planet, was part of her journey to the top.
So it was Alizeh Midori now. When the Grenette stepped out of her mothers room, Harmonia made sure to test the waters before she would suggest spending time together. But Alizeh and her mother seemed to have agreed not to interfer in each others business so there was never bad blood between the Emerald and the Superstar which relaxed the Superstar. She grabbed her crutches and sighed.
"Not my top form, sorry Alizeh, your mom really put me through the wringer. She is quite something... ", she groaned before chuckling a little. "But you should know that.", the Austrian added as they walked to the cafeteria where Harmonia finally could take a seat. "Just a secondy I have to write Molly that she can visit me now.",the Blonde said as a loving smile crossed her face. "My darling always worries so fast you know?", she said with a smile before looking up. "Oh, sorry!", she said with a blush and put her cellphone away.
When they ordered, Harmonia looked into the woman in front of her. "Let me take it bluntly Alizeh. It is a time of change here at LAW...", the Blonde started as she put a sugarcube and a sprinkle of milk in her coffee.
"Lilian was stripped of the middleweight title and next year the Openweight Champ will be declared. I understand that you pursue them yourself?", the Austrian asked while swirling her spoon in the black beverage, creating ringing noises.
"You and me Alizeh, we are two of the best in this weightclass and you know it. There are others too and I intend to face them all on of they want but in terms of being hungry for the top I believe you and me are rivals for the crown.", she added and took a sip of her coffee.
When she put it down she looked Alizeh straight in the eyes." When I can go on again...I want you in a match. One on one. Until the better woman wins. "
So it was Alizeh Midori now. When the Grenette stepped out of her mothers room, Harmonia made sure to test the waters before she would suggest spending time together. But Alizeh and her mother seemed to have agreed not to interfer in each others business so there was never bad blood between the Emerald and the Superstar which relaxed the Superstar. She grabbed her crutches and sighed.
"Not my top form, sorry Alizeh, your mom really put me through the wringer. She is quite something... ", she groaned before chuckling a little. "But you should know that.", the Austrian added as they walked to the cafeteria where Harmonia finally could take a seat. "Just a secondy I have to write Molly that she can visit me now.",the Blonde said as a loving smile crossed her face. "My darling always worries so fast you know?", she said with a smile before looking up. "Oh, sorry!", she said with a blush and put her cellphone away.
When they ordered, Harmonia looked into the woman in front of her. "Let me take it bluntly Alizeh. It is a time of change here at LAW...", the Blonde started as she put a sugarcube and a sprinkle of milk in her coffee.
"Lilian was stripped of the middleweight title and next year the Openweight Champ will be declared. I understand that you pursue them yourself?", the Austrian asked while swirling her spoon in the black beverage, creating ringing noises.
"You and me Alizeh, we are two of the best in this weightclass and you know it. There are others too and I intend to face them all on of they want but in terms of being hungry for the top I believe you and me are rivals for the crown.", she added and took a sip of her coffee.
When she put it down she looked Alizeh straight in the eyes." When I can go on again...I want you in a match. One on one. Until the better woman wins. "
- Bare
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Re: Harmonia Edelstein vs Aella Midori Last Woman Standing Match
Alizeh had always heard of and seen Harmonia in action a few times. Even if her mother didn't exactly speak of the blonde in good terms Alizeh knew the details of why and didn't think it good enough reason to write the woman off. Sure enough she had effectively proven herself in Alizeh's eyes by actively seeking to better herself by training with Dana Ashmore, and by beating her mom as well.
So as far as Alizeh was concerned Harmonia was definitely one to keep an eye out on, so when the woman asked to meet over coffee, despite the context, Alizeh was fine with agreeing to the request.
Making their way down the halls of the medical wing and down to the cafeteria Alizeh would smile and wave off what Harmonia said with a chuckle. "Oh yeah trust me I know, she was a real taskmaster when training." Alizeh said before nodding at Harmonia texting her significant other with a "No worry." Before two continued on into the cafe.
Taking a seat and making her order Alizeh would turn her attention fully to Harmonia as she waited to see what the woman had to say. "Yeah you're not wrong about that." Alizeh said seriously in regards to what Harmonia said about now being a time of change for law with the changing of the guard and open weight title contention. It was practically all Alizeh was focused on these days.
As Harmonia continued further however, getting to the nitty gritty of why she had asked for this meeting it became pretty clear to her what Harmonia wanted and after dropping a couple of sugar cubes into her coffee along with some creamer Alizeh would nod at Harmonia before giving a soft, but determined smile. "Well shoot if thats all you wanted you just had to send a dm." Alizeh said before her smirk turned just bit harder. "I'm always down for a good fight. So just say when." Alizeh said, agreeing easily to Harmonia's challenge with little to no hesitation.
So as far as Alizeh was concerned Harmonia was definitely one to keep an eye out on, so when the woman asked to meet over coffee, despite the context, Alizeh was fine with agreeing to the request.
Making their way down the halls of the medical wing and down to the cafeteria Alizeh would smile and wave off what Harmonia said with a chuckle. "Oh yeah trust me I know, she was a real taskmaster when training." Alizeh said before nodding at Harmonia texting her significant other with a "No worry." Before two continued on into the cafe.
Taking a seat and making her order Alizeh would turn her attention fully to Harmonia as she waited to see what the woman had to say. "Yeah you're not wrong about that." Alizeh said seriously in regards to what Harmonia said about now being a time of change for law with the changing of the guard and open weight title contention. It was practically all Alizeh was focused on these days.
As Harmonia continued further however, getting to the nitty gritty of why she had asked for this meeting it became pretty clear to her what Harmonia wanted and after dropping a couple of sugar cubes into her coffee along with some creamer Alizeh would nod at Harmonia before giving a soft, but determined smile. "Well shoot if thats all you wanted you just had to send a dm." Alizeh said before her smirk turned just bit harder. "I'm always down for a good fight. So just say when." Alizeh said, agreeing easily to Harmonia's challenge with little to no hesitation.
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