Sex: Female
Age: 21
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Reddish-Black
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 153
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: : : No Mercy
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Hit ‘em hard and hit ‘em fast! The best way to take down a foe is to pile on the damage before they can react or out fox them and surprise them with a role up or a strong willed pin attempt!
Style: Grappler/ Traditional Wrestler.
Preferred Attacks: Elbow slams, Low Kicks, Palm Strikes, Knee Attacks, Stomps, Headbutts, Headlocks.
Preferred Matches: Any
Main Attire

Main Attire 2


Tackle 2

Coming at Ya

Strength: ★ ★ ★- While strong enough to overpower similar sized opponents, Kaede May struggle using more power based attacks on larger opponents, like piledrivers or powerbombs.
Speed: ★ ★ ★ ★- Kaede is quicker then most, and uses her speed to her advantage to ambush her opponents.
Defense: ★ ★ ★ ★- Keeping a tight guard, only well planned or extremely lucky attacks will pass through Kaede’s well trained defense.
Technique: ★ ★ ★ ★- Kaede’s number one rule is to practice, practice, practice. She works hard to learn how to use attacks effectively and in ways that can help her follow up with another attack.
Favored moves:
Rear Chokehold
Head scissors
German Suplex
Body Slam
Leg Drop
Rear Bulldog
Elbow Drop
Body Splash
Hip Toss
Finishing moves:
Textbook Takedown – Using the ropes, Kaede propels herself forward towards her weakened opponent, looking to smash them to the ground and go for a quick pin.

Kaede is a young woman who is often seen wearing her hair rather short. She seems to walk around with a tamed bed-head, her hair being the only messy thing about her appearance. Kaede will wear neat and clean clothing when she is out in public, usually preferring to wear warm or neutral colors. She has an eye for style, but seems to favor functionality most of the time.
When at work, she has been seen wearing a blue apron with a white button up and black Slacks, her work place’s uniform.
Kaede’s wrestling attire consists of a yellow and orange two piece, accompanied by matching elbow and knee pads and wrestling boots. Many have considered her outfit one of the more practical designs in the industry.
Kaede can be rather shy at first, but quickly warms up to people. She seems to be naturally kind towards others, and can come off as rather mature for her age. Diligent, hardworking, and responsible are all top qualities Kaede seems to exude, but she can become panicked if too much is thrown on her without notice, causing her to make mistakes or rash judgments that do not pan out well in the end.
Inside the ring, she becomes much stronger willed, usually focused on the match and her opponent at all times. She can be a real stickler for the rules, and cares very little for cheaters. While she is far from cruel, she will not hesitate to use a powerful move on a dazed foe if she thinks it will score her the win.
Kaede had grown up around wrestling. As a kid, her sister and parents would gather round the television as it got late at night and watch whatever happened to be on at the time. The Sorami household never had much money, so their choice of channels was limited to what little channels they got, and what would come through the static. The only channel that got any good reception was a low-quality sports channel that seemed to broadcast local sports-type events like football, tennis, paintball on the occasion, but almost always wrestling. It clearly brought in the views, because ever since Kaede could remember, that channel had at least one match going on every hour or so. They were fun little distractions to help calm down for the night, and even though it was clear the matches were amateur at best, they certainly looked like fun.
The Sorami family ran a small store, where all the members of the family worked in order to make a living. They would sell groceries, office supplies, and other odd items that seemed to actually sell in their strange town. They made enough to pay the bills and keep the store going, but none of them were ever unhappy. It was here that Kaede learned and developed much of her responsible personality. She learned the consequences that could happen if she forgot to do one of her jobs. If she did not stock items properly, they lost sales. If there was a mess, it scared people away from the store. If one rule was not followed, it affected the whole family.
Years would pass with Kaede and her sister working at their parents’ shop. Throughout high school, they would go to class, do some club activities, and then head home to work the late shift with their parents. While her older sister’s club activities revolved around more normal things like photography or sewing, Kaede went into the wrestling club. She had been interested in wrestling since watching it as a kid, and learning more about it seemed interesting.
Surprisingly, she turned out to be very good at it. She caught on to the exercises quickly, and seemed to excel in club activities. She did well in the club tournaments, and became more infatuated with wrestling due to her great experience in school.
When she finally graduated high school, she decided to move on from just taking care of her parent’s shop and try something new…apparently, that meant going off to join the amateur wrestling league that she had watched since she was a kid. Steadily, she climbed the ranks of the league and grew a quick fan base. Around the height of Kaede’s popularity, the league was purchased by a larger company, and many of the talent was divided up into new leagues.
Kaede found her contract was now in the possession of LAW, a strange new league that seemed to be female focused, but still provided the occasional intergender match. It was an…interesting place filled with competitors from all over the world, with all sorts of backgrounds and personalities. Now Kaede is exploring a whole new side of wrestling that she never knew existed in a new federation she is not familiar with.
What will come next?
Fun Facts:
Kaede’s favorite candy are chocolate peppermints, but she can’t seem to resist strawberries.
Kaede’s older sister runs their parents’ shop, but she still recruits her little sister to help her if she needs it.
Favorite color is blue.
Hates horror movies of all kinds. Slashers, classic, paranormal, all of it freaks Kaede out to an immense degree.