"The Amazing Girl" Kristen Flores
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 6:34 pm

Kristen Flores
"Let's show the world how amazing I am."
ProfileReal Name:Kristen Flores
Nicknames:The Amazing Girl
Height:5' 7" (1.73 m)
Weight:135 lbs (61 kg)
Entrance Music:
A well-balanced young woman. She is somewhat self conscious, at times, and can feel snubbed easily. However, she is not one to hold a grudge; she forgives and forgets as quickly and easily as she may feel slighted. But very fun in the ring, attempting to crack jokes anyway she seem fit, she is also a tad bit cocky as she thinks everything she does is well...AMAZING.
Wrestling Information
Strategy:Using her speed and power, she would mostly try to tired her bigger opponents and dominate with strength against her smaller opponents.
Style: Lucha Libre
Type: High Flyer/Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks:
Torture Rack
Springboard Moves
Sling Blade
Preferred Matches:Standard and or Hardcore
Attitude To Hentai: ""I'm amazing at anything and everything so count me in!!"
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★ - Decent Enough to hold her own
Strength ★★★★★ - Big Strong Girl
Speed ★★★★★ - SPECTACULAR Energy and Speed
Defence ★★ - Mostly relies on her speed for her own defence
Technique ★★★ - Knows more dives than anything but still pretty basic
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★ - Not really heavy into striking
Submissions ★★★ - Knows some different type of submissions but would hardly use them
Powerhouse ★★★★★ - Her bread and butter
Aerials ★★★★★ - What she has been doing since she was a kid.
Counters ★ - More of a wait until they see an opening kind of person
Signature Moves
Inner Web: This is a move in which Kristen stands side-to-side and slightly behind with the opponent, facing in the opposite direction, and reaches around the opponent's torso with one arm across the opponent's chest with her hand holding onto her other hand which is behind the opponent's head. Kristen then falls backward, driving the opponent into the mat face-first, Kristen than hooks her hands behind the opponent's head, having one arm pass over their own leg and the other under. She would then pulls backwards with her arms and pushes forward with her leg, causing pressure.

Skyfall: This a move in which Kristen stands behind her opponent, wrapping one arm around her opponents waist, the other arm reaching to grab one of their arms, with a full grip in hand, Kristen uses her power to spin her opponent away from her, pulling them back towards her as she wraps her now free arm around their neck, doing a standing flip with her opponent, driving them back first on the mat.

Ghost-Breaker: This a move where Kristen picks up her opponent after stunning them with an spinning heel kick into their stomach, using her athletics and power to do a backflip over her stunned opponent to quickly hoisting them up into a suplex position before twisting them to the mat head first, kipping up to her feet, she would wait for her opponent to get up to their knees or feet as she than slams her foot into the persons head driving them to the ground.

The daughter of prominent American business figures, Kristen Flores was always expected to follow in the footsteps of her predecessors and live out a, as she puts it “very boring and regulated” life, but one thing Kristen preaches is to always expect the unexpected. Despite initially trying to conform to her parents wishes, she was never able to share the interests her parents did, no matter how much they tried to get her to and to their despair, at age seventeen she declared that she was embarking on the adventure of a lifetime to fulfil her childhood dream of being a wrestler, she’d been introduced to the sport by her grandparents who she’d frequently stay with growing up and she quickly fell in love with everything about the business at the impressionable age of twelve. To begin with, they were under the impression that she was merely going through a rebellious stage as she had always been the complete opposite of her elder brother who was very clearly favoured growing up, her announcement to move halfway across the world was a surprise to just about everyone as whilst Flores was always in shape as a teen, she was far more athletic over academic, practically by choice, partially by nature. Her seriousness to be taken seriously has been highlighted by the fact that she hasn't properly seen her family since. In hopes their daughter will return home someday, which she won't, they’ll share a phone call on special occasions. Despite their rocky relationship, Kristen hopes deep down that one day she'll be able to win them over with her talent, passion and genuine love for the sport.
None as of yet.
Friends: N/A
Allies: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Crushes: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Wrestling Attire

Wrestling Attire 2



Beach/Hentai NSFW

Mask On

Win/Loss Record: 0/0/0
The End.