Annette Tatsumi
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:19 am
Name: Annette Tatsumi
Age: 24 (Birthday : 15 July)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145lbs
Nationality: Japan/American

Special thanks to King for commissioning this art from Shineh
Wrestling Info
Slams/Power : 3/5
Strikes : 3/5
Submission : 4/5
Aerial : 3/5
Counter : 4/5
Stamina : 4/5
Preferred style : Careful methodical attacks and submissions. Relies on countering what her opponent would throw at her.
Alignment: Face
Signature Moves :
Figure Four Leg-lock
Finishing move/s:
The End - Annette's penultimate finisher, used only when she really have to put her opponent down for good. She approaches her opponent who laid on their back. Pulled them up into a sitting position. She then hooked her legs onto her opponent's shoulders, settling her foot down inbetween her opponents legs before she then slip her toes underneath their thighs. With this set-up, she grabs both wrists of her opponent and twists it as she sat onto the back of their head. Forcing them down as she pulled their arms up into a double Fujiwara Armbar. Putting massive strains on their arms as she bend their body in half!
Muta Lock - A submission move where Annette takes the opponent's legs then, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit before then turning around so that they are facing away from the opponent and places one of their feet into the triangle created by the opponent's crossed legs. The wrestler then places the opponent's free ankle under their knee-pit and bridges backwards to reach over their head and locks their arms around the opponent's head.
Sunset - It was basically a Sitout Shiranui. A move where she grabs her opponents head while against her back. She would leap up and backflip over her opponent before driving her opponent back down to the floor with her opponent's head between her legs.
Annette is confident like her half sister Haruka but she knew when to keep her mouth shut when it's clear that she's at disadvantage. Very laid back and playful. She can be quite a bully whenever she can rib her friends. She is also quite seductive. Very competitive, hates losing if she could help it. Can be pretty stubborn on her approach, and she would rarely back down on arguments even if she's wrong.
The older half of the half sisters. Annette was born and grew in the States. Though after she finished high school, she decided to move to Japan and live with her younger half sister. As a fan of wrestling, she saw Japan as a gold mine for wrestling stuffs. Knowing that a lot of the best stuffs comes from Japan. She decided to learn wrestling straight in Japan. With a slight background in martial arts as she was perhaps the only girl in the judo club in her school back in the states. She picked up the more conventional yet effective grappling style. Working more on her grappling game and all that, she would occasionally learn on doing flashy moves. While learning she attended some few small wrestling events as a contestant. Until eventually she finds herself scouted by LAW's talent scouting.
Interested with the prospect of LAW, she decided to sign with the company. Though she wouldn't straightfully sign, but instead offer the company to sign her half sister Haruka as well before she signs. Knowing that this company would bring the best in herself and Haruka. Together and separated, the two seeks to prove their worth and reach the top of the mountain.
W/L/D Records:
1. Vs. Eirina Makishima - Won
w/ Haruka as Dangerous Double Tatsumis
1. Vs. British Bombshells - Won
2. Inaugural Tag Team Title Gauntlet - Lost
Age: 24 (Birthday : 15 July)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145lbs
Nationality: Japan/American
Entrance Theme
Wrestling(She would take off her mask when the match starts)

Special thanks to King for commissioning this art from Shineh
Bikini (Right)


Hentai/Bed Match outfit (Left)

Slams/Power : 3/5
Strikes : 3/5
Submission : 4/5
Aerial : 3/5
Counter : 4/5
Stamina : 4/5
Preferred style : Careful methodical attacks and submissions. Relies on countering what her opponent would throw at her.
Alignment: Face
Signature Moves :
Figure Four Leg-lock
Finishing move/s:
The End - Annette's penultimate finisher, used only when she really have to put her opponent down for good. She approaches her opponent who laid on their back. Pulled them up into a sitting position. She then hooked her legs onto her opponent's shoulders, settling her foot down inbetween her opponents legs before she then slip her toes underneath their thighs. With this set-up, she grabs both wrists of her opponent and twists it as she sat onto the back of their head. Forcing them down as she pulled their arms up into a double Fujiwara Armbar. Putting massive strains on their arms as she bend their body in half!
Muta Lock - A submission move where Annette takes the opponent's legs then, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit before then turning around so that they are facing away from the opponent and places one of their feet into the triangle created by the opponent's crossed legs. The wrestler then places the opponent's free ankle under their knee-pit and bridges backwards to reach over their head and locks their arms around the opponent's head.
Sunset - It was basically a Sitout Shiranui. A move where she grabs her opponents head while against her back. She would leap up and backflip over her opponent before driving her opponent back down to the floor with her opponent's head between her legs.
Annette is confident like her half sister Haruka but she knew when to keep her mouth shut when it's clear that she's at disadvantage. Very laid back and playful. She can be quite a bully whenever she can rib her friends. She is also quite seductive. Very competitive, hates losing if she could help it. Can be pretty stubborn on her approach, and she would rarely back down on arguments even if she's wrong.
The older half of the half sisters. Annette was born and grew in the States. Though after she finished high school, she decided to move to Japan and live with her younger half sister. As a fan of wrestling, she saw Japan as a gold mine for wrestling stuffs. Knowing that a lot of the best stuffs comes from Japan. She decided to learn wrestling straight in Japan. With a slight background in martial arts as she was perhaps the only girl in the judo club in her school back in the states. She picked up the more conventional yet effective grappling style. Working more on her grappling game and all that, she would occasionally learn on doing flashy moves. While learning she attended some few small wrestling events as a contestant. Until eventually she finds herself scouted by LAW's talent scouting.
Interested with the prospect of LAW, she decided to sign with the company. Though she wouldn't straightfully sign, but instead offer the company to sign her half sister Haruka as well before she signs. Knowing that this company would bring the best in herself and Haruka. Together and separated, the two seeks to prove their worth and reach the top of the mountain.
W/L/D Records:
1. Vs. Eirina Makishima - Won
w/ Haruka as Dangerous Double Tatsumis
1. Vs. British Bombshells - Won
2. Inaugural Tag Team Title Gauntlet - Lost