Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

Unread post by Fries »

Hentai Match
Win via making opponent orgasm

Following Masuyo’s loss against Keqing, she had been very teed off. For the past few weeks she had been working her ass off at the gym, building strength and improving her speed to the maximum. The Swedish girl wanted to be the best person she could be. And now, sliding down the ramp towards the ring, she was ready for it!
Entrance Music:
Last edited by Fries on Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:21 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Niko smiled and hummed softly as she finished fixing her bikini backstage. Tonight she was scheduled against someone else that was 'on her skill level.' Or at least according to the booker in his email towards the girl. Really she didn't care. After all she would be paid and thats all that really mattered to the busty lightweight.

Making sure her crimson and white striped bikini was all good one last time Niko would nod to herself excitedly before turning and walking to the gorilla position. Nodding to the crewman at the entrance she would get the ok from him to head out. Once her catchy pop music started Niko would come out, jumping in place with a wide smile and causing her... assets to bounce.

Naturally the crowd was super into it and Niko would accept it gladly, regardless of why the fans were so excited. So waltzing down to the ring Niko would roll simply in and pop up smiling at her opponent. "Heya!" She said brightly before walking to her corner to await the start of the bout and the ringing of the bell that would begin it.

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Masuyo took the time to notice her high spirited competitor as she practically skipped to the ring. “Her breasts are bigger than mine!” The silver haired beauty was jealous, but she didn’t let that thought go much farther into her mind as she snapped back into readiness. Niko had more hentai matches under her belt, but The Silver Flash was sure she had what it takes to defeat her.

As the bell rung out, the Swedish girl charged at her opponent, launching herself off the canvas and aiming a flying knee attack at Niko!

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Niko smiled over at her opponent with a confident expression on her face. Once again despite her record speaking against her Niko's boundless optimism made her act as if this match would go differently. But just as history had proven things wouldn't exactly go that way. As Masuyo came running towards Niko, leaping up with a flying knee the girl was way too slow to dodge to the side! "Eyyyy!" Screeching in surprise Niko would duck down low, hands covering her head in a desperate bid to avoid the knee!

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Grinning as her attack failed and as she flew over her now crouched down opponent as Niko covered her head in a attempt to dodge the attack. Now soaring through the air, Masuyo quickly turned her body forward into a roll to keep her momentum going as she sprung off the ropes. Her training paid off as her speed did not slow as she dropped into a baseball slide in an attempt to crash into the Lightweight! She hoped Niko had no time to get out of her duck and cover position as she slid across the mat towards the pinkette!

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Ducking down desperately in a position practically synonymous with cowards Niko thanked her lucky stars when she didn't feel an impact of any kind impact against her. "Phew thank goodness." She said to herself, as she rose her body up, still kneeling but glad she had avoided a hit... or so she thought. Without warning a pair of feet smashed into her rear end making the girl's eyes widen as a look of total pain washed over her! "YOWCH!!!" She screamed in pain from the impact of Masuyo's baseball slide with her bum! Immediately she began rolling wildly from the impact, holding her ass while moaning in pain!

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Grinning as she felt her kick collide with Niko’s squishy bottom, Masuyo leaped back up and approached the pinkette. ““That’s a nice plump ass you have!” Soon she dropped to her feet and began to caressing Niko’s behind. She hoped she could get a flustered reaction out of the other wrestler and some hype from the crowd!
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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Niko whimpered and moaned softly as she laid on the mat face first, knees under her and plump ass hanging in the air as Niko tried to nurse it back to health. Unfortunately however this left her in prime position to be taken advantage of by Masuyo! "Uwahhhhh! Stapppppp!!!" Moaning out in a embarassed and pleasurable state Niko wasn't sure what she was going to do or how with the state of pleasure she was left in by Masuyo's hands on her ass.

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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“Bet you like that hun” Masuyo mocked to the smaller wrestler as she squeezed tighter around the lightweights ass. The Silver Flash’s fingers slithered into the bottoms of Niko’s swimsuit, rubbing against her back hole. She hoped to embarrass the wrestler in the most embarrassing way possible that she could imagine, getting fingered in front of the whole crowd!

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Re: Speed and Dreams - Masuyo Takano Vs. Niko Tomiji

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Niko moaned softly from her place on the mat, flustered and thrown off by Masuyo's advances and unsure of what she could do. Worse yet the silver haired would start to slide her finger under Niko's bottoms to press up against her rear end door! "Eeeeeep!" Shrieking with a pure scarlet face Niko shot up and on pure instinct swung her arm backwards trying to nail her elbow into her opponent!

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