Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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'Well I'll be she actually is.' Artemis thought to herself while watching Rosy's body writhe and squirm on the mat in utter pain and sexual stimulus, the heel of Artemis acting as the source of such erratic movements. Quite frankly Artemis was loving every second of it. 'To think she even made it to the finals, let alone had a title shot against Rei period.' Artemis thought to herself before frowning down at Rosy.

Sneering at the insinuation that she was jealous of the heterochromatic girl Artemis was quick with her own comeback to the girl. "Tch just what should I be jealous of exactly you sniveling slut." As she said this Artemis wouldn't allow Rosy a chance to respond back. Instead she would shift herself forward, raising her other leg up, temporarily putting all of her weight on Rosy's breast, threatening to cause Rosy's already near exposed breasts to come free entirely!

However they wouldn't cause Artemis's weight would only bear down on Rosy for a second. Just long enough for the blonde to wind her free leg back before swinging in forward like a executioners axe... Dead center into Rosy's pussy. Artemis aimed to punt kick Rosy in her womanhood with all the force she could muster while putting a heavyweight on her breast... literally!

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Rosy would keep squirming, seemingly trying to make it so Artemis would be dishearten to stomp her chest, moaning and squirming around. She would smirk before snickering "Jealous that you're not the one getting st-AH~" Rosy was cut off from saying her insult, as her chest was nearly flattened into a pancake, to the point where her bra could possibly even burst from the pressure befor-


The loud smacking of the girl's free leg swinging and hitting Rosy with a sharp punt was extremely loud, and also extremely painful. The crowd immediately changing from a mix of cheering and lewd cheering, to straight up booing. Rosy gasped, clutching her crotch and rolling over. Thankfully at this point the referee had calmed down, taking a moment to chastise Artemis for the move. While technically not illegal in the match, it was still a rather low hanging fruit as far as offence choice.

Rosy would be dazed from the hard shot, groaning and biting her lip as, although she was in pain, the drooling as panting was clearly showing that she had conflicting feeling about the strike, both enjoying and loving the strike. Maybe even loving that she hated it. Either way she was subdued and wasn't gonna be able to defend herself for now.

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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"Hehe I would ask if you enjoyed that as much as it hurts but... its clear you did." Commenting sarcastically on the current state of her opponent as she stepped off the girl Artemis was left with quite the show as she watched the other blonde squirm pathetically and crooning in a mix of pain and pleasure. That kick had felt far better than it should have to connect. The soft non resistance from the girl's pussy, the way her foot had sunk in, the instant reaction from Rosy. "Mhmmmmmm." She was shuddering just thinking about it.

Smirking in pure smugness down to her opponent Artemis would reach down, grabbing a handful of Rosy's hair to force the girl up into a seated position. "Well any smart comments now?" Artemis asked though she wouldn't give Rosy a chance to respond. Instead she reached forward, slapping the girl had across the face! "Well!?" She'd ask again with a vindictive smile but slapping Rosy once again!

After the second slap however Artemis would move to change up her game plan. Still holding onto Rosy's hair with one hand despite the protests of the ref Artemis would turn around while rising to a full standing position. Winking at the crowd she began to gyrate her hips in a utterly mesmerizing fashion, her stomach flexing at every twist and turn of her hips as she moved. Until... BONK. Artemis would suddenly pop her hips backwards, smashing her plump ass directly into Rosy's face while releasing her grip!

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Rosy would be left in her mixed state, groaning as she had trouble calming down after that kick, not being able to respond as Artemis asked for any more smart comments, only getting a look of mischievous lust. The slaps across the face didn't change that, if anything only making Rosy get more turned on as she started panting, her tounge sticking out of her mouth as she stared at the girl.

But that was nothing compared to what happened next, as the dark skinned gal would step in front of Rosy, giving her a front row seat as her red cladded ass sung just inches from her face, the girl taking a looooooooooooong time to show off her sexy figure, especially her hips, which Rosy was watching with a half awake smile, before getting knocked on her ass by Artemis as as it smacked into her face.

Rosy would hit the mat, rolling over and drooling on the ground, the crowds anger towards Artemis was VERY quickly forgiven after the senusal smack that Rosy just got. Rosy was still in a lewd daze, and was gonna need more time to recover, so as for now, she was much masochist like then she was supposed to be, which could spell the end for the rematch with Rei.

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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As she smashed her but into Rosy's face Artemis would stand up to her arms out to her side doing a slow circle to bask in the mixed response from the crowd. Looking down once more at her opponent Artemis couldn't help but appreciate the site of the woman laid out in front of her like easy pickings. "Are you actually drooling?" Artemis asked rhetorically, spotting the bit of moisture forming around the girl's face.

Chuckling again Artemis pushed her hair out of her face before bursting into full on laughter! "Ahahahahaha! And you seriously consider yourself worthy of the hentai championship!? What a joke!" As if to capitalize on her words Artemis raised her leg up and shot it down, aiming a massive stomp down on Rosy's ass!

"I don't know how you beat the losers you were up against in the other two rounds but you're luck has run out slut!" As she spoke Artemis would walk around to Rosy's front where she would bend down, grabbing a handful of the blonde's locks once more. Lifting her head up Artemis would intentionally press Rosy's lust drunk face against her clothed pussy, openly mocking the pervert at this point!

But Artemis wouldn't stop there. She would make a show with her fellow finalist, dragging the girl's face up from her pussy and across her abs! "Mhmmmm." She'd moan loudly while doing so before pulling Rosy's face away just far enough to place her just in front of the Canadian's breasts! "I did you the honor of getting a face full of my glorious ass, now let me do the same with my breasts!"

Boasting, Artemis would soon press her opponent's face flush against her breasts! "Behold the tits of a future champion!" While speaking Artemis would begin turning in place, pulling Rosy along with her as the would pick up momentum. If all went according to plan both of Artemis's arms would come around the back of Rosy's head, holding her face in place as Artemis aimed to pull the girl along into her signature move, Love is Hurricane, aka a giant swing boob smother combo!

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Rosy moaned as she was mocked by the girl, basically not trying that hard to fight back as she was humiliated, yelping as she was stomped on her backside, which jiggled around after impact, before once again being yanked being up by her hair, her nose and tongue squished into her crotch, moaning as she had her face was squished into her crotch, her tongue slightly teasing her crotch, before being dragged up her abs, worshipping them slightly before being moved into her chest, groaning as her face was squashed and grinded into her abs like a cheese grater, moaning as she was smothered deep into her cheeks.

As the swing began, Rosy mumbled as she tried to catch her breath, drooling as she was deep smothered in her opponents breasts. After the momentum started to get faster, Rosy was quickly to attempt to slightly counter, before then locking her legs around Artemis waist, trying to escape the move by enduring the smother, hoping the weight would make her fall onto her back, to try and fall onto her back, along with not exactly trying to escape the move.

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Artemis smirked feeling cool and confident as possible so far. The match had gone almost entirely Artemis's way from the beginning, and despite the lack of fear or respect from her opponent the Canadian was proving to both her opponent and the crowd why you didn't underestimate Artemis Luxure! To further that point Artemis had locked her opponent's face flush against her breasts, a motion she knew would resonate with her opponent. Especially given the way Artemis had felt the woman lick and worship her body as Artemis hauled the girl up it.

But the smother itself wasn't all as Artemis began turning in place, pulling Rosy along with her for a giant swing variation that was high on Artemis's preferred moves. But despite the success of the move initially Rosy was quick to try and counter by wrapping her legs around Artemis's waist making the Canadian woman groan sharply in pain! "Ngh! You... Bitch!" Wincing and speaking through the pain Artemis at least took solace in knowing that Rosy was only deepening the smother for herself. But Artemis knew she couldn't afford to let herself be taken to the mat, so managing to stay on her feet Artemis would suck in a sharp breath before dashing forward, leaping up even to smash Rosy back first into the corner!

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Artemis would be able to seduce Rosy for a moment but the smother wouldn't work, as Rosy countered it momentarily with a scissor hold. She wrapped her arms around the girl, fondling her backside as she tried to get Artemis to break the hold, but she wasn't able to be successful yet, as Artemis would rush her into the corner, slamming her with a modified spinebuster into the corner.

Rosy would gasp and flop to her butt, gasping, her face red as a beat, along a smug smile on her face. "Yer.....really...a perv." She taunted, out of breath but still wanting to mock the girl further, hoping to get more lewd punishment for her mocking

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Artemis grunted and groaned softly as the she charged forward, smashing her rival between the corner and herself! The match had been totally one sided in Artemis's favor up until now, but the bitch she had been dominating so sounds up until suddenly decided now was a good time to fight back. 'Tch bitch.' Artemis thought to herself before audibly sighing in relief as Rosy's legs came undone from around Artemis's waist with the masochist falling off of her and onto her but against the corner.

Rubbing her ribs for a moment while holding onto the middle rope with her other hand the annoyance on Artemis's face was clear as day as she glared down at Rosy beneath her. Even now despite the fact that Rosy was the one down and in pain she still decided to mock her. "You aren't one to talk." The woman snarled before grabbing hold of the middle ropes with both hands. If Rosy remained where she was Artemis would suddenly leap up, spreading her legs out and angling herself so as she came down Artemis would crash down but first on Rosy's chest! If successful Artemis aimed to continue the bombardment with a bronco buster!

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Re: Artemis Grace vs Rosy Reyes

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Rosy smirked after taunting the girl before Artemis would slam herself butt first into Rosy's chest! She would yelp from the impact, but giggle afterwards, showing she clearly was having fun with each bounce. However she didn't want to just be a punching bag forever, so during one of Artemis bounces, she suddenly shoved her face into the girl's crotch, locking her arms around her thighs.

Rosy would then attempt to suddenly spring up, showing a lotta strength, as she deadlifted Artemis into a powerbomb position. She would take the chance to masterfully pull the girl's bottoms down enough, before licking up Artemis's bare crotch. Whether it worked or not, Rosy would follow this up by rushing across the ring, still teasing Grace as she ran. The move would end with Rosy sending a goodbye kiss to Artemis crotch for now, as she threw her right into the turnbuckle for a buckle bomb!

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