Victory by knockout only
Anna Harris vs. Kira Inukai
Anna Harris

Kira Inukai

Well, now this a way to start a debut!
That was the first thought that went through Lightning’s head as she waited in the gorilla position for her match first match in LAW. When her manager said that she’d be debuting in their last woman standing tournaments, she thought that he was shitting with her. But no, it turns out that not only is she making a big debut, she’s making it in one of her favorite match types. The kind where the only way to win was to make sure your opponent wasn’t going to be getting up again for the rest of the night.
Lightning couldn’t help but grin in anticipation as she hopped up and down. She was ready to show these people what she was made of, and what better way than to win a tournament like this!
Finally the official gave the all clear and her music began to sound across the arena. With a bloodthirsty smile she stepped out past the curtain and into the arena proper. She was cheered but it was clear that there were many confused looks in the crowd tonight. That’s ok, she’ll make sure they all know her name by the end of the night.
Making her way down to the ring, she slid underneath the bottom rope and popped up to her feet. There was no finesse in her actions, just an animal looking to get out of her cage. Giving and uncomfortable smile to the referee, lightning moved to her corner and waited for her opponent to come out.
Backstage, besides the main curtain from which Lightning had made her entrance, stood two gals equally as overly stacked as one another.
"Remember. You're representing us both now. So no more messing around...!" Mizaki demanded, her right hand reaching to snag the cap from her newly found tag partners head, with Anna merely watching on. Had she had her pick, she wouldn't have entered a tournament with rules like this. She simply wasn't the knockout sort! But she could take solace in the fact a tight sleeper or even smother would work as a finish, as opposed to beating an opponent into submission like she imagined many entrants would. And right now, she simply had to impress Mizaki.
"Okay...I'm gonna win!" Her overly confident words would match the ringing out of her theme song, as Mizaki gave the gentlest of shoves to get Anna moving.
Upon the ramp with quite the stumble, Anna's boxom frame forever bounced with every step she took. Hands raised to wave at the crowd, who were forever partially receptive to the stacked greenette, Anna was ring bound in no time with her eyes latching to the muscle clad brute before her. Given she was but soft and squeezable, with a wrestling attire combination of a tank top and jorts, she couldn't of looked any more different from the woman before her. Lightning actually looked like a wrestler; as opposed to the clumsy, casually clad Australian before her!
"Hope..we have a good one..!" Anna nervously jittered, feeling the confidence that Mizaki had put into her backstage immediately leave her, given the mere look of her foe.
For such a tournament that essentially expected brutality, lightning was expecting hard boiled fighters such as herself. Those that weren’t afraid to get a little blood on their hands and lose a few teeth. And lightning definitely knew that there were those types of wrestlers in this league.
Who came to the ring, was not one of those types. If anything she was the opposite as the blonde watched her bounce down to the ring. Her massive chest probably being the reason for why she’s even cheered in the first place, she thought.
“Is this chick even in the right match?” She muttered, though that thought was put to rest when the greenette hoped for a good match. The chick more like a deer in headlights than a wrestler. Really all lightning could do was shake her head and roll her eyes.
“Well, let’s get this over with then. Hopefully not everyone in this tournament is like you or else this will just be embarrassing.” She sighed as she stepped out of her corner and heard the bell ring. She didn’t even go into her stance. She just stood there with her hand on her hip waiting for whatever her opponent was supposed to do.
Anna had taken the smallest of steps forward in hopes of a handshake, before Lightning cut her off near immediately.
"Looks like me...What do you mean...!" Anna roared, forever the ditzy, in the fact she never fully registered how poorly clad her attire actually was. Nor how her body was ill suited for such a violent tournament in the first place.
Stepping back with a sad look to her face, Anna's face immediately turned, to pull quite the scowl. She was growing awfully tired of nasty opponents of late, even more so when she herself always avoided negativity!
"I' you...!" She'd snarl, rushing forward from her spot in the corner the moment the bell was rung, to charge at Lightning and forcibly lock up with her. Though if the muscular gal wasn't even interested in tying up with her, she'd find Anna's massive front hitting her own for a splash instead!
It looks like lightning hit a nerve or something because this ditzy girls demeanor changed instantly to the blondes words. It wasn’t anything threatening either, just a slew of emotions that finally decided to settle on a scowl of some sort.
And just like that the girl was rushing her like a bull with a red blindfold. Lightning had no interest in a lockup, but she also had no interest in getting plowed over by this chicks tits. That would just be embarrassing.
So just as the greenette was about to slam into her, lightning casually stepped to the side while raising her knee in its place. Her plan was to have her “opponent” crash right into her knee and knock the wind out of her sails.
“Wow, you sure showed me.” Lightning replied dully while casually shoving the girl off of her knee. Backing up slightly the blonde just had to ask. “No offense, but this doesn’t look like you’re kind of match. What the hell are you even doing here?”
Anna had every intention to crash into Lightning and overpower her, with a collision that would have been even more effective than Anna realized given the massive buffers to her chest. Had the move ever hit, that was.
Instead, Anna's soft core would find nothing but a firm knee to meet her, as her mouth shot wide with her top half falling forward. Mizaki backstage, couldn't face palm hard enough.
Falling to a knee with Lightning immediately shoving at her, Anna's only saving grace from hitting the canvas was her far arm catching the rope. Her left, still hugging her struck core, would be of little use to her as she slowly rose. Turning with a breathless look to her face, Anna merely shot a glare as the answer to her muscular foes question, before drawing in enough breath to answer verbally.
"Shut up..!"
Lightning only raised an eyebrow at her opponents angry response. More and more the blonde was feeling that she wasn’t meant to be here. But if little miss funbags wants to get her ass kicked in front of a massive audience, then so be it.
“Have it your way.” She replied before suddenly rushing forward and launching a kick straight for Anna’s head. Her hope was to snap the greenettes head into the air so she could catch it in her arms.
If it worked then lightning would immediately pivot her hips and throw her opponent across the ring in a hip toss. This all depends on just how bad of a wrestler her opponent was, and so far in lightnings opinion. She was pretty bad.
Anna's green locks were sent waving in the air with that nasty kick of Lightning's, with a horrific groan released from Anna near enough upon impact. She was often out of her depth fighting considerably more skilled grapplers, but she was even less used to being struck!
Body flailing about, it was prime for the catching as Lightning looked to flip the busty gal up and over. Shoulder and upper back leading the charge, Anna hit the canvas hard, with her arms coming wide as her massive bosom jiggled. Looking up at Lightning, it was likely that her foe thought she was done already - for the gaze in Anna's eyes was but a lifeless one, before she tried to bring some breath back into her lungs to regain a little sense!
The match had barely even begun and already her opponent was breathless on the mat and lightning had suffered narry even a scratch. Shaking her head she walked over to where her opponent heaved on the canvas. Looking down on her she couldn’t help but shake her head as she decided to just end this early and get on with the rest of the tournament.
So crouching down, lightning laid her knee and shin across Anna’s throat. Using her weight to suffocate the girl and hopefully knock her out quickly. Now that she thought about it, maybe this was a good thing. Her next opponent would probably be tired from their first match while Lightning would remain completely fresh. All she needed to do now was wait for her opponent to go to sleep.
Anna was ditzy and the definition of unlucky, but even she registered the danger in Lightning's brutal motion. With that knee coming so haplessly towards her neck, Anna felt that there was only one move coming her way. If it could be called that, given it was the simple pressing of weight down on an opponents neck!
Roaring out as the leg came close, Anna put her surprising strength to good use, with her hands shooting to that leg to push it up and over past her head. A motion that if successful, would leave Lightning surely stumbling. Enough in time for Anna to push to her knees, to grapple her from a position that was somewhat behind her foe!
Lightning was expecting to simply kneel down on her opponents match and finish this lackluster match. All while thinking about what to do while waiting for the next one on the bracket. So imagine how pleasantly surprised she was when not only did her opponent shove her off, but also manage to grapple behind her.
“Ngh! Well would you look at that. You have some fight after all!” Lightning wasn’t concerned, in fact she was rather excited. Maybe her opponent could show her something after all. Something that wasn’t that pathetic showing from earlier.
Anna's strength became apparent as she clung to Lightning's back - she wasn't even close to having even a semblance of muscle on her, but damn if the thick bodied Anna couldn't muster surprising power. Hugging around Lightning's neck, her muscular foe found that to her peril, as Anna let a rare moment of spite control her with her next move. That being an attempt at a crushing rear sleeper, in revenge for her foe just trying to kneel down on her neck!
" what you get...!" She'd roar, straightening up as she turned her rear towards the center of the ring, to try and pull herself and Lightning alike towards it!
Lightning was expecting her green haired opponent to just stay down and let herself be knocked out so they both could get this over with quicker. But much to the blondes surprise, that turned to not be the case as Anna would suddenly wrap around behind lightnings body. Her busty chest pressing against lightnings back.
The blonde didn’t think much of it, but then things became more serious as the greenette wrapped her arms around lightnings throat in a sleeper hold. Now things were picking up as lightning would suddenly stamp her feet into the ground while holding her hands onto Anna’s arm.
“Now we’re getting somewhere!” She shouted as she would be tuck forward and try to throw Anna’s body over her shoulder and slam her onto the canvas.