Name: Ortega Hatch
Age: 25
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Silver
Height: 5"9'
Weight: 158 lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Ortega Hatch!
Ortega Hatch was born as the only child in a relatively standard household, growing up with little out of the ordinary for herself, though the girl's trajectory was going to be anything but ordinary! As a child Ortega was always quite popular, and growing up she only became even more of an eye catcher, developing into a beautiful woman and was not only a pretty face, but a sweet and fun gal! Ortega's growth into a natural charmer was also accompanied by a growth in her personality thanks to one of her childhood loves that she carried along with her, that being a deep adoration for professional wrestling! The larger than life figures and fast paced action captivated her, and Ortega was often eagerly watching the proceedings, but such a life seemed so out of her hands! So as school came to a close, Ortega would briefly bounce around from job to job before she would find herself approached about a job that seemed far more grounded, at least more so than being a pro wrestler, and that was modeling!
Ortega seemed a natural fit for such, and it wasn't long before the affable girl was building a following on social media, quickly becoming quite popular and garnering much attention! Ortega had scarcely expected to form a fanbase, but as she began to model and develop more of a social media following, her natural popularity seemed to follow her, and she was quickly thrust into something of a spotlight! Ortega continued to model and cosplay and indulge herself, quite excited about her new lifestyle, and with it came money, and with money came many opportunities to pursue avenues that she had never thought she could before! And one stuck out above all others!
Ortega was quick to find a wrestling teacher, and her social media was soon alerted about her new quest to become a pro wrestler and live the life that she dreamed of living! Her followers were very excited and supported the journey, and Ortega was just as eager to learn how to wrestle, even though it was of course, much harder than she had expected it to be! Not that it stopped her even one bit, as she was far too excited! And one bonus of her massive social media following was that as her journey to learn how to wrestle progressed, many took notice. ESPECIALLY those who ran the top organizations in the world! With a decent base, Ortega was overwhelmingly shocked that she was being offered an invitation to come and wrestle for LAW! Despite still being relatively inexperienced, there was no amount of convincing that could keep Ortega from accepting the offer, eager to kick off the start to her pro wrestling career!
Ortega is charming and charismatic, plenty beautiful but always a kind person and very affable towards others, more excited than anything to be a pro wrestler! Consistently optimistic to improve and live her dream, Ortega is always ready to take advice from others and wrestle anyone, even if she sometimes ends up against wrestlers who are far more experienced! Ortega is also always ready to show her stuff and give the crowd what they want, as being a model made her quite comfortable in her own skin and with any sort of match type, which means she's raring to go in any situation!
Strategy: Ortega's strategy consists of a very very loose gameplan, and she often ends up making things up as she goes along, trying to throw pretty much anything at her foe and focus on what works, and if all else fails, to rely on her athleticism and training with some submissions to carry her!
Preferred Attacks: Submissions, Smothers, High Impact Moves, Some High Flying
Preferred Matches: Submission, Smother, Humiliation, and POW
Attitude towards Hentai: "I don't have a problem getting a little spicy!"
General Stats
-Endurance: 4/5 - Very good endurance, even if she can struggle to keep up in work rate!
-Strength: 2/5 - Not the strongest, but she can sometimes lift her fair share!
-Speed: 3/5 - Semi-speedy, around the middle of the pack!
-Defense: 2/5 - Her defense could use some work!
-Technique: 3/5 - Mildly technical with her submissions, though she isn't going to run circles around anyone!
Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 1/5 - She is quite a newbie to striking, and also lacks the strength to make them hurt!
-Submissions: 4/5 - Knowledgeable of submissions, using them to get most of her offense in!
-Power Moves: 2/5 - Able to perform a few power moves, usually on foes only her own size and not anything too fancy!
-Aerial Moves: 3/5 - An expert on throwing herself at people with reckless abandon, though she lacks grace when she does so!
-Counters: 2/5 - Ortega struggles to consistently counter her foes, though she is able to pull some off on occasion!
Signature Moves
Lifting DDT
Diamond Cutter
Breast Smother
Special Spice: One of Ortega's few practiced high flying moves, with her foe on their back she rushes towards the ropes, leaping up onto the middle one before performing a backflip off of it, coming down hard on her opponent with a lionsault!
Friends: Nothing yet.
Allies: Nothing yet.
Rivals: Nothing yet.
Enemies: Nothing yet.
Crushes: Nothing yet.