Victory by knockout only
Noi Lorenson vs. Ichika Rei
Noi Lorenson

Ichika Rei

Ichika’s career has been gaining a lot of momentum lately. And there are no signs of her ever slowing down! This would be the Blue Flame’s first tournament event, where all hell is let loose. Where brutality is not just encouraged but mandated. To keep the foe knocked out for an agonizing ten-count is the only rule. The thought of it sent shivers down her spine, but it was too late to turn around now.
“Introducing First!! Hailing from Japan! Weighing in at 125lbs, ICHIKAA REEEEIIII!!”
Her music took the silence of the collective anticipation of the crowd. Lights beamed to life with its beat, scanning the arena. Then when the bass dropped—a dazzling woman came bursting out of the curtains! Her energy was akin to a firework bigger than her. With arms held up high and a smile that could reach the skies, Ichika basked in the overwhelming cheers of the crowd! Their roars never fail to astound her!
She strutted towards the ring, brimming with confidence. A twirl and sway here and there to mix things up. Soon, she’d found her way to the apron of the ring. Both hands on the top rope, she looked at the ring for a while before suddenly turning her upper body. With a peace sign beside an eye, she struck a smile to the crowd.
She’d then cease in her corner as she’d wait for her first opponent in this tournament...and hopefully not the last!
It was the first match in a while for Noi since losing to the legendary Amazon in her debut match, but this time it would be different and something that fits right up her ally. Not even knowing that she would be competing in the tournament but it whatever cause she having a match and she can go all out again. And that what she going to do no holding back tonight.
"And introducing her opponent hailing from Sweden weight in at 273 pounds, Noi Lorenson"
The speakers blares her music the lights pointing at the entrance stage as she walks out onto the stage, towering at her height of 6'10 a big smile on her face rising her hand up in the air as she makes her way down to the ring slowly milking in the cheering of the crowd.
Grabbing the top rope pulling on it to help her step over the top rope into the ring, before stepping into the middle of the ring her hands behind her back posing for the fans. Before turning to face her opponent looking around... before looking down and gives the woman a big smile....
" your tiny... but are you mighty" Noi chuckles walking over and holding out her big hand "good match"
Expectation doesn't always meet reality. In this case, Ichika expected someone roughly around her range. Not too small and not too big. Someone that could give her fun and intense but a relatively fair match. But the moment her opponent's music echoed in the arena, it felt like thrashing in the making. Her eyes gaped open; her jaw dropped at the sight of the giantess. She's not at all hard to miss given her lumbering size!! Her lips and throat suddenly went dry, gulping as Noi closed in on the ring. It felt like her heart wanted to jump out of her mouth and make a run for it when she heard Noi's stats announced. She was more than double her size and more than a foot tall. How could they expect her to fight this woman?
Still, Ichika stood firm at her corner, ready to tackle this proverbial Goliath with no slings and stone but her body, skill, and wit. She has to find a way to overcome this. She couldn't lose in the first round. Albeit losing to one far bigger than hers would be a rational reason for her failure if it ever comes— it didn't even cross her mind.
"I will prove to you that I'm even more than that." her gaze didn't falter as she stretched her hand for a handshake. Soon, she'd retreat to a stance, skipping on her toes to prepare for the start of the match.
"Let's have a good match!" She winked.
Noi chuckles seeing how small her opponent is, but just because she small doesn't mean that she is weak. Hearing her opponent saying that she is going to prove herself brings a big smile to Noi face.
"I hold you to that then... Tiny ..." Noi replies back and waits standing in the middle of the ring for the bell, already planning on what she is going to do to stop her opponent and get the upper hand.
The bell rings and the match begins, Noi rushing from her corner. Each step she takes makes the ring shake from her running, trying to corner her opponent and cut the ring off.
Ichika isn't going to let this get through her. Size is just a number, after all. Those were the words that filled Ichika's mind working up her resolve. Assurances that she will do well and prove herself as a force to be reckoned with. She saw this match as nothing but another obstacle in her career, albeit a huge one at that, she would overcome it just the same.
In fact, the size told a different story to Ichika. One might see it as a reason to give Noi a wide berth for how intimidating she looked— a monstrous destroyer if you will. But Ichika saw it as an opportunity to be had. To topple such a giant in a tournament like this surely would skyrocket her career.
Then, Noi's tirade even geared up this feeling. "Tiny." Oh, how the wrong choice of word it was. It felt condescending, belittling. The thought stoked the fire inside the blue bomber's eyes, ready to show what this tiny package has in store. A grin riddled her face whilst she bounced on the balls of her toes just as she waited for the bell to ring.
"Ding! Ding! Ding!"
Ichika watched as Noi cut through the ring. Chills pricked her spine just as the behemoth approached. If she didn't know better, the rattling sight would have likely frozen her at her spot; the horrific view leaving her petrified. But her vigor bolstered by the chance of success beyond measure kicked her limbs to life. She ducked, slipping past through their flank. Speed and energy made up for her lack of strength and size. She'd pivot herself around just as she weaved behind their back, springing herself skyward, legs tucked in, only to fire them forth like a cannon with a dropkick!
Noi went into this match thinking it would be more of a easy victory, her opponent tiny and small in size against someone of her size would be mismatch. Deciding to go hard against the girl.
Noi barely finches from the girl dropkick not even taking a step backwards. Giving Ichika a grin and chuckles, even going so far as to pat her chest as if it didn't even faze the giant. Even making the motion of wanting the girl to do it again just to prove a point that no matter what Ichika does it not going to hurt her.
"Again again come on Tiny... hit me again"