LWS2021 Round 1: Noi vs Ichika

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LWS2021 Round 1: Noi vs Ichika

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LWS2021 Round 1
Victory by knockout only

Noi Lorenson vs. Ichika Rei
Noi Lorenson
Ichika Rei

Ichika’s career has been gaining a lot of momentum lately. And there are no signs of her ever slowing down! This would be the Blue Flame’s first tournament event, where all hell is let loose. Where brutality is not just encouraged but mandated. To keep the foe knocked out for an agonizing ten-count is the only rule. The thought of it sent shivers down her spine, but it was too late to turn around now.

“Introducing First!! Hailing from Japan! Weighing in at 125lbs, ICHIKAA REEEEIIII!!”

Her music took the silence of the collective anticipation of the crowd. Lights beamed to life with its beat, scanning the arena. Then when the bass dropped—a dazzling woman came bursting out of the curtains! Her energy was akin to a firework bigger than her. With arms held up high and a smile that could reach the skies, Ichika basked in the overwhelming cheers of the crowd! Their roars never fail to astound her!

She strutted towards the ring, brimming with confidence. A twirl and sway here and there to mix things up. Soon, she’d found her way to the apron of the ring. Both hands on the top rope, she looked at the ring for a while before suddenly turning her upper body. With a peace sign beside an eye, she struck a smile to the crowd.

She’d then cease in her corner as she’d wait for her first opponent in this tournament...and hopefully not the last!


It was the first match in a while for Noi since losing to the legendary Amazon in her debut match, but this time it would be different and something that fits right up her ally. Not even knowing that she would be competing in the tournament but it whatever cause she having a match and she can go all out again. And that what she going to do no holding back tonight.

"And introducing her opponent hailing from Sweden weight in at 273 pounds, Noi Lorenson"

The speakers blares her music the lights pointing at the entrance stage as she walks out onto the stage, towering at her height of 6'10 a big smile on her face rising her hand up in the air as she makes her way down to the ring slowly milking in the cheering of the crowd.

Grabbing the top rope pulling on it to help her step over the top rope into the ring, before stepping into the middle of the ring her hands behind her back posing for the fans. Before turning to face her opponent looking around... before looking down and gives the woman a big smile....

" your tiny... but are you mighty" Noi chuckles walking over and holding out her big hand "good match"


Expectation doesn't always meet reality. In this case, Ichika expected someone roughly around her range. Not too small and not too big. Someone that could give her fun and intense but a relatively fair match. But the moment her opponent's music echoed in the arena, it felt like thrashing in the making. Her eyes gaped open; her jaw dropped at the sight of the giantess. She's not at all hard to miss given her lumbering size!! Her lips and throat suddenly went dry, gulping as Noi closed in on the ring. It felt like her heart wanted to jump out of her mouth and make a run for it when she heard Noi's stats announced. She was more than double her size and more than a foot tall. How could they expect her to fight this woman?

Still, Ichika stood firm at her corner, ready to tackle this proverbial Goliath with no slings and stone but her body, skill, and wit. She has to find a way to overcome this. She couldn't lose in the first round. Albeit losing to one far bigger than hers would be a rational reason for her failure if it ever comes— it didn't even cross her mind.

"I will prove to you that I'm even more than that." her gaze didn't falter as she stretched her hand for a handshake. Soon, she'd retreat to a stance, skipping on her toes to prepare for the start of the match.

"Let's have a good match!" She winked.


Noi chuckles seeing how small her opponent is, but just because she small doesn't mean that she is weak. Hearing her opponent saying that she is going to prove herself brings a big smile to Noi face.

"I hold you to that then... Tiny ..." Noi replies back and waits standing in the middle of the ring for the bell, already planning on what she is going to do to stop her opponent and get the upper hand.

The bell rings and the match begins, Noi rushing from her corner. Each step she takes makes the ring shake from her running, trying to corner her opponent and cut the ring off.


Ichika isn't going to let this get through her. Size is just a number, after all. Those were the words that filled Ichika's mind working up her resolve. Assurances that she will do well and prove herself as a force to be reckoned with. She saw this match as nothing but another obstacle in her career, albeit a huge one at that, she would overcome it just the same.

In fact, the size told a different story to Ichika. One might see it as a reason to give Noi a wide berth for how intimidating she looked— a monstrous destroyer if you will. But Ichika saw it as an opportunity to be had. To topple such a giant in a tournament like this surely would skyrocket her career.

Then, Noi's tirade even geared up this feeling. "Tiny." Oh, how the wrong choice of word it was. It felt condescending, belittling. The thought stoked the fire inside the blue bomber's eyes, ready to show what this tiny package has in store. A grin riddled her face whilst she bounced on the balls of her toes just as she waited for the bell to ring.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Ichika watched as Noi cut through the ring. Chills pricked her spine just as the behemoth approached. If she didn't know better, the rattling sight would have likely frozen her at her spot; the horrific view leaving her petrified. But her vigor bolstered by the chance of success beyond measure kicked her limbs to life. She ducked, slipping past through their flank. Speed and energy made up for her lack of strength and size. She'd pivot herself around just as she weaved behind their back, springing herself skyward, legs tucked in, only to fire them forth like a cannon with a dropkick!


Noi went into this match thinking it would be more of a easy victory, her opponent tiny and small in size against someone of her size would be mismatch. Deciding to go hard against the girl.

Noi barely finches from the girl dropkick not even taking a step backwards. Giving Ichika a grin and chuckles, even going so far as to pat her chest as if it didn't even faze the giant. Even making the motion of wanting the girl to do it again just to prove a point that no matter what Ichika does it not going to hurt her.

"Again again come on Tiny... hit me again"
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Re: LWS2021 Round 1: Noi vs Ichika

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Ichika was on the move as she slipped through Noi gracefully like a gazelle! She knew the danger she'd have if she let Noi catch her even once! And so there was no room for a mistake! And that never rung more true inside her mind than when she saw Noi shrug her dropkick like it was nothing!

Pallor swept over the bluenette's face as she pushed on the mat to retreat, vying for space between them safe enough for her to stand! How she invested everything into one blow. All her momentum and strength not even enough to make them flinch! She bared and gritted her teeth shut at the thought. Only if she was any bigger.

Even then, she felt the urge to answer. "Mada owattenai!![I'm not done yet!]" She reared back to the ropes, bouncing off it for speed as she leaped back to the fray! Zooming in Noi with quickness on her feet, to see the fire in her eyes it would've been a safe assumption that she was taking on someone her own size. Not some behemoth capable of curling her entire body with ease! She'd jump! Arm jutted and swung to the side for a lariat against the goliath!


Noi s not a mean woman. She more of a lay back kind of woman who respects other people drive and will to keep fighting even if their at a disadvantage. S seeing Ichika getting to her feet and using the ropes to bounce and pick up speed, she knew what was going to happen and she was prepared for it the whole way.

The lariat slams into her upper chest the force and impact makes a loud thud like sound that echoes through the ring. Noi takes one small step back from the hard hit patting her chest with a big grin on her face since she felt that one. "Nice one I bet you put a lot of power behind it huh... Well don't let up alright or your going to lose big time."

Giving the other wrestler some words of encouragement before making her own move, lunging forward trying to grab Ichika with her hand. If she is just able to grab her smaller quicker opponent she have the match won.


She swung her arm like a katana with all the power her body can humanly muster! Yet, it felt as though it was a stick patting a brick wall. The bang of her bone hitting their muscle rang through the crowds. It might have hurt just the same to her as it did to Noi. If not more with the disparity they had. Ichika fell to her knees, tending to her striking arm while all it spared to Noi was a few steps!

She glared back at Noi with a seething temper. How they stayed complacent after such an assault. How they only stood there enduring every hit. She needs more! To prove that she's not to be taken lightly. If a Rei hates one thing in the world, it's getting belittled with their size.

"Don't patronize me!" She shifted herself to her feet and shuffled for the ropes. Then turned and pushed her back against it, weaving her arm over the top and stretched and pushed the ropes as far as it can. Target acquired!

Ichika burst out of it with the speed of a whirlwind. Yet, each step light as a feather. If Noi got her muscles, she got her wings!! Noi's frame made sure that they revealed their hand before they can deal them! She must be fast, but for Ichika, she might as well have been a huge snail instead!

She'd slide through between the gaps of their legs in a baseball slide to try to dodge the grab. If successful, Ichika would quickly bring herself up to her feet and swing a sidekick to their hamstring! Then another kick would explode against their other leg! If she can't meet them eye to eye, she'll force them to kneel! Ichika would then run back to the ropes and sprint back toward Noi then jump! With a yell, legs folded then shot forth like a cannon to their chest in a dropkick!


Noi smiles seeing her opponent fire in her eyes. She wants her opponent to be at her very best and to take this serious as she is, but not to be mean but to force her opponent to see that it is going to be rough.

Her lunge to grab Ichika misses due to her sliding between her legs, stumbling forward since she not able to turn around quickly in time to stop her opponent from what she about to do.

"UUUGHHH" as a hard strike slams into the back of her right leg. Another slams into into her left leg that sends her to her knees due to the pain in her leg's not able to put her guard as a drop kick slams into her chest knocking her onto her back finally off her feet and on her back on the canvas.


Her legs acted as a whip! Each kick dealt to bring down the behemoth that stood fast and then reaped the rewards with a dropkick across their chest! The crowd erupted in cheers with the sudden upset as the bluenette underdog pushed herself up her feet.

Ichika can’t help but smirk while admiring them laid out flat on the canvas. She got first blood. Standing over such a giant invigorated her to continue forth. It was a stunning start. “Don’t worry. This match won’t take much longer if you cooperate.” she winked.

Ichika then sought to use the advantage by locking Noi in a headscissor! Her thighs would clamp their way to Noi’s neck, squeezing and grinding against their trachea and vein akin to a python on its prey!


Noi was more annoyed at herself for being taken down like that by her much smaller opponent. More shock that was taken down like that in the first place, frowning at that thought.

The next thing she knows is her head being placed her opponent legs. The tight grip tightens as she starts to kick her feet onto the mat, trying to get to her feet to counter the submission hold. "GGGUUUhhh that not gonna happen.."


Her legs snared and tensed against their neck, obstructing the airway and the blood flow! Arms planted against the mat to force her up for leverage as she squeezed like a python to her prey! Her lips jerked, teeth grit and bared, brows knit and furrowed and her veins bulged from her temples with exertion, as if Noi’s head was some watermelon she’d like to pop!!

If anything, Ichika would want to end this as fast as she can, now if possible. Given that there’s still two fights to go if she's lucky. But with the gargantuan size of her foe, Ichika only has a few tricks to play to begin with towards that goal! And this one was one of them!

Her eyes then widened as she felt Noi kick her feet on the mat. “Hngg!” Her legs switched to a more secure lock. To a triangle hold like clockwork, an ankle tucked to the back of her knee! There’s no way she’d let up

“Just stay down!! You don’t want this to go over the hard way!” Ichika spoke as if the odds of the match were on her side.

Her hands lashed to the back of their head, pulling them deeper into the hold! “Come on!”


Feeling the grip tighten around her neck tighter and tighter. But due to smashing her feet into the mat, Noi is slowly starting to right herself wrapping her hands underneath Ichika body before gripping the woman side's and back.

Starting to slowly lift herself up into a standing position. Noi knows she has only one shot at this to land a power counter move on her opponent, but also let the other woman know that she going to be in for a brutal fight.

Standing up and lifting Ichika body off the canvas, she is ready as she just falls forward. Slamming her opponent back first into the mat with a power bomb to break the hold around her neck.


Legs wound ever so tightly, a desperate noose. Trying to cut off as much blood as possible, deprave them with air. Ichika knew the risks and she'd paid for it whole! Yet, she also knew it wasn't over until it's over, her muscles ached and tensed against their neck, squeezing like iron clamps. Her fists lashed out, hurling punches at their head, clobbering their thick walls for any damage she could muster!

But the beast was determined, Noi lifted her up to the sky. The height to which Ichika was hefted took her breath away, the mats felt so far than it really was. Eyes gaped at the view of the crowd, her heart sank and froze. She could see them all up there. She could see how some of them had to look away. She could see her aghast face onto theirs like staring into a mirror.

And then a thunderous thud! Noi crushed Ichika to the mat in meteoric impact! The mat tremored! Shrieking this deathly cacophonous sound that pierced all ears and made those who heard it shrink and grimace! Even people at the safety of their homes.

The thud whited out the poor girl's cry as the pain exploded and engulfed her body whole! The crash proved so violent that her lithe frame took to the air in recoil before flopping onto her front, laid out against the canvas. Her arms draped to her side and her fingers twitched and furled. Her legs parted. Her hair messily veiled her lost face, which lay down on one cheek as the mats took her stupor.


Noi answer to getting out of the chokehold was one that made everyone standing in shock. She put a lot of force and strength into that power bomb as she stumbled backward and leaning against the ring ropes coughing, trying to catch her breath from the tight hold that was around her neck.

Not waiting for the ref to begin the count. Noi stomps over and reaches down grabbing the Prone Ichika by her neck, lifting the woman up into the air with ease. Sorry about this but your not going to win this match at all..." she says before heading over to the side of the ring. Letting out a loud howl as she tosses the woman out of the ring and to the outside with ease.

"Now count it ref there is no way she is going to get up from that..."


One move was all it took. And Ichika's world came to a standstill. She looked like a splat on the canvas. With her face down, her legs spread and her butt perked, not a muscle moved. The crowd was stupefied, speechless by the striking display. They don't see a lot of heavyweights such as Noi facing against small ladies such as Ichika in LAW. And that's probably for good reasons as it looked like the ref doesn't even need to count!

And yet the rules specified it so. And for Ichika's fans, the most grueling ceremonious count against their hero would start.

"1..... " The sounds came garbled to Ichika's ears. They seemed distant, faint, and distorted. As if she was underwater. The yells. The hollers and cheers of her fans urging her to get up. The count.

"3.... 4...." Is this the end? Her fingers twitched. After all she'd done? A huff and groan slipped from her ajar mouth. In front of all who believed in her?

"5...." Nooo! Not yet! This is her tournament to win! Ichika pounded a fist to the mat meekly. The crowd sprung and cheered louder in shock! Ichika wasn't done yet. The Blue Flame wasn't out!

They chanted for her as Ichika slowly pushed herself up to all fours. Her limbs that felt heavy and shackled to the mat wobbled. Her expression turned to a wince as getting each inch closer to getting back up was a gargantuan task. Then, on one knee!

"8... 9...!" Ichika pushed the mat with her one foot to send her upright. Ichika stumbled and was about to fall but was saved by the corner! The crowd erupted in a cacophonous cheer! Even when her arms draped over the top ropes were the only thing keeping her upright as her noodle limbs still can't handle her weight, she was up nonetheless!

"You thought you had me there, didn't you?" With one eye closed, mouth agape as her chest heaved, the bluenette even found the time to taunt!

It was a fight they sought for and it looked like the Blue Flame is going to deliver! Or would be a continuation of a humiliating squash match?


Noi thought the match was over. Hell even the ref thought the match was over as well, from seeing the height and impact of Ichika hitting the padded floor. But somehow she was able to get to her feet before the count of ten and even find a way to get back inside the ring and drape herself over the top ropes, that are keeping her upright.

Noi chuckles at hearing her opponent taunt her just shakes her head. No words are needed as she lunges forward, her plan is to slam her shoulder right into Ichika mid section. Going for the spear and maybe do some damage to her opponent stomach area.

"Let see if you can dodge this."


Ichika’s defyingly close save felt as if she had risen from the dead! And that wasn’t likely far from the truth by how the sickening powerbomb obliterated her. It was like nothing she had taken before… and likely would ever! Her spine ached and burned at each move and each limb felt disconnected from her torso!

But she was up nonetheless. And that was all that mattered in a match with this stipulation! Whether it was an outright cruelty or a saving grace was yet to be answered. Even then, Ichika managed to kid! Taunting as she slumped to the turnbuckle, brandishing her teeth with a slight smile as she was wheezing for air!

Ichika relished those few moments of rest as soon after, the behemoth was back on trying to destroy her! Her eyes widened at their charge! Jolts of urgency stirred her body to move as she knew being stuck to a corner was a prime recipe for disaster! And with a foe as big as Noi, she wouldn’t see the light of day!

Ichika would grab the top ropes and push it, lifting her legs and hips up then sliding her whole body over the middle rope to dodge! If successful, Ichika would wince from the pain that felt like she was stabbed in the back! But she knew it would be nothing compared to what she would have gotten had she not moved!

Ichika would then turn to face Noi, weaving her arms across the top rope to dink them in the face with punches! All in hopes to have them reeling away from the corner. From then, Ichika would then ascend the turnbuckles. Standing mighty high above Noi, looking to deliver her kind of justice for what the heavyweight have done with a body splash from the sky!
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Re: LWS2021 Round 1: Noi vs Ichika

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Noi bull rushes forward. That is the only way she knows how to do things, by hitting and slamming your opponents around till they can't get up anymore or beat making them pass out, which she's done enough of from before. All she needed to do is just land this move, and it will be over with, there no way Ichika would be able to get up from her power body splash.

And yet her opponent was slippery, able to use the ropes and slide between the middle and top rope to avoid danger. As Noi slammed into the corner with brutal power behind it, dazed as she stumbles around before turning into some hard punches from Ichika who is starting to get things rolling again in her favor. She is still in a dazed not knowing where she is as she doesn't even see what her opponent is doing behind before turning around at the last minute.

But she was unable to dodge as Ichika slammed into her with a body splash of her own from the top rope. Due to being stunned and in shocked, Noi stumbled before falling onto her back from the impact of the move.


Ichika soared off that top rope with vigor! Even with the powerbomb the bluenette just took, her mind was clear. The Blue Flame knew the risks of top rope maneuvers like this just as she did with the headscissor. But it didn’t sway her! She knew she had to take risks to even stand a chance with this behemoth! She had to put all the chips on the table! She jumped, the hand was dealt and there was no turning back!

The gamble then paid off as Ichika landed square on their stomach, crushing them to the mat with a loud thud! Ichika felt some recoil as her abs were no match against Noi’s but she was sure Noi suffered more!

Even then, the Blue Spitfire didn’t stop there and rolled with the momentum to abruptly bring herself to her knees just above the giantess! She knew she had to keep Noi down. Incapacitate her. Negate her size advantage! And the only way Ichika knew how to do that was to keep attacking!

And so she’d jump, her legs kicked out and her body paralleled with the mat. Her arm then folded, elbow jutted downwards looking to impale itself right on Noi’s face not unlike an executioner’s blade! “Soryaaaaa!”


Noi gasps and groans while still laying on her back. Her strong core muscles still are rock solid as she coughs, feeling the weight of Ichika on top of her before getting off and to her feet.

Starting to slowly sit up, Noi head is ringing from the kick to the head. But her opponent was on the move jumping up and slamming her elbow right onto her face hard, the blow lands right onto her nose busting it open. As Noi rolls over, clutching her face and stomping the canvas with her feet.


In a world of competitive womanhandling and molestation, Last Woman Standing was one of, if not the cruelest, of stipulations. It pitted two wrestlers hungry for victory in a match that wouldn't stop until there's one decisively splayed on the mat for a 10-count! There was no room for mercy. None where the jaws of defeat stood so close right in front of you. And not even more so when it could be a woman that dwarfs you that delivers it!

That was the thought that crossed the rookie's mind as her elbow descended like a sword from heaven right towards Noi's unsuspecting face! The angle made sure it hit them with pinpoint accuracy. It transferred all the inertia from the fall in one tiny area to explode right on their skull!

The dropping elbow smacked with a sickening thud of bones and sent the two wrestlers reeling! The giant took the brunt of it, nestling her now bloodied nose! But the perpetrator didn't leave the attack unscathed too!

Ichika crumpled to the mat, hugging her limb that she used to punish such a hard skull! The pain lingered so bad it stings! Most of her attacks now bit back to her in recoil! But those only served as affirmations for the bluenette that they worked! High risk, high reward!

"Gome ne [I'm sorry]," Ichika said as she slowly rose to her feet, still clutching her elbow. "But I'm not done yet!"

In another burst of energy, the blue spitfire blasted off the center of the ring and ran towards the ropes. Her back fell against it right when she was near enough, feeding her momentum! Ichika used it to run across the ring again, her boots cutting through the distance as if they had wings! To the ropes on the side facing Noi's direction as they shuffled to their knees! And once they did, they would find Ichika only a few steps away from them! Her right foot stomped as the other swung and cut through the air in a diagonal angle from below. Not unlike a battleax swing meant to take heads off! A soccer kick right towards their face!


Noi is down, but she is not out of the match Not by a long shot as she is stunned and clutching her face still, that elbow from her opponent really did a number on her as she can feel something leaking her Blood. Seeing the sight of it freezes her up as she is not moving just staring at her hand, as she can feel herself slowly star to become enraged at the fact that someone smaller

To busy worried about that leaves the giant woman open to Ichika moves. As Noi looked up at the last minute and takes a soccer kick to the face that leaves her dazed and seeing stars dance before her eyes. Rolling over to her side, her nose being busted open more as she slaps the canvas with her hand in pain.


A streak was paramount in a delicate matchup like this. There was no room for error. There was no second to waste. Ichika had to keep on her feet and keep them off their own to have a chance! If Noi gets up, Ichika's done! And fortunately for her, that was one of the things she was an expert on! The rookie knew how to keep the flame blazing! To keep the damage ramped up! It was one of the ways to come on top when faced against larger foes! And in her career, with her size, that happened more often than not! She needed to dismantle Noi!

Her boot struck against their face flush with a shuddering thud of bones! The crowd recoiled at the display! Already feeling a little remorse for the giant that almost killed the tiny bluenette with one move moments ago!

"You should have just played dead!" the bluenette protested as she walked towards the writhing heavyweight.

"But it doesn't matter...." Ichika seized their arm and hair, tugging them to their feet laboriously! Their difference in weight and size manifested! It was as if Ichika was picking up earth itself.

"This one sure will!" She jerked Noi forward, bent over, and forced her head between her thighs, clamping it by the neck to offer no escape. She hooked Noi's bulky arms until she felt her shoulder blades restrain any more move upward. The setup was unmistakable! It was a pedigree. Meant to be the coup de grace of all of her face and head attacks!

“Go to sleep.” Affirmative yet soft. Spoken not unlike a tamer to her beast. Those three words, that order, was all Ichika said before she'd jump! Striking Noi face first to the mat!


Jerked slowly to her feet. Noi is bloody and a look of confusion is on her face as she feels her head being placed between Ichika legs. Unable to struggle or try to escape such a hold as she can feel her arms being trapped, and she is not able to get them free.

Before blacking out from slamming face-first into the canvas. Laying on her stomach, in a heap.


Ichika smashed Noi's face to the mat with a loud thud it might as well have caved in a dent in the canvas! The impact reverberated up her beaten body in jolts of pain! Ichika's demure frame even already struggled to get the move in position and deliver it! And yet all that was masked by how she felt Noi's arms go limp in her clasp. It was sweet and reassuring. A threat neutralized. A destroyer of worlds that could have ended hers in one move now laid beneath her!

Ichika pushed her wrought body up groggily as she let go of Noi. She stood tall right above them, looking down on their heap. The crowd was shocked, stupefied! The rookie showed the world her efficiency when backed up against a wall! The powerbomb had all been a wakeup call for the rookie! She almost completely lost. Barely surviving by the inch of her hair with just one move! There she knew she was fighting no push over. Noi was still a fort of muscle more than twice her size. That meant that Ichika would have to go to great lengths to even have a chance to win!

One proper grip of Noi on the bluenette would have been the end of it. But Ichika attritioned them out. The set of attacks made it impossible for the giant to counter!

After shaking the early cobwebs of a terrifying display, the crowd cheered! The crowd rooted for their underdog! It brought a smile in Ichika's visage as she raised her fist. The referee urged her to get to her corner and give space as she counted Noi out!

"I told you should have stayed down.." Ichika pointed out, not sure if the giant would have been able to hear it knocked out as the crowd also counted with the ref!

"1! 2! 3! 4!..."


The crowd is on their feet watching what seems to be the massive upset in the first round. Since the opening bell, the taller Noi started off slow before landing a power bomb that almost ended the match right then and there...

And yet somehow Ichika was able to fight her way back into the match... and now seeing the giant woman laid out in the middle of the ring like this, they can't help but chant Ichika name.



It was a foregone conclusion at that point. The middleweight was ruined, spoiled, yet standing. Her back ached that it felt like getting pricked with needles. Her limbs felt heavy, slouched on the corner but she was still standing. She was dizzy, her vision swam as the adrenaline that pushed her through dissipated. Yet she was still standing. That was all that mattered in this match as her white-haired foe stayed laid flat on the canvas. Face-down, not unlike a soldier that had been shot. Her countout, nothing but a formality.

"9! 10!! Ding! Ding! Ding! The cacophonous shriek of the bell flooded the bluenette's ears along with the cheers of the crowd! She had won! Decisively! Her heart raced as the ref raised her arm in victory. She actually won!

But as they did, Ichika couldn't help but be concerned about the foe that had given her one of a hell of a fight. Noi still didn't move, nary an inch! Ichika shrugged the ref off and hurried to Noi. She turned them over and checked for their vitals as the medics rushed into the scene. Ichika could only hope the heavyweight was okay!

Winner by knockout: Ichika Rei
Noob's Cavalcade of Combatants
Discord - Noob6737
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