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Yoko Littner

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 8:20 pm
by ragaz
Yoko Littner, the Curvaceous Redhead
Age: 26
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Somewhere between green and yellow.
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 146 lbs.
Alignment: Face
Nationality: Japanese
Nickname: Thunder Thighs

Entrance Music:
Kyoko-themed attire (given by Kyoko after she defeated Yoko)
Bikini/Beach wear:
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When it gets rough:
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Additional random pics:
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Even more pics
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Yoko and Kyoko
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Preferred Match Types:
Standart - Yoko wants to get good at this business someday and the standart matches seem like the best match type for learning.
Ironwoman - Yoko enjoys the thrill of being pushed to and past her limits as well as pushing the opponent in the same manner.
Body to body only, submission only, bedroom, endurance, beach or any combination of those - Yoko isn't a sexual maniac, like a number of girls here in LAW, but she does like body contact and has a fit body, so why not use it to her advantage and have fun cuddling with some other women and even get paid for it at the same time? Also she could put her strong will to good use in some of these matches.
NOTE: Yoko strongly believes that (according to her own words/thoughts) - ''The Ring is for fighting. Fucking should be done in bed or somewhere alike.''

WRESTLING INFORMATION (subject for improvement as her career expands)

Fighting Style:
Yoko has a solid street fighting background, has trained in the military for some time and right know she trains under the boxing champ and prodigy Moonyoung Lee.

Opportunistic, adaptive, quick learner, practical, not very flashy.

Regardless of the type of match, Yoko doesn't really have any strategies to end matches quickly, she often utilizes her great toughness and extreme pain threshold/willpower to prolong the match in one form or another, depending on the match, which often can end up wearing her opponent down before she is put down.
In a normal fight, Yoko would apply a bunch of her boxing training, starting things off with her trainer's style of 'out-boxing', where she would focus on dodging attacks and punishing the opponent with counterattacks. Her trainer, Lee, has told her that the 'slugger' style might be more up her alley due to her endurance, which she might start relying on if 'out-boxing' fails her. In other words, she would try to endure the blows and deliver just as much, if not more.
Yoko is no submission master, but she is more than capable of holding her own on the ground with mostly un-complicated holds if the situation calls for it.
In bedroom or similar matches, Yoko relies a lot on simplistic holds to pin, squeeze or choke her opponents, often added with something suggestive or outright lewd. Yoko likes to pin her opponents in a grapevine hold, which leaves her opponent practically unable to do anything and if they are the impatient type, Yoko uses that to drain their energy as they struggle. Otherwise, Yoko is keen on using that position to grind her hardened abs up and down her opponent's body to cause both pleasure and pain as skin chafes against skin.

Preferred Attacks:
Punches, kicks, knee's, an occasional elbow strikes from time to time - that's what we do in street fights. Yoko tends to attack the part of the body that isn't protected at the given time, but has grown a preference for blows to the stomach.
Improvised submissions and grapples - She is actually good with simple holds and her favourite might be the grapevine.
Bearhugs - She does like body contact and would perform bearhugs on lighter opponents or those of similar weight, believing her superior willpower would pull her through. However, Yoko would most certainly avoid doing so to the obviously heavier ones than her.

Signature Attacks:
Thunder Thighs - Yoko would wrap an opponent's thigh with the two of her own and squeeze it. It's basically thighscissors. Could also be applied to other body parts too.

A move adopted from Diane Grey (Clara Gaster) after she performed it on Yoko.
A stomach claw could be added as well.

Strength: 4/5 - Often works out in a gym, always staying fit and slowly improving. Pretty much the standart strength of a strong middleweight in LAW (probably). improved over a few years.

Endurance: 5/5 - There is a will, there is a way. If it's physically possible for her body to still do something, Yoko WILL do something. Hoping that she would give up is pretty much pointless. Yoko's body would give out much sooner than her will, so you'd either have to score a sneaky pin, a knockout, countout, ringout or mutilation to score a win against Yoko. If not, then get ready for a long and tiresome match.
Yoko has taken some nasty hits during her fights against punks and bullies, She has a nicely fit body from her training and has an iron will. A combination of those three things is what makes her difficult to put down for good.

Stamina: 4/5 - As it was said earlier ''Yoko's body would give out sooner than her will''. While her unyielding will may not yield, her body might. Yoko's body is tough, but she is only human and unlike her willpower, it has limits. Yoko might eventually find herself in a situation where she is mentally nowhere near her breaking point and ready to go, but her body wouldn't be able to move a muscle.

Speed: 3/5 - Not exactly slow per say, but she found that beating up the street punks is much easier than catching them. ''Damn they run fast...''
Also, Yoko never truly had the proper opportunity to test her max speed in a fight environment, she never really blitzed anyone, since pretty much all of her fights were at roughly punching distance. And her training mostly involved running long distances rather than running at top speed. Slightly improved over a year and a half of her being in LAW.

Reflexes: 4/5 - At first, Yoko's street fights were kinda rough, but after her military training her reflexes improved. mostly because of one thing she had to do during training - disarm the opponent before he can pull the trigger. The logic was simple - if you're too slow, you die. Of course the guns weren't loaded, but that isn't the point. Anyway, after Yoko got back from the military, the punks in the streets had nearly no chance against her in a fair fight. Also, Yoko is a pretty competent gamer in fighting games, mostly. For example, she can provide a pretty solid fight for her brother in the good old ''Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3'' (still loses more often than not, though). Slightly improved over a year and a half of being in LAW.

Technique: 3.5 - She has roughed up a number of lowlives and shows promise, but there is still plenty of room to hone her skills. When Yoko got into a fight with her sergeant, she put up a valiant effort, but was taken down, showing that more experienced and more trained opponents are still a level above her. Yoko may or may not try to incorporate some moves from games and anime's as she is a fan of both. Had a decent improvement since joining LAW. Partly from experience and partly from training in boxing with Moonyoung Lee.


Strikes: 4/5 - Knows very well to how, where and when to strike, but still has much to learn. Slightly improved because of tutoring from Moonyoung Lee.

Submissions: 3,5/5 - Yoko doesn't really do any complicated holds (except for her finisher), but she is very good with simple holds, like bearhugs, all kinds of scissor holds, grapevines, headlocks, various rear chokes, etc... This is partly augumented due to having participated in many bedroom matches where those kinds of holds are common.

Powehouse: 2/5 - Would rarely use them and those would likely be the basic and quick ones. Yoko finds the big and flashy ones to be a waste of energy and just asking to be countered.

Counters: 4/5 - Is most certainly good at countering enemy's attacks. For one, she analizes the opponent and his moves on the fly. Second, she has training in it. For example, the ''disarm'' training is essentially the same as countering. And when she got back from the military, for anyone on the level of skill of a street thug or lower, fighting Yoko would feel similar to fighting Ultra Instinct Goku. At her best, she could counter a counter, but not anything beyond that. A master could counter a counter a counter, etc.... what?

Aerial: 1/5 - Her aerial moves cap at jump strikes and even those rarely, if ever happen. Yoko just see's them as impractical - Not only you're asking to get countered, but even if you succeed, you just end up hurting yourself just as much.

-Yoko is a realistically positive person. She will always admit the possibility of her losing the fight, but that is as far as it goes ''if the ref didn't say i lost, it means i haven't lost yet. And if there is no ref... Well, you do the math''.
-Yoko has a soft spot for the weak and helpless, she can't stand them being picked on or abused in any way, shape or form. The people, who were picking on her brother can confirm that.
-Yoko is not as girl-ish as you might think, since she is honest and straightforward when serious, but quite sarcastic when joking, thus she might come off as rough or rude sometimes.
-She is aware of and confident about her sexiness, but she isn't cocky about it.
-Yoko is quite a caring and practical person. After some tragic incidents, which resulted in Yoko and her younger brother to be the last ones left in the family, she takes care of herself and her brother, who is constantly depressed and just plays video games.
-Would really love to have some respectful, honorable, honest and fair fights here in LAW, hoping that chivalry is not dead yet.
-Can't stand douchebags and stuck up bitches.
-Potential roughness aside, she is quite friendly and possibly fun.
-Has great respect for those who are fair and honest. And respects another person's willpower when she see's one.
-Her understanding of the word ''cool'' is when a person is a douche/pain in the arse at first, but becomes a reliable ally/friend afterwards. That is cool.
-Loves a sense of humor
-Feels no ill will if she's beaten in a fair match and her opponent shows no ill will towards her during the fight.
-Yoko is hard working towards her goals. And now, her goal is to gain respect of the other wrestlers and be recognized as s good competition material.
-Has no experience in fighting against those who utilize pro-wrestling moves, but would love to learn more about it. Not to learn the moves themselves, however, but how to effectively counter/fight against them.
-Likes summer, because she doesn't need to wear an extra layer of clothes.

History: Lets try to keep this short. Yoko never knew who her mom was and still doesnt to this day. Hell, Yoko doesn't know if her mom is even alive. Dad never told her anything. 18 years ago, after giving birth to Yoko's brother, her mom just left without a trace. It makes no sense, but it happened. Yoko's dad has served in the military and owned a gun shop, so he knew his way around firearms. So at Yoko's 10th birthday, he gifted her a modified Barret M82 sniper railgun - best dad ever. Yoko grew fond of guns too and her gift was by far the favorite. Most kids at that age play with a ball or something like that, but Yoko... Yeah, Yoko did that too, and then shooting it down. Yoko also enjoyed playing airsoft, her and dad being in one team were invincible. Yoko had a fun childhood, plenty of gun-fun with her dad, also there were plenty of fun playing games with her brother.
And then it all got even better - Another boy got adopted into the family. His parents were divorced and his mother, who took care of him had just died from some disease, the he had nowhere to go and thats how he ended up with us. As we all three grew up a little, the adopted boy (Kamina) assumed the role of big brother for Yoko's real brother (Simon), protecting him from bullies of various kinds. It seemed like Yoko built up a little crush towards Kamina over time until one day, when both Kamina and Simon were walking back home after watching a movie, they got ambushed by a couple of robbers. Kamina was like ''buzz off, buttwipes'', before one guy pulled out a gun. Kamina told Simon to run, while he kept the arm that held the gun away. Unlucky for Kamina, he was stabbed in the back multiple times and then shot... From that day, Simon was traumatized for life, but Yoko clung to life. From that day, Yoko took the role of Simon's protector and swore that she would carry her rifle wherever she'd go, so that if any other scumbag tried to rob or attack them like that, then they'd better be ready to play some hardcore airsoft with Yoko. Years later, some small war broke out, so Yoko's dad was called to service again, where he died... It wasn't a heroic death of any kind. He was blown up by a leftover friendly mine - not the best way to go. Yoko used all the money she had to make a proper burial and was left pretty much broke. yet she still had to take care of herself and her brother, bcs he certainly wouldn't. He... He just gave up. Such is life, there is the sweet and then there is the bitter.
And if that wasn't enough, a couple of vengeful idiots, where were beat up by Yoko, called some of their buddies with the dumbest idea in mind - Set Yoko's gun shop on fire. Yeah, set it on fire, a house full of ammunition and explosives. It was a great idea, it was so great that it literally blew up in their faces. Long story short - some of those jackasses had severe injuries and some of them were sentenced for this nonsesnse. However, Yoko was forbidden of ever selling or storing large amounts of ammunition or explosives again. Well, it wasnt possible at this point, anyway.

Now, Yoko, with hardly any options left, she enlisted herself as a volunteer to the military. It was a paid service, which would provide enough money for her brother. However, that only laster several months, because there were plenty of problem with Yoko - She would always carry HER gun EVERYWHERE and instead of wearing a uniform, she would wear her own quire revealing clothes. When she was asked why, she said ''I can't move freely in those''. They made Yoko wear a uniform anyway, but Yoko cut the uniform up in a way that it was almost the same as her clothes.
Well, her Sergeant had some things to say about that and used some disciplining violence, but Yoko went to defend herself and it turned into a fight.
Both were pretty bloody after the fight, but Yoko was laid flat on her arse by the end and after that it was goodbye the army, they wanted none of that nonsense.
Now we're back to step one - still broke and no income.
During one of the workouts at the gym, she realized that alot of chicks from some women wrestling federation called ''LAW'' come here often and it makes up the majority of the customers, really. Yoko asked around about the LAW and it turns out that it resides pretty nearby to where Yoko lives and it pays pretty damn well too just for fighting some other women or having more sensual battles with them.
Yoko did plenty of research on it, looking over a number of wrestlers, the matches there are and the rules they have - it didn't seem anything Yoko couldn't do. Hell, there were plenty of less capable fighters than herself, yet they still had their place in LAW.
Yoko wrote an Email to the staff of the federation, attaching some pics of herself.
The very next day she was at the gym, a mysterious man introduced himself with an offer. Yoko just needed to sign and fill in some papers and then wait for a matchup they would set up for her, which she could even refuse if she really wanted to. Not to mention, they also threw in a feakin' bike into the offer.
How could she refuse?
Now, Yoko spends her days waiting for her opponent, researching her potential opponents, so that she'd be somewhat prepared for what's to come.

Yoko's story in LAW so far.
Yoko's start wasn't superb, her debut ended up in defeat, even though she put up quite the fight. Regardless, it earned her a rival and a possible friend with a love hate relationship between them. It also urged Yoko to train harder, especially her abs... Speaking of rivals, Yoko made a couple of friendlier rivals during her encounters with a wide variety of women fighters.

LAW has a wider variety of matches than Yoko anticipated, one of them was a bedroom match. Which sounds lewd by default, but the rules can vary a lot, even though all of those matches were hot, with or without kinky stuff. Yoko did enjoy them as she didn't have to leave the match bleeding and a beat up face. Anyway, Yoko ended up in a lot of bedroom matches in quick succession and it became a meme inside LAW. That wasn't a deterrent for her, instead, Yoko fully embraced the bedroom lyfe and took a page out of Kyoko's book, making it her gimmick instead. She even had a custom belt made for it. Plenty of women challenged Yoko to a bedroom match ever since.
Everything was going nice and dandy for Yoko in LAW, but one thing was giving her anxiety and grief - She hasn't won a single match in the ring yet and it was clearly giving the managers and other wrestlers the wrong idea about Yoko's competence in the ring. It's high time Yoko proved them wrong!
None yet.

People she likes:
Katherine Scarlett - Both share troubled pasts and try to better themselves. Also, Drifter is nice and humble, something that Yoko likes in a person.
Sophie Friedrich - An interesting big girl with some interesting hobbies in contrast to Yoko's. Yoko is aware of Sophie's feelings towards her, but Yoko is still not quite sure whether she's feeling the same.

Her idols/Role Models:
Kyoko Akan - while it would be misleading to call her Yoko's idol, Kyoko does have a few qualities that Yoko respects and tries to improve hers.
Moonyoung Lee - she is Yoko's trainer and the epitome of punching above your weight and beating the odds.
Marissa Winters - Yoko is a good person, but after seeing some of Marissa's actions, she realized that she could be better.
Arlise Christiaens - According to Yoko, this woman is the epitome of what real a woman should be. Strong, confident, determined, sexy.

Kyoko Akan - may or may not be a one-sided friendship, but Yoko suspects that Kyoko is showing less than she's actually feeling.
Alyssa Monroe - a feisty Brit that gave Yoko an intense and mostly fun match (except for the hair grabs. Never forget). In the POW, both got to know each other a little better.
Yui - Friends with benefits. Yui is constantly playing the cold tsundere and Yoko is constantly poking fun at that.
Marissa Winters - Not only she is sexy, but also a good, friendly and caring person that makes Canada proud. Though she seems to be a bit too good for her own good...
Sumiko Dreamer - The moment the two met in the ring, a friendly relationship emerged between the two over the course of the match.

Kyoko Akan - The two of us met in my debut match. She's a very tough figther, but her personality is a piece of work. She's so arrogant that it's a running gag for me now. Kyoko has a very good win-loss ratio and is a great fighter, but she believes that no one stands a chance against her. I'll make sure to prove her wrong by defeating her, just you wait.
Yui - The girls ended up competing with each other in various things, both in bed and the ring.
Silver - Just when Yoko was about to announce herself as the bedroom queen, Silver did it literally a minute before her. This instantly the flames of rivalry between them. Both tried to quickly settle the matter by wrestling it out at Silver's place, but it ended up inconclusive and the rivalry would not end any time soon.

Marianne Vernon - Yoko was still somewhat new in her bedroom career and Marianne gave her an extremely arousing match, to the point of driving Yoko crazy from want. Yoko had several sexy dreams ever since.

None yet.

-Has a soft spot towards weak and helpless, or basically the underdogs in general, which may lead Yoko to being less brutal and tactical. She knows that life can be hard for some people.
-When facing against good-natured, fair, honest opponent, who shows respect, Yoko would show respect in turn, refraining herself from using any kind of underhanded tactics under ANY circumstances. Sometimes, she would even let the opponent get up unopposed.
-Her long hair. It is easily grabable and Yoko really doesn't want to cut it. This could be utilized by those who utilize such dirty tactics.
-Mentioning her dad or Kamina in a negative way, might make her angry and when a person is angry, the results are hard to predict.

Some things/facts about Yoko:
-Yoko is bisexual. At first, she was unsure about it, but after she joined LAW and especially when she got into the bedroom matches, she realized that she not only was bisexual, but had a preference for females.
-Prefers lewder matches to be in bedroom or a generally private area.
-Likes anime, manga and comics, because she finds a number of characters interesting with various virtues.
-Isn't much of a morning person.
-Carries around her sniper rifle EVERYWHERE. Like seriously, she would bring that into a match too. Although, she would give it to the ref for the duration of the fight, along with her jacket and her glasses. She would do this with a straight face, most likely, which people might have mixed reactions of it. Some might find it hilarious, some might find it as showing off, or some may find it cool... Or hot..
-There is a hamster named Boota living in a pocket dimension also known as Yoko's cleavage. Boota is her pet and perfectly understands what she is saying. Boota is very loyal to Yoko, or her cleavage, not exactly sure which is it. Boota might even help Yoko during a fight by... Maybe licking her opponent?
-Hopes to someday win women's middleweight title, or at least have a majestic run, while she's reaching for it.
-Yoko is a very accurate shot with a rifle. She prefers to go out in the wilderness for shooting practice, instead of a shooting range ''Everyone can hit an unmoving target, geez!''. Yoko sometimes goes to a golf field, and asks people to strike the balls into the air. Yoko shoots down every single one of them before they hit the ground. Two shots at most.

Some stuff to note about Hardcore Matches:
Yoko will use what she brings with her, which is...
1. Her rifle. althoug Yoko will unload all of the ammunition before the match, while looking at her opponent, then hand over the gun to the ref. If she happens to need it, she will call out the ref, to throw it at her, or will just go herself and take it from the ref, utilizing it as blunt weapon.
2. Her sharp hairpins. Those are sharp enough to stab someone.

Re: Yoko Littner

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:12 am
by ragaz
- Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2060&p=35789#p35789
Yoko makes her smashing debut, where she is pitted against the Belly Queen Kyoko Akan right off the bat. This is bound to test Yoko's willpower to the limit and especially - her belly. RESULT:
Loss via pinfal after an exhausting mutual bearhug
- Dinner for 3 and half. - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2174&hilit=dinner+for+three
Yoko accidentally meets none other than Kyoko Akan herself and her cousin Sheena Akan, who is a much better person than the former. Yoko pulls some shenanigans on Kyoko. who wants to keep some things secret from Sheena.

- Yoko Littner vs Yui - Steamy Bedroom Brawl - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2243&hilit=yoko+vs+yui
Yoko fights against a sexy German girl, who's a bit weird sometimes. Things get steamy. Result:
Victory via ''Talk no jutsu''. Actually, it's via KO.
- Nachi and Yoko - Rubbing it In! - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2262&hilit=nachi+and+yoko
Yoko does some unplanned preparations for the inevitable fight against her rival that she would challenge sometime in the future.

- Sophie Friedrich and Yoko Littner. A beach encounter - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2159&p=38398&hilit ... ner#p38398
Yoko meets a big, curvy, sexy paladin on the beach. They wrestle and talk a bit. Is it the beginning of a relationship?

- Yoko vs Haley standard match - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2253&hilit=yoko+vs+haley
Yoko faces off against a small, but surprisingly strong girl, who's also cute. (don't tell her that)
Loss via pinfall
- Training with the Akans - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2271
Yoko gets a training session with the Akan cousins - Sheena and Kyoko, a perfect opportunity to throw a challenge at her rival.

- Alyssa Monroe Vs. Yoko Littner - LAW Style MMA Match - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2204&p=39800&hilit ... +vs#p39800
Yoko gets to go all out against a wild foe in a no holds barred MMA match, in a cage. The real thrill of the fight will be found. RESULT:
Loss via Submission and KO.
- Yoko Littner vs Marianne Vernon in a sexy bedroom match. - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2170
The two women aim to dominate each other in a sensual fashion. RESULT:
Win via Submission.
- Silver/Yoko Littner - Ladies Of The Bedroom - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=3130
Yoko is about to announce herself as the bedroom queen, but this Silver woman did it a minute before her. The two decide to settle the matter in a private bedroom match at Silver's place. RESULT:
Effectively a draw as both mistook each other's falls. Silver allegedly pinned Yoko, who mistook it for a tapout.
- A knightly affair Yoko/Sophie - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2369
Some heathen disturbs Yoko's sleep with all the noise outside. Turns out it is the lovely Sophie, who confesses her love to Yoko. Needless to say, Yoko is a little confused.

- What it takes to become stronger - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2707
Yoko meets up with Yui in the gym and they have a spar and they also meet a certain boxing trainer.

- What it takes to become stronger pt. 2 - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2922
The two girls leave the gym and stop at a bar to get something to eat. A conversation ensues with potential plans for the night.

- (Summer). Yoko vs Sumiko, Beach Submission match[/b] - viewtopic.php?f=60&t=2152
Nice, hot summer with a match against a cute, determined girl on the beach. - ongoing.

- Diane Grey vs Yoko Littner - Bedroom War! - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3123
Yoko accepts a private challenge from a new, cute girl that Yoko didn't hear much about, but she does look suspicious... But she's sooo cute, though...

- Marissa Winters vs Yoko Littner - When Beauties Wrestle - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3133
Two lovely girls wrestle it out in bed and it gets hot.

- A Round in the Sheets: Yoko Littner & Arlise Christiaens - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3910
A round in the sheets between two extremely hot and determined redheads at Arlise's place.

- Showing them the Sheets - Drifter Vs Yoko Littner - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3488
Yoko finds herself in an another sweaty bedroom match between two feisty redheads and both seem to have things in common...

- Yoko vs Kyoko, Bedroom first to 5 falls match + belly penalties between rounds + stipulations. - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2731
The fated battle against her rival with everything at stake. If Yoko lost this, she would have to be Kyoko's prisoner for a week, but if she won, she'd get Kyoko as a tag team partner. It's an all of nothing fight for Yoko that will put her belly, her willpower, her endurance, her stamina, her sexuality to the very limit. Will that be enough to best her rival Kyoko? - ongoing.

- Belly Queen's Birthday Bash Take 2 (Open Thread) - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=3831
Yoko comes to celebrate her good friend Kyoko's birthday. Things start out nice and fun with an innocent prank, but then things go south and Yoko has to improvise.

- Yoko/Marissa - Mending of the body and spirit. - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4527
Kyoko's birthday party was very fun. More fun for some than the others. Marissa took Yoko's joke a bit too seriously and ended up at the wrong end of Kyoko's and Da's fists. Yoko feels the need to apologize and make it up to Marissa.

- Pleasure cruise for two match - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4438
Another bedroom match, but this one is special. It is in a ship, against the wealthy captain of the ship. The match has a couple of kinky rules. Both women strive to better the other.
