Age: 19
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 121 lbs
Alignment: Tweener
Orientation: Bisexual
Fighting Style: swift, strong strikes
Theme: Soon(™)
Preferred Matches: Anything that lets her show her skills
Strength: A-
Endurance: B+
Speed: C-
Defense: A-
Hentai: C-
Japanese born and raised, Ren Katou was always aggressively tomboyish, preferring to fight and watch boy’s shows much to her parents' agitation. In spite of always putting in a good effort into her classes, she was truly fascinated by wrestling. It didn’t take long before she had joined a wrestling school, proving herself to be incredibly talented, finding herself rather quickly outpacing the people around her. Her pride grew, as did her strength, her strikes strong enough to bring the rest of her class to their knees in short time.
With her ego growing, she nonetheless realized she needed to both temper her own expectations, but also to test herself against greater foes. Quickly making her way to the top of a local fed, she knew that there was no place to go but up at such a relatively young age, soon finding herself signed to LAW by their talent scouts. Rebranding herself as Okita Ren, she nonetheless plans on leaving her mark in the industry for a long time.
Immensely prideful, Ren is all about proving herself and making herself the absolute best she possibly can. To her, if you aren’t pushing yourself to be the greatest in whatever you’re doing, you aren’t truly living life. Much of her time is spent on honing herself, only resting once her body is aching and unable to push itself any further.
As a result of her focus entirely on training and fighting, she comes off as aloof and estranged from most, focused largely on herself and offering criticism to those who she thinks are letting down their potential. But she does show a kinder side, generally showing disdain towards those who abuse their own strengths to take advantage of others.
Ren Okita

Fun Facts:
* Purposefully styles herself after Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi as part of her gimmick.
* In spite of appearances, she does quite like the idea of hentai matches.