Ava "The Brusque Model" Rose

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Ava "The Brusque Model" Rose

Unread post by Violet »

The Brusque Model

Real name - Ava Rose
Age - 25
Hair Color - Blonde
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 5'10”
Weight - 135lbs
Nationality - French
Alignment - Heel


Ring Attires
Hentai Attires
Beach Attires

Entrance Music



While not as technical as a traditionally trained joshi wrestler, nor nimble enough to fly off turnbuckles and ropes, Ava can rely on her brawling experience to get out of things in a dime. You better bring your arms up once you're tackled to the canvas as fists fly without a hitch. Her scrappy nature is something you wouldn't expect from someone who used to be a model by trade. Ava also knows this, something unbecoming of the grace she usually carries herself with. This is why Ava also likes to wrap their opponents in holds for them to give up on once they have been sufficiently thrown around, something she considers as mercy.


General Statistics
Endurance ★★★
Strength ★★★★
Speed ★★★★
Defence ★★
Technique ★★★

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★
Submissions ★★★
Powerhouse ★★★
Aerials ★★
Counters ★★

Signature moves
Spinning Enzugiri
Wing Clipper
Finishing move/s
French Kiss
Rose’s Touch



Ava carries an air of superiority wherever she goes. A pretty face and an even prettier body attached to it, she is used to getting whatever she wants. She walks into a room like she exactly knows what everyone's looking at and what they want ~her. She's a goddess walking among scum. Further and further reinforced by her stellar modeling career, she grew to secretly despise those below her who don't know themselves. And there are many of them.

Everything soon bubbled as she finally let go and started using her fists to show it. Now she had two ways to show everyone she was better than them ~looks and strength. And that's just her outside the ring. The ring cranks it up tenfold. She feels that she's at the center of everything. The main attraction. Thousands of people watching her ingrain her place above her opponent adding more points of pride: fame and charisma. Her previous foes know this all too well, not letting them leave simply with not enough strength to push their shoulders back up when pinned, but humiliated as well. There had to be no question that she's above them even if at the cost of her detriment. This drive also translated into her resolve. Any taste of something that questioned this belief should be squashed, no matter the cost.


Ava came from a rich but separated family. With traditional parents who don't believe in divorce, they were unhappy but stuck along, giving their daughters a seemingly intact but hollow home, something she regarded as far worse than a broken one. They would barely meet as her mother traveled while her father took care of business. Even on holidays when they were together they weren't as happy or lively as a normal family.

This produced a juvenile life of scraps, brawls, acting out, and bullying she perpetrated in school. Anything she wanted she could get, doted on by her mother with gifts and bailed by his father whenever in trouble. She was untouchable, "friends" flocked to her to live a meager part of her life, and enemies were too afraid to throw a punch as she dragged them by their hair, a life with no consequence. This even got reinforced as she grew up, her height grew and the gods sculpted her body into one for a supermodel. Posing for the camera by night and getting into bar brawls with lesser models later that night, Ava lived a glamorous life. But it didn't seem enough. Soon, at a random meetup at a party with someone connected to his dad, her eyes were opened to the idea of wrestling. A fight for dominance. In front of thousands of crowd, even more, to bear witness. While wearing outfits that painted her still as the most beautiful in the arena despite the sweat and toil. It was heaven. And she wouldn't settle for less than the best of it, LAW!
Last edited by Violet on Sat Feb 15, 2025 12:11 am, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: Ava "The Brusque Model" Rose

Unread post by Violet »

Chapter One
"Ma Bijou"

  1. Wisteria Khan - A First Step for Two - Ongoing
    Elegance with punches
  2. Clashing beauties - Ongoing
    A brawl ensues for the calendar!

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Re: Ava "The Brusque Model" Rose

Unread post by Violet »

01/11/25 - Updated and reconned. Fixed the history and personality to be more in-lined with her stories so far.

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